The next patch! What would you like to see?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vepo, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. fish998

    #1 Priority for this game is optimization. Also those people out there with dual cores, running around with 20-25 fps in combat, which is no good at all for an FPS. According to the steam survey dual cores still outnumber quads.

    #2 Make it look like you're doing more against hackers (doesn't matter whether you are or not, hackers are pretty rare after all), and have GMs on more often to reassure people and deal with the obvious hackers when they do turn up.

    #3 Crashes - after about 4 hours, the game crashes, even on 64 bit W7 with 8gb ram. The game runs worse and worse the longer it's been running too. Obviously some memory leaks or threads not getting closed.

    #4 Scale capping XP based on the relative sizes of the attacking and defending forces. This will discourage zerging, since rolling over undefended bases would give hardly any XP.

    #5 Miscellaneous other stuff - give infantry more chance against vehicles, especially give libs less HP. Make base defense more viable and make the rewards for defending more visible. Redesign spawn rooms to give an equal force at least some small chance of fighting back. Make more infantry friendly bases, vehicles have far too many easy targets.
  2. Isila

    Assault Buggies, including ES variants and a proper Skyguard.

    Doors and other features to make bases more defensible.

    Various bugfixes.

    I'd love to see the REK return, but it'll never happen.
  3. SturmovikDrakon

    revamped facility design

    bigger is not always better

    I'd rather have more PS1s smaller facilities than less over-sized ones we currently have
  4. MrK

    A) Base redesign

    * add several paths protected from vehicle/aircraft, going from spawns to Control Point on every capturable area. Every one of them. Make infantry push and eventually camping a REQUIREMENT for EVERY place. Do not rely on teleporter rooms for this, they can be used to spread the incomings, but use path where defenders need to walk
    * Add SCU near all spawn rooms, don't touch SCU mechanisms at Facilities

    B) Gameplay depth

    * Up the resource costs, drastically, specifically for tougher vehicles like tanks, libs.
    * Add an upgrade for Sunderer which, when deployed near an ennemy control point, will drain resources of the region for your empire instead of giving the resource to the ennemy owning the point
    * Add a lattice network between facilities, making "holding facility X" a requirement to "get a hack on facility Y". This should only be done for Facilities, all remaining hexes should remain untouched and capturable as curently. This would simply force ennemy to stop simply bypassing a defended facility and go further away easily capping the cont.
    * Add a generator in Facilities which controls the benefit given by said facility. Kill the generator == kill the benefit
    * Add an indicator on map indicating the amount of friendly forces present in the hex, on top of the amount of ennemies we currently have.

    C) New/modified toys

    * Empire specific buggies. Where are they?
    * Buff the Skyguard, make it the AA threat #1. It is visible for air, make it rely on its speed and agility to survive. Ie : reward skilled gamplay instead of pushing X number of AA MAX/AA lock on FTW.
    * Limit the possible angle of fire for Zepher and Dalton. Force the Liberator to be horizontal or near horizontal to allow Zepher and Dalton to be fired.
    * AV MANA Turret. Where are they?
    * EMP mine for engineer, disables vehicle weapons, reduces its speed, disable its ability
    * EMP grenade for infiltrator. Disable vehicle weapons
    * Wire guided missiles. Replace AV lockon mecanism, lower the power loss for these missiles. REWARD SKILL instead of numbers, ffs!
    * Replace VS weapons base recoils by NC ones. Up TR recoils, Up NC recoils, all accordingly. Too many weapons are far too easy currently.
  5. Sinist

    Base redesigns, with the addition of new base types.

    After that, new continents and the continental lattice system.
  6. Sargicus

    A merging of servers. Seriously, Amerish and sometimes Esamir (on Connery anyway) are almost unused. The population is far too sparse.

    Air support should be nerfed slightly. Historically, whoever controls the air also controls the land. I have no problem with this applying to the game, but it's a little ridiculous right now.
  7. Griefatron

    On the subject of infantry drawing distance:

    I wonder if it would be possible to make the game more adaptive to how it handles the render distances.
    Depending on class and loadout you get different render algorithms.

    Instead of just using the current one which seems to be:
    If x players in current area then render infantry within y meters

    However if you have an infiltrator with a 12x scope i could live with only seeing enemies 10-20m from me.
    -since I'm usually not close to much players anyways this should not tax the servers much but if someone is trying to get a laugh by knifing me I'd like to at least be able to see the one I'm having a knife-fight with.

    Skip all enemies up to 300m
    - Just noticing I'm hit and direction is enuff, it's time to move if the mid rangers are able to see me and take potshots at me.

    Render a percentage of infantry at 300m or over
    - Don't care if I don't see em all, just give me SOMETHING to shoot at, just make sure they don't flicker thou, annoying as hell when targets disappear just before the bullet hits and then pops back in again after a perfect shot into a bloody wall or stone ><

    So by making the 300m distance a variable that changes depending on scope you can render targets more relevant to your class/setup without straining the server more.

    Unless the added logic would strain the server even more, but I hope this ain't the case ^^
  8. Autarkis

    My list is very long and I don't think it much matters. I'm more interested in what SOE thinks should be int he next patch.

  9. SAKingShibby

    How about a Warpgate rotation so that the TR don't get a big advantage on 2 of the 3 continents...
  10. Metran

    Stability Stability Stability....
  11. Partybooper

    I would like to see the UB grenade launcher fixed on the TRAC 5S. Unlocked it but never used it in a fight because of locked firing modes / unable to resupply the ammunition / crazy aiming behaviour.
  12. bPostal

    I don't recall ever seeing an NTU silo on a tower before, must have been before I started playing.
    Yes though, either way, this is a tower that can be camped by 100 MBTs yet held by 20 infantry.
    A prime example of how I would like base design to go.
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  13. Monnor

    Hm , a thumper, and oh yes a mag scatter handgun. To make all cry.
  14. Vepo

    Yeap I remember some awesome battles in these towers. Droppng on the top to get through the door, which I think needed to be hacked. When entering you would be faces by 3 to 4 max units with 5 to 6 peeps behind them firing like crazy.

    Finally when you got into the basement to hack the generator, you would be swarmed by a ton of people!

    Reminds me of the backdoors to the bases, which would be hacked and you would have that long corridor, which would also have someone camping at the end popping people off as they enter :D
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  15. Flarestar

    • Underbarrel launchers of all types fixed so that reloading them doesn't require absurd luck and/or weird actions.
    • Underbarrel grenade launchers fixed so that they don't fire duds 50% of the time.
    • Actor rendering distance either fixed so that it's a non-issue, or changed to be identical for all combatants in the area so that you aren't getting shot by people you can't see. I'd prefer the former, but I understand that technology is a barrier there.
    • Mine Guard moved to the Performance slot so that it doesn't continue to rapidly become the only consistently viable option for the Defense slot - if you disagree that's fine, this is a wishlist, not a discussion point.
    • Redesign of almost every base in the game to make them defensible without heavily outnumbering the attackers.
    • Fix whatever totally awesome bug certain outfits have discovered that lets them crash entire hexes.
    • Fix the flickering terrain issue.
    • Figure out whatever in God's name is wrong with the hit detection algorithms in general.
    Pretty much every other "issue" I can think of shouldn't be touched until #3 in particular is addressed. With the rendering distance bug in place virtually all balance issues cannot be accurately addressed.
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  16. Chrysalis

    Beamriding mechanics would render the A2AM completely useless and you'd just see more rocket pods around. Is that what we really want?

    To say nothing of what it would do to infantry launchers.
  17. Garakan

    ESF Collision Damage reduced by 50%. (too many careless/inexperienced Pilots in the Air)
    Certable Afterburner Fuel Tanks. (viable secondary for the ESF Pilots that use their Nose Gun the most)
    Faster Traveltime for the Skyguard Projectiles. (its a bit too slow atm)
    XP for FLAK Damage done. (rewarding for FLAK users, even if they dont destroy the Aircraft. FLAK beeing a deterrent is okay, but there needs to be a reward for it)
    Render Distance Issues solved, MAX Render Distance increased. (invisible AA MAXes are not a good design)
    Balance Pass for MAX Suits. (doesnt feel like a CQC Tank)
  18. Kiro

    Fix the render distance!
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  19. ShayeUK

    1) VS nerf
    2) VS nerf
    3) Being allowed to trade certs for resources, something like 1:10 ratio
    4) VS nerf
    5) Larger/Fixed render distance (if they can see and kill you, you should be able to do the same)
    6) More complex facilities that feel like they've had some love put into the design
    7) 1 man should not be able to cap a base, should need 3 or more people at least. Or 1 man cap times drastically increased, doubled even.
    8) General bug fixes such and the environment disappearing/flashing, only able to see the sky and object interface. Very annoying.
  20. Mickelino

    It would be awesome if the devs see this thread, LOTS of great suggestions to take into consideration.

    My personal faves would be:

    1. Optimization! I can stand all the other crap going on in this game. What I can't stand is when you pair that up with poor FPS. We've been waiting long enough for major game play changes and we can wait a little longer, but give us our FPS back! Add support for multi-core cpu's and cross-fire/sli gfx card setups.

    2. Incentive to defend bases! Why bother fighting and dying for a base when you aren't going to get anything out of it? Better to just let the enemy take it and then take it right back so you can at least get some decent certs out of it! Ya we already get the 15% defense xp bonus but c'mon! ONLY 15%??? Give us at least 25% AND a lump sum xp for defending just like the attackers get when they win. This would help people actually want to defend territory and help create battles where there previously were none.

    3. More Diverse Faction Weaponry Based on Lore!

    The TR are about high ammo, high ROF (AND the recoil that comes with it), low dmg per individual bullet, standard issue clean cut military gear. At this point in the game, the TR are pretty close to the lore behind them, the only thing missing is the additional recoil that their weapons should receive due to the extremely high ROF.

    The NC are about the farthest from their lore between the 3 factions. Notice how a lot of the NC guns have the word "Gauss" in them? Well "Gauss" technology refers to things like railguns and using magnetic energy to propel objects. Aren't the NC called New Conglomerate? Well the NC have dozens and dozens of rich corporations and industries backing them, why don't we have our own experimental futuristic tech based on the R&D departments I'm sure those companies have? At this point in time the NC feel more like a blue-colored TR with slower firing weapons.

    The VS are pretty much closest to their lore. Alien tech that gives them avg ROF, avg dmg per bullet, excellent accuracy, and low recoil. The look and feel of the VS is great and makes you feel like you are truly playing an entirely different faction. For this I commend SOE. Now all they need to do is just Make the TR and NC more different.

    4. Make better and more individual weapon skins! Why do 3 out of my 4 carbines look EXACTLY the SAME? Same goes for all the other infantry weapons as well. Make them look different! Make them perform different! Give us diversity SOE!

    5. Flinching All the Time! One of the most annoying things in this game is when you and an enemy are shooting and hitting each other, you flinch so bad your aim is thrown waaayy off and then you lose the shootout. This needs to be reduced greatly because in these situations whoever has the gun with the better ROF will usually win because they could put more lead downrange and cause more flinching to their opponent. This puts slower firing guns at a disadvantage. What the flinching mechanic should change to is: how much you flinch when hit relative to how much damage you have taken. this enables both sides to equally "out-flinch" the other.
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