The next patch! What would you like to see?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vepo, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Vepo

    Hey peeps & pubs,

    So as the title of the thread says, what would you like to see added in the next patch?

    Make sure to keep your QQ to a minimum otherwise people may end up leaving the game!

    So I'll get the ball rolling!

    I would like to see some changes made to the spawn of vehicles. For example there should be a minor grace period where no damage is taken, until you have full control over the aircraft or tank for example.

    Turrets around the warpgate should be automatically gunned as soon as anything gets within range. The amount of times you will see libs or other aircraft incoming to the warpgate, smoking with a fighter following and you don't see anyone sitting in the AA turrets.

    Allow for bonus points to be given when a base is defended. Most of the time from what I've seen is people will allow a base to be capped and then they just go ahead and recap it. I'm sure there are outfits out there working together to just recap a base over and over to generate the 1k+ capping bonus on some bases.

    Prowler Deploy needs a buff compared to what the NC and VS have. In my opinion, when in deploy, along with gaining an increase to our reload rate, we should have gain an armor increase bonus ... after all we are a sitting target, until we take off the deploy, which takes around 2 to 3 seconds before being able to move!

    So yeah, what would you peeps like to see added/changed?
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  2. Ronaldspiers

    I would like to see a lockdown timer on bases. Its really annoying to capture a big important base like a bioab or tech plant then a few minutes later it's being capped again by the same faction. Then you go back and do the same battle all over again in the same base against the same people.
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  3. Onibawan

    I would want stronger max for longer range. Hacksaw must be more buffed, double it's damage. And the Reaver needs to be buffed or nerf the Mossy and Scyte. And buff all tanks and nerf all libs. Atleast Zephyr.
  4. SKYeXile

    A tower, like this one, with walls and doors.
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  5. Vepo

    Those towers were awesome :D

    Just need to give us TR Maxes the ability to anchor down again on the stairs :D
  6. SKYeXile

    well not the same old spiral stiarcase design...but still...walls.
  7. Ronaldspiers

    Speaking as NC the hacksaw does not need buffed, not even slightly. It melts through anything at close range, even other maxes.
  8. HadesR

    Fix to G2A launchers
    Tweak to bases to make them less prone to vehicle spam
    Increase to vehicle timer ( or make the timer start when it's destroyed not spawned )
    A large increase in XP gain bonus % for joining an under pop'd cont
    Decrease in C4 cost, but need's to be placed ( E key ) rather than thrown like a nade
    Greater incentives to defend

    Just a few off the top of my head
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  9. Vepo

    This one should indeed be added as soon as possible. Most of the time on my server Esmair (if that's how it's spelt) is the home of the VS around 50%+ pop cap. Giving those going there a xp increase, would make things more balanced (maybe) ... but would make fighting in areas with a large number of NC/TR/VS more interesting and fun to gaining more xp/certs/levels!
  10. Maniaboo

    A Sequel to Planetside One in production.
    I dont really see how they have the nerve to call this Planetside to be honest.
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  11. Naiphe

    Fix the fps drop in big battles.

    Fix the infantry rendering distance.

    Fix the glaring bugs.

    Fix the cheating.

    Fix the endless tank and plane spam.

    Make heavies effective vs vehicles.

    Fix the base layout. Its comical how almost every single base is designed to allow tanks to sit on hills and planes to hover over and just farm certs. Moreover make the bases actually physically defensible, such as shield generators not being 200m from defensive areas. This is by no means a coincidence, they must have been designed this way to facilitate this sort of behavior.

    "Make sure to keep your QQ to a minimum otherwise people may end up leaving the game!"

    Its a bit late for that. These are all basic playability issues.

    This should be called open beta. Not f2p release. As this would give people hope of improvement. Sadly the game is a ghost town after just 1 month of play, aside from primetime periods. Which even then, are not even that populated.
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  12. BadHabitz

  13. T0urist

    Vehicle headlights to remember your last state they were in (on or off)
    Population numbers in the map window (numbers not %)
    Optimisations on fps and lower cpu load or multicore processing... can wish but the renderer would need major code area rewrites so not likely to happen.
  14. Eli

    This was in the beta, I don't remember why they removed it however.
  15. DJStacy

    I'd like the lock down timer put back in the game also, this used to give a 5min period to prepair defences for next zerg attk.

    I'd like to see the traction of vehicles that have ground contact increased slightly again for the certed traction abilities.

    Magriders should have a reduction in there climb ability its a little too user friendly at the moment.

    A Large slice of Meta Game needs to be added quiet quickly to hold on to players that need more than Tank/Air side.............

    The stability of the servers has increased and are much better than they were, we have a good first layer of a great game. We just need to keep adding those layers so the depth of play is there to keep us all captivated....................
  16. Xiphos

    1) Flight controls like they have been used in space sims since forever. Fly in the direction of the mouse cursor, not this horrible crap that we have now. I want to fly aircraft and want to spend stationcash on them but controls are holding me back.
    2) Magriders strafe speed reduced by 50% and their main gun gets low recoil.
    3) Amerish changed to have more direct roads between bases so that people will actually play there.
    4) More defensible bases that are less exposed to tank and air fire and have more hackable objects so that infiltrators are actually useful.
    5) Saron and Enforce secondary tank guns nerfed.
    6) All tanks have gun stabilization so they can fire accurately while moving.
    7) Fix the crashes and fps eating bugs.
    8) Fix jetpack not working.
    9) Vehicle resource costs increased by 50%.
    10) Infiltrators get the infiltration cloak back. I think it was called the Stalker Cloak?
    11) Fix the Jackhammer. Both its fire modes are a joke.
    12) Ability to turn postprocessing bloom off separately from graphic settings. I cannot play at high graphic settings because the excessive bloom is an eye strainer and makes it hard to spot enemies due to all the glow, blurred colors and reflections.
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  17. QuantumMechanic

    I would like to see anything other than just tanks and turrets on the battlefield.

    ie, I want to see the infantry render bug fixed. FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT. I'm done QQing (for) now.
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  18. Artorius

    Fix of infantary render distance issue.
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  19. Vepo

    Just a quick note about the render distance of infantry. I play a sniper mainly and I would love to have this render distance increase, but I'm also a prowler driver and a pilot for all aircraft and this only makes my mouth drool at the thought of long range shooting people with my HE rounds on my prowler and getting a ton more points from my lib gunner going crazy with my zepher!

    Just remember that with some increases to things, it will also bring a lot of draw backs!
  20. Llaf

    Removal of fire and forget lock on mechanics, instead replaced by active lock on mechanics which require the user to keep the crosshair on the target for the duration the missile is in the air.

    Freelook mode in aircraft in third person, something like hold middle mouse button and you can freelook in any direction in a 360 sphere, up, down, back, etc.

    Lock on warnings in third person for all vehicles.

    Optics and crosshair in third person for all vehicles(would be difficult for tanks, perhaps change the camera position?)
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  21. PoopMaster

    Wall and doors? What do you think this is? Some kind of technologically advanced future? Impossible!