The new red reticle...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gregfox89, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. PutteFnask

    Same here, when in a battle you dont have time to check the reticle and once you do you've already spotted a target.
  2. Tradewind

    If your teammates have problems identifying friendlies within 8m that's a bit of derp with a dash of something else.
  3. Regpuppy

    I read the patch notes before playing and I saw this. I didn't think much of it. I played last night for a few hours and did not even notice it most the time. I really don't get how it bothers people so much. Just seems like people are, yet again, exaggerating something to the max.
  4. Selerox

    I don't think this feature was needed, but I don't have an issue with it's inclusion.

    It would be nice for people who don't like it to have an option to turn it off though.
  5. blib

    Needs to have a toggle to turn off, the only time I want the crosshair to flash red is when its indicating hits.
  6. gregfox89

    There seems to be more friendly fire because if there's enemy bodies lying around everywhere and a friendly runs past one of them, maybe he's wearing some camo, people look at him, their reticle turns red and they freak out and start shooting. I'm trying to ignore the reticle altogether, but it's definitely making me pause for a fraction of a second and throwing me off.
  7. BaronX13

    I'm kind of on the fence about this one. On one hand, it helps in CQC when there are many players in a small area, it helps to define enemies and allies through wonky camo, and it helps less skilled players know when to shoot (though this last one could be bad as well). On the other hand, it can be a bit distracting and based on the background of where you are shooting you can "lose" your reticle (red on red), it also retracts from the usefulness of meaningful camo in certain enviroments, and generally is another change that trades skill and perception for ease of play.

    That being said, it is so short ranged that I don't forsee it being too much of a problem save for a few cases. Those cases would be an infiltrator (or really any class) hiding effectively in brush or something, and "losing" the reticle in the background when aiming. So I don't believe it will be an overly large problem.

    As to my personal thoughts on the change...One, I believe it is an unneded change that yet again trades meaningful skill and awareness for simplification, which this game needs doesn't need more of. I hate changes that make the game "easier" to this extent, especially by totally making close range camo and hiding nearly obsolete (thereby cheating them out of the skill to pick correct camo). Two, I can tell this is a change more for the console release which somewhat agitates me seeing as we shouldn't be catering to console crowds on computers. Three, if this makes me lose my reticle on TR armor or Indar sand I'll be annoyed (even if it is just due to my ****** eyesight). And last, it pisses me off that they have decided to work on something no one has really asked for, wasting time and money that could have been spent on on the much more pressing matters of the game. At the very least , they should have instead done a slight overhaul on camo so we can still have effective camo but it doesn't make faction differentiation a nightmare (maybe camo covers all but a chestplate or helmet or something I don't know).

    So yeah, not a huge bad or good change, just annoying they could have worked on something more important. Also make camo buyable with certs, in a game like this camo isn't just cosmetic, it can give a combat edge as it should, so unless this is a pay-to-win game camo should be for everyone.
  8. gregfox89

    They fixed it turning red on dead enemies in the latest hotfix, I'm very happy about that :)
  9. huller

    I want an option to turn this off, so extremely distracting... I don't need it and it only serves to confuse me.