The new red reticle...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by gregfox89, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. Lunayce

    I understand them trying to make the game easier for squeakers, but they need to do two things to make this work right.

    1) - Dead enemies should not turn the reticle red. Why should they? They're no longer targets, and so should not light up as such.
    2) - They need to give people the option to turn it off. Some of us have played a long time without this, so don't force us to re-learn close quarters battle now.
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  2. Nocturnal7x

    I agree. Add this one to the list of stupid unnecessary unwanted changes not a single person ever asked for and it also poorly implemented and broken.
  3. Xhaleon

    I support the addition of an option to turn it off. I like my crosshairs to stay the same color all the time for consistency's sake, thank you very mucho.
  4. Ganelon

    Because Vanu camo.
  5. Jac70

    I had a situation where I shot a friendly because the reticule turned red as he ran past. It seems to activate even if the enemy is dead and through walls. So it could have been triggered by someone through a wall or maybe it just was a false positive - dunno.
  6. patricio_z

    OP...Buying cammo/decals to mimic other factions colors/appearance or make IFF harder is 100% P2W, this is a necessity so either deal with it or demand that SOE stop selling **** that makes faction ID more difficult every passing day
  7. ColdCheezePizza

    I personally want the option to turn it off, it makes lining up Comissioner shots a braindead certainty now
  8. Andy79

    need an option turn off other peoples (friend and foe) camo / decals, they can still enjoy themselves, while my IFF improves

    did they have to use an existing UI element for this, why not put a triangle around the crosshair that lights up if its an enemy within 8m
  9. Zotamedu

    I have only seen it turn red when I've ran over dead bodies. Seems rather pointless.
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  10. Kronic

    Let SOE dumb down the game for dunces but let me turn it off. I hate that stupid ****. It's distracting.
  11. Excretus Maximus

    So which is it, a meaningless change or a huge one? You can't have it both ways.
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  12. Deronok

    Been in a lot of FPS games over the years, and this doesn't need rage. Get over yourself, it's a small change.
  13. Garmus

    As many players said above:
    why dead enemies turn the reticle red? I think SOE don't test this update properly and this is probably an overlooked unintentional bug. Is dead body really a dangerous enemy? No, its just dead body...

    Personally, I don't mind this new identify friend or foe (IFF) red reticle option, I just want to remove this dead body IFF bug. (and of course let us turn this option off, like many of your other "cool new changes", DO NOT FORCE US to use them if some of us don't want them)
  14. Nuggetman

    It blends in when fighting TR with red camo.......plaze halp!
  15. gregfox89

    I actually don't use any camo
    And I usually don't have too much trouble with friendly or enemy camo, with some exceptions. Armor is much more of a dead giveaway. As well as player behavior. You can usually figure out whether a player is a friendly or enemy just based on what they're doing. I liked that it was harder to distinguish an enemy in this game, made it more realistic and forced you to have a better game sense and a sharp eye. And you can use this ambiguity to your advantage by doing something your enemy does not expect, which promotes better tactics. I like this game because it's NOT another fps with obvious red/blue teams of people that look exactly the same. That works well for an arena shooter, but not a game of this scale. The ambiguity adds another dimension to the game.
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  16. Spookydodger

    My only problem with it is that it continues to highlight red even after the person is dead.

    I dashed past a whole squad of NC and didn't get shot at, so apparently if you are silly enough to be fooled by camo, then you will also not really pay attention to the big red hud marker, either.
  17. Tradewind

    lol wait a second...part of the complaint is that it turns red over a corpse and you fire at it wasting ammo? Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp

    I have very little sympathy if you let a red dot dictate how or who you kill. Definition of a L2P issue.
  18. LibertyRevolution

    Go stand on a dead enemy and see how long it takes you to get shot.
  19. Tradewind

    Is standing on corpses some new thing? Like Planking?
  20. LibertyRevolution

    What is connery some dead server where real battles don't take place?
    I am constantly walking through piles of dead enemy...
    As it is right now you get sprayed at by friendly nubs because their crosshair lights up red.

    I even blasted a few guys this morning because of it.. now im just trying to learn to ignore it..

    It was put in to give you better IFF, but it is acting the opposite.