The new ES sniper rifle designs - bad bad bad

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. treeHamster

    Sorry Jan 2013, mistype.

    You were on Soltech which has the largest VS population after the pops started to seriously fall at the end of January last year. Then it got merged with Mattherson.

    Now you're on Mattherson which is the home of the VS and has the LARGEST VS population of any server by a WIDE margin. That is why it seems like the VS are over popped, because you're on the server with the MOST VS. In reality, during primetime, it's a toss up on who has the most population.

    The rest of the servers have low VS populations.
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  2. Maljas23

    That would be sick.
  3. Tobax

    Maybe I misunderstood but isn't the NC's 2nd fire mode just sounding like a shotgun? I mean anyone who was around in beta when infil's could use shotguns should know how bad an idea that was.
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  4. Camycamera

    wait so have any of us here tried the ES snipers? no?

    then don't complain about them until you've tried them.
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  5. Spectre 694

    I would happily replace 2 BASR and 2 SASR just to have all 3 ES sniper rifles. More specialization options better. There are only 2 traits a sniper weapon needs: Stealth and Power at range. Doesnt matter if its a shotgun, chaingun, machine gun, semi-auto, single-shot, volley-gun, crossbow or plasma or beam weapon.

    Also someone mentioned a Fully Automatic Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle - like a kobold who sits on your shoulder and operates the bolt action so you dont have to ?
  6. FieldMarshall

    Cant wait to use that machinegun sniper, only to fire it in 2shot bursts anyway because of recoil making it obsolete
  7. Phazaar

    I find it really funny that my assessment is the total opposite...

    The Vanu one sounds totally boss. Unique mechanic, and the versatility of being BOTH a semi-auto and a BASR depending on your situation. That's basically the only way to improve an already OHK mechanic as far as I can see...

    The TR one sounds like a pretty alright idea to me; it's gonna be like the Artemis on steroids; and that accurate 'burst fire' mode sounds like -exactly- what (sane and sensible) TR have been asking for. There's an awful idea that seems to circulate on the back of TR's ridiculous arsenal of the last 9 months that something should be 'chosen over something' (as you, yourself just stated). That's not the idea. This isn't supposed to be -better- than a BASR, it's just supposed to give you added versatility. The guys suggesting faster refire rates etc on a BASR were just asking for an outright upgrade that would make the TR rifle better than the 'NS' BASRs. Not smart unless it lost its OHK headshots, or only had two shots per reload etc.

    The NC one sounds dangerously like they're ACTUALLY trying to give us a shotgun version of a sniper rifle. It's ******* ridiculous, if it works as I imagine it will... Beyond that, I have no idea what the purpose of the 'rail rifle' aspect is right now when we can already OHK at render distance... OHK bodyshots would be super-OP, so it won't be that. If it's just like that awful 3 shot rifle in 2142 that allowed scrubs to do more damage with a bodyshot in the hope someone had already taken damage, it'll be a farse tbh... I've yet to see a single characteristic of the NC weapon that sounds like something that would be in any way different in function to the current BASRs (aside from the abortion of logical thinking that is sniper rif-shotgun-le).

    Sorry to disagree, OP :/
  8. plek

    the wording is still very vague. i can not form a valid opinion on any of these rifles until either the wording is more clear or the rifles are on the test server.
    currently, it is all speculation.
  9. KnightCole

    That would be so would not even begin to be funny.
  10. Phukkitt

    I think both the NC and VS rifles seem interesting. The VS hybrid between semi-auto and bolt action seems very useful, and I'm curious as to how the NC will work. Is it supposed to a hybrid between a long range bolt action and a close to medium range shotgun? Looking forward to hear more about that one.

    The TR though, seems kind of uninteresting, I assume it's basically just a buffed up full-auto scout rifle, just like how the Striker is a different version of the Annihilator and the Marauder a better M40 Fury. Nothing that really stands out.

    What if they made it a 2-round burst bolt action with 2 barrels (stacked, not side by side) with the option to fire semi-auto, and make the 2-round burst function like how it does on a AN-94 assault rifle with the recoil not hitting until after the 2nd shot? That way, both bullets will hit the same spot.

    The trade off for the burst would be significantly increased recoil (double of just firing one shot I suppose), a longer refire time (since both barrels need to be chambered) and harder to hit moving targets since the bullets are not both fired at the same time (the AN-94's 2-r burst mode is 1800 RPM, might be a little high for PS2 but maybe around 900-1000?).

    The semi-auto mode would ofcourse take advantage of the double barrel design, letting the the soldier fire twice before having to rechamber any rounds, kinda like a 2-round mag but with the ability to fire just as quickly as the burst mode if you can click fast enough, the drawback being that recoil will be felt from each individual shot.
    Being magazine fed, the barrels would be rechambered automatically when both shots have been fired, just like on any current sniper rifle, pressing the reload button when both barrels are chambered should reload the gun (short reload), running out of bullets should result in a long reload, and pressing the reload button when there is still one barrel chambered should result in only rechambering the other barrel instead of a full reload - kind of an inbetween of long and short reload.

    To acheieve the whole recoil thing, the rifle could have a high recoil value, and first shot multiplier for burst could be x0 and it could be x0.5, this way it gets the double recoil on the second shot in burst mode.

    Anyone else think this sounds like a more interesting option or is it just me? Have any suggestions for improvement? :)

    FYI, here's AN-94 in action (keep in mind though that it is an assault rifle, what I'm suggesting is a double barrel sniper rifle only taking advantage of the "no recoil until 2nd shot"-trait) but the video is in russian so be prepared to not understand anything:

  11. ComradeHavoc


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  12. Tuco

    The TR sniper rifle comes in 2 fire modes:

    -Serious mode, for when you really want to put someone down.

    -Just screwing around mode, for when you're feeling silly.
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  13. Takoita

    I'm not sure about new weapons. I'd think new tools should have higher priority?

    On the other hand, something like ES HA weapon choice but for all classes could be interesting. I just don't understand why it has to be a sniper rifle.
  14. Spectre 694

    The way I imagine it: You fire the NC rifle and then probably click a button and the projectile turns into multiple smaller projectiles.
  15. HadesR

    After Beta it would be kinda silly of SOE to give NC Infi's any kind of effective CQC shotgun-esque ability .. Really hope it's not how it sounds.
  16. Akeita

    "multiple mini-flechettes on the fly." No really, wth is this ? I don't understand, is this a slug - sniper shot that automatically split out like a shotgun shot ? If that's the case then NC just got every shotgun on their stuff ( Infil is the only thing that doesnt have one, which should be the case, FOREVER )
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