The new ES sniper rifle designs - bad bad bad

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. sustainedfire

    The damage of the TR Rifle is so great that each time you land a headshot, the entire enemy squad dies. :eek:

    Its not likely you have to be concerned about the TR rifle being "OP", TR weapons tend to be Medium caliber weapons. Anything that performs well is immediately nerfed, and then nerfed again into obscurity.
  2. AssaultPig

    the idea of a charge up weapon that can hit hard from distance and fire rapidly from close up is pretty compelling. It doesn't work for the faction pistol or the vortex because those weapons aren't particularly accurate at long range, but on the lancer it works pretty well.

    likewise for the sniper rifle, a combo semi-auto/BASR weapon seems pretty interesting
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  3. Church41349

    If you look at the thread he linked why is there going to be crossbow? It just seems like It would be ridiculously out of place in a game like this.
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  4. treeHamster

    The Striker took 5 months. Fractures took 4 months. Prowler took 6 weeks when EVERYONE was saying it was imbalanced (and still is) because they could solo a HEAT Prowler against a 2/2 AV Magrider without any issue AND still snipe ESF's from 500m without even trying.

    If by "immediately" you mean 1/3 of a year, then yes they will get nerfed "immediately".
  5. AdmiralArcher

    the TR is burst and full auto, please reread the updated section, the TR rifle and NC rifle sound perfect, very accurate to the faction traits

    the VS rifle might work, as long as the charge up can be held indefinitly unless you run, there really isnt much else that you could give the VS, the only thing i could think of would be a laser rifle with instant travel time, but i would hardly call that balanced
  6. Syphers

    The VS rifle I like the idea, remain to be seen how well it is made. If you can't cloak/uncloak while charged and charging up then it is a bad idea. The regular snipers will counter it with ease
  7. sustainedfire

    "Prowler took 6 weeks when EVERYONE was saying it was imbalanced (and still is) because they could solo a HEAT Prowler against a 2/2 AV Magrider without any issue AND still snipe ESF's from 500m without even trying."

    If a 2/2 magrider is getting killed by a single operator HEAT prowler.....

    I cannot even respond.

    Do not even try to harp on TR "OP", VS has been constantly OP and overpopped. Entirely, even the developers stated that VS type players will not use something unless it is overpowered.
  8. kadney

    Battlefield, Call of Duty, Rambo, Assassins Creed, Crysis, Skyrim, Far Cry, Tomb Raider and now Planetside. :D
  9. ScottishRoss

    I will only be happy with the VS ESSR if the charge up mechanic allows me to shoot whenever I want, unlike the ******* Lancer. It's ridiculous that with the charge up mechanic I have no option to release my shot when I want. If the VS ESSR acts like the Lancer I'm going to be very unhappy.
  10. Imij

    Actually, that's correct. I don't remember it lasting 6 weeks though. Prowlers were so OP that they would snipe just about everything out of the sky and easily beat the other 2 tanks without even trying because the projectile speed and re-fire rate was like triple what it is now when locked down. You could snipe from The Crown and land pin point shots at air flying at Crossroads with ease.

    And I love how people use the "lol even Higby said VS won't use anything unless it's OP." Shut the heck up. Anyone who uses this line automatically loses the argument and the right to further post in the thread. It needs to be a new forum rule. In fact we need Higby to public redact his words so we can stop hearing it in every thread that pertains, even in the slightest, to the VS.

    Please, just stop talking.

    On the topic of the sniper rifles, can we at least see some stats and test comparison before we start whining like a bunch of 11 year olds? "WAAAAAH he got a better toy than me." Get over it. I don't snipe at all, so maybe my POV is invalid, but stop whining. You don't even have anything to whine over yet. You're literally complaining just to complain at this point.
  11. treeHamster

    You obviously weren't here back when the they did the MBT balance back in January 2012 and the Prowler's lockdown gave a 200% velocity increase as well as the fact that the HEAT rounds were each actually more powerful than the AP Titan rounds AND had more splash.

    Also, the VS has been the ONLY faction to constantly be under popped since around early January. ZOE changed the numbers a little but the overall charts shows the VS numbers for the whole world, were under the other two factions.
  12. sustainedfire

    No I was not in game January 2012, sounds like Beta or Alpha. The game launched in November 2012, that's as far back as I know of the game and its various states of Balance and OP.

    My perspective comes from starting the game on Soltech, and then merging into Mattherson. VS has had a pretty regular overpopulation, particularly in what are the evening hours for an Eastern Time Zone server.

    "And I love how people use the "lol even Higby said VS won't use anything unless it's OP." Shut the heck up. Anyone who uses this line automatically loses the argument and the right to further post in the thread. It needs to be a new forum rule. In fact we need Higby to public redact his words so we can stop hearing it in every thread that pertains, even in the slightest, to the VS."

    IMIJ don't be so sensitive. I know the truth hurts, but can you at least try to be a bit less reactive? Higby indeed said it, so deal with it. People will tease about it, and further, when he said it he was not trolling.
  13. TheFamilyGhost

    We're sure lucky you're the one calling the shots.
  14. Phyr

    Higby said this because VS wouldn't use their new AV weapons, the vortex and/or lancer, because at the time they were garbage. The devs believed the weapons were really, really good, when they actually sucked.
  15. sustainedfire

    The functionality of a weapon is often subject.

    A lot of VS swore that ZOE was not OP.
  16. Hoki

    Calm down everyone.

    Infiltrators never had a need for a new rifle, so there's really nothing to complain about. Don't like the new ones? Well, use the one you were using before.. it still does what it did.

    Infs still have access to NS-7 PDW, which is a versatile PTFO weapon for when it isn't appropriate to snipe.

    We're getting another SMG and even if it sucks, its not like we needed another one. The sirius, cyclone, ns-7, and armistice are all great.

    We're getting a crossbow, which sounds interesting, but honestly isn't something we needed. If it can act like a silenced semi-auto slug shotgun then great, otherwise it'll probably be just another scout-rifle variant, which again, we never needed.

    If we're going to complain about something it should be the underwhelming variety of sidearm choices now that there is a shield that restricts primary weapon.
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  17. Imij

    It's not about being sensitive. It's about being annoyed that people such as yourself keep referring to something someone said last year as a jest. And then using it as a popular platform to QQ. "OH YEAH! WELL SO AND SO SAID THIS!".... like 8 months ago... about an completely unrelated topic. Like we need more of that. If you really think Higby believes all the VS only use the most OP stuff in the game, I feel sorry for you.

    How about you come up with some constructive QQ instead of recycling something from last year. At least make it interesting. Then again, I guess that's probably not an option since you probably don't understand the game well enough form an insightful opinion.
  18. Shinrah

    It says : TR: fully automatic, medium damage, long-range rifle with accurate burst firemode.
    Sounds good to me. Not sure wether that flechette mode translates into "shotgun mode" or something otherwise IDK what the point would be. In which case it would probably be horrendously OP.

    And the VS get a charge up sniper? Wow, I feel completely ridiculed by SOE. Wasn´t like every VS saying "No more chargeup weapons, please!"?
    Do these guys actually play snipers from time to time? Who in his right mind would want such a weapon? Which sniper has enough time to charge (probably for 3s or sth) his rifle before shooting? You aim, you lead, you fire. No time for a charge inbetween which allows your target to vanish. Also, the charged shot probably falls short of the Parallax´s DMG. No point in such a half ***** weapon.
    What´s wrong with you SOE? Just today I acknowledged how much I like PS2 --and consequently your work-- and this is what I get in return?
  19. Hoki

    Particularly some sidearms that perform well at extended ranges, high muzzle velocity, high minimum damage, with lower close quarters dps.

    You can achieve this with assault rifle damage model drop off, where the damage drops off by one tier.

    NS-11A for example:
    143/10m - 125/65m
    A scalding 640m/s muzzle velocity

    But its overall dps is lackluster due to ROF.

    Take this same principle and apply it to some new sidearm weapons.
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  20. sustainedfire

    Your personal attacks are weak, and betray your sensitive nature IMIJ. Notice how you got riled up about something so extremely that your entire furious tirade took the topic way off course? Relax, its a game.

    My input is most often constructive, I try to make appropriate suggestions and comment on peoples ideas in a respectful manner. Sometimes it is just necessary to tease. It is a game, have some fun!

    I suppose this thread is about done anyways, should have seen it from the start, just by considering the title and its implications.