the Gatekeepr needs a buff

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by typnct, Dec 1, 2017.

  1. typnct

    as you know the gatekeeper was nerfed to the point of no use with terrible ttk dps etc.. and it was made to be a long range weapon with 8 shots and 3 sec reload time

    this has made it a long range only weapon that negated your ability for self defence
    also it made it to be a low dmg against all vehicle types with 34 sec ttk for a vanguard and 1:30 at more than 150 meters to kill a vanguard which is basically a no go for tank combat.
    lightning - attacking a lightning will most probobaly mean death even with an experienced gunner as you cant aim down and up too much and the need to out damage him for too long
    sundrers takes more than the vanguard and if its getting repaired at the same time it will take you up to 5 minutes of constand firing just to kill the sundrer which is impossible on the live server

    harrasers - it cant out damage any harraser(even basilisk) as it gives you no self defense so running into an harraser will most probobaly death

    inf - its damage is two clips to kill an inf if all shots land head on the target with no miss
    that is impossible at longer than 10 meters while moving

    air - it cant dmg any air targers at all for its ground only use

    dps 168 - too low to even compare to any weapon at any range, also the mjolnir is a better option for this type of weapon for its superior dmg, clip size and the arc(shooting over hills)

    in conclusion: this weapon is currently useless and every secondary can outmatch it in any combat situation
    the only way to outmatch anyone with this weapon is through long period of time of dodging shots(with other secondaries the target would be dead a long time ago)
    which is too dangerous too inefficient and really low usability compared to any secondary

    therefor this weapon need alot of re-tweaking to make it cost efficient(mjolnir 550, proton 550, gatekeeper 550 but honestly its worth is less than 50 cert point if at all for those low cost weapons give more than take for the same amount in any scenario(btw the proton is anti inf weapon but can outdamage the gatekeeper aswell))

    hope to get a developer answer for this if they are going to change the weapon or rethink its role in battle as it is too sucidal right now to even use it.
  2. ChUnKiFieR

    You are out of your freakin mind my friend! Case dismissed.
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  3. Campagne

    A minute and a half against a Vanguard at 150 meters? What? Did you miss every other magazine?
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  4. typnct

    nope you are free to leave suggestions on how to use it better, this is my opinion

    the problem is that they move alot while getting constantly shot so it took that much(basic kill time 34 sec) and with minor repairs in the field it gets to even longer times so this is the average it took if i didnt leave them too much openings to kill me and kept the shooting stream on
    and sometimes you can only see a small part of them in longer distances so you cant be 100% accurate all the time and will naturally miss a few shots on the way

    of course shooting alot means that you "expose your location for longer time(0.8 sec per shot)
    and the target will prob know where you are constantly which doesnt bother me too much but the need to hit every rocket to get minimal dmg on the target gets more frustrating as the fight goes on and with the inability to fight back it get even more dangerous as you go more and more to the front as any harraser can kill you unless you can land all shots perfectly at key moments(no really gonna happen)

    if anybody found a way to use the gatekeeper better i would apreciate if you can explain how as i have my playstyle and would like to adapt to this weapon better as i can right now ;)
  5. Atorum

    There is no, I tried, its just a horrible weapon, your best bet (if you are trying to use it like I do just to finish the Harasser directive) is to hope to fine some isolated sundy or ant and thats it, its TTK is horrible.
  6. CMDante

    Doesn't need a buff so much as it needs some tuning. It's functionally a worse Halberd due to the burst-and-reload mechanic mandating more effort for no noticeable reward- as you now need to keep 8 shots on target at range.

    Revert it to automatic fire so we can choose to mag-dump or place shots like a Saron, trading the power and blast for the TR magazine size and RoF.
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  7. adamts01

    I completely agree. I'd be fine with its lower damage because it's so easy to use at range, it just needs its old fire mode back and more ammunition per mag.

    To anyone who says it's fine, remember that this is the competitor to the Enforcer and Saron. The enforcer also needs its old reload mechanic back, and possibly a touch more damage.
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  8. breeje

    i am so glad that i auraxed this gun wen it was OP, so that now i never need to use it again
    the only thing is i bought i weapon that i never can use again, hoping DBG will find a way so i can use it without being OP
  9. adamts01

    Yeah, I paid real money to put it on my Prowler, and real money to put Thermal Optics on my Banshee. This is a big reason why I'll never spend real money on this game again. There are two ways to make money in the world. Rip people off once and move on to scam the next person, or deliver a good product for the price and gain a loyal customer. It's clear which way Daybreak went.
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  10. freeAmerish

    You ever heard the tale of ground PPA?
  11. typnct

    as i can see i wont be able to aurx this weapons at all... this is abit sad

    tried to use it as artilery - no results tried to kill a turret which was on repair by someone - i shot it for 3 minutes before it exploded(guess the guy died or went back to spawn)

    tried to kite - but it deals so neglectable dmg that i could just c4 ram it with the harraser and get more kills like that

    tried to use it at long range just to find out it cant kill any inf at the distance of 100+ meters or any vehicles(they just go back 5 meters rep for a few sec and go back)

    tried to be agressive - death

    tried to be passive - little to no use

    tried overhill shooting(could outdamage with halberd easily)

    and in the end i got more kills and made more dmg with the basilisk -_-
  12. Kristan

    Son, don't get me started on current state of Marauder...
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  13. freeAmerish

    The tale starts long time before Critical Mess update, and it´s even older than the Gatekeeper, but has many things in common with the Gatekeeper story.
  14. typnct

    i actually played with the ppa and its a beast compared to the marauder - i got more than 50 kills in one life using it while killing 5 vanguards 4 harrasers and a few sundrers on the way(inf couldnt touch us because we just rammed and anihilated them)

    note:i dont consider this weapon as op but i do consider it above the canister and the marauder in inf combat
    buffing the marauders fire rate and mag size would equalize its perforemence while not making it op compared to the ppa, i dont alot about the canister so its for you to decide

    anyway the problem with the gatekeeper is its low dmg potential to the point it cant compete with 1 repair man while all others can(they can either kill the target or kill the repair man)

    i do see the gatekeeper as the mjolnirs younger brother as i can do everything i can with the gatekeeper with the mjolnir but better at all distances as i see the mjolnir taking out every aspect of his problems to bare minimal compared to it

    those are the reasons i want the gatekeeper to be buffed as an equal to long range dps making weapons as it lacks in everything - magsize, dmg potential, dps, fire rate, percision and overall survivalability as it takes 2 magdumps to kill 1 infantry and even more if they move

    if not buff then make the harraser that use this weapon as a solo pilot(driver+gunner without the need to change seats and to use them as a lightining) wouldnt make it a bad weapon but will make it an interesting combo specific for the tr as mass harrasers of that sort wouldnt be as tough but could overrun potential enemies and vary the game to an interesting point that would achieve more teamplay(i would reccoment adding other options to other nations aswell to make it balanced)

    this is the hardest weapon to aurx i even met as it poses no threat on the field to anything
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  15. LegendarySalmonSnake

    At one point after Critical Mass I got attacked by a TR harasser as infantry and received some hits. The damage was so low that at first I thought they reverted the gatekeeper changes. But then it tried to roadkill me and I realized why I hadn't seen a marauder in ages...
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  16. freeAmerish

    It´s not about what is a better or worse weapon after this diabolic update.
    It is more that PPA and Gatekeeper have similarities, both got a lot of complaints and both work now inferior compared to the previous versions.
  17. typnct

    ppa inferior? im sorry to dispoint you but as a ppa harraser i got so much kills and so much tank kills that you just cant get using the marauder and gatekeeper as the marauder is decent but not great at anything(i take the bulldog instead) and the gatekeeper should be kept by the gate under a tree in a metal box, 10 meters under ground
  18. freeAmerish

    You really don´t get it.
    You ever used it Years back?

    And so got the Gatekeeper an inferior mechanic on how it operates, sure the changes aren´t 100% comparable...
    And because we had a ``well balanced `` update that let me lost most of my interest on vehicles, can´t I judge which one is better these days Marauder or PPA, nor for the most other weapons.
  19. adamts01

    It's entirely about which weapon is better or worse, that's what balance is all about. All top guns got nerfed, which is fine because some really were out of control, but some got hit way harder than they should have and the PPA isn't one to complain about.
  20. freeAmerish

    It was the most biased update ever. And it´s not that we had no vehicle nerf before, the things which were out of control got hit by the nerf hammer at least since 2014.

    And again, I was writing about how the PPA worked YEARS back, these changes were made long before this ******* update was made. The PPA should give an example, on how they reworked a weapon that never came back, for those which mourning about the old Turbo-Baslisk style Gatekeeper.