The current business model is bad, and here's why

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gelos, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Milkman111

    I agree its absurd expensive.

    I think their biggest fault is for non premium members. If they want to expand the player base I think most FPS gamers with immediate gratification needs will try to explore the game see the 5 minute wait time and abandon a game they couldn't care about to begin with.

    the pay to win setup is annoying but satisfying to work those that spent real money and still get tossed by your free weaponry
  2. Schisist

    The naivety is strong with this one.

    I bet he's one of those people who thinks an F2P business model is super nice guy and all for his benefit.
  3. Arbitrator

    So you can't back up your disagreement with anything valuable and have to resort to passive aggressive remarks. Well gold star for you, Peter.

    I'm aware of how the F2P business model works, which further makes my point. They have to make up that cash somehow. If they can get Bob to pay three times for those rifles for all of his characters rather than once they're going to make more money. My point is not that the players do or don't deserve anything, my point is that with such a business model those losses in development and make a profit.

    If SOE was nickle and diming you for every Certification, every medic and engineer tool, for all your starting gear and unlocks then I could understand them being made account wide. But they're not, almost all of your effective kit is available for free and the more unique stuff you can unlock without paying a penny. Do you want -those- unlocking across your account as well?
  4. Schisist

    Just don't speak like they're this big innocent thing who's only trying to help.
  5. Arbitrator

    Only I didn't state they were once. People aren't paying £40 but the thought of paying over £5 in Station Cash horrifies them.
  6. TaintedSpud

    Companies shouldn't try and make profits. We should all have free computers, free games, free health care, free food, free cars, BECAUSE MONEY IS TEH EVULLS.
  7. daicon

    I read your response and I didn't intend to be taken that way
  8. Bogarth

    They made the game. "They" made a game for people to enjoy. They can't do that without money. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? It's a business, THIS IS AMERICA, do you know how ANY of those things work?