The current business model is bad, and here's why

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gelos, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Bogarth

    You cannot get 450 IP in 1 hour repeatedly unless you win consecutive ranked games in 20 minutes with an IP boost. I don't think anyone can do that regularly unless you're a pro player using a smurf account to climb rating.

    In terms of "pretty much all weapons are 1000" that's simply not true. Yes, most of the specialized weapons are 1000... because they are specialized. I see plenty of carbine, LMG, sniper, and assault rifles offered for less than 1000. I will say that it is unfortunate that you have to buy each arm for the MAXes and those are all strictly 1000.

    Then consider the fact that you only unlock the gun once and it's available on that character for all it's classes. In that sense, 1 gun gives far more flexibility than 1 champion.
  2. daicon

    I'm sorry but aren't weapons 700 Stationcash?

    If so, that comes out to be like $7 dollars (not too unreasonable) and is even cheaper if you buy Station Cash on a x2 day.

    My only issue would be how items we buy are restricted to one character. I don't mind empire restrictions, but if I'm spending money, we should have a small bit of an advantage of being able to use those items on characters we reroll on other servers.

    The character locked purchase make me realize that buying Alpha Squad was way more of a good deal than I even knew..
  3. Arbitrator

    Just give a disclaimer that purchases are not account wide and you're golden.

    You're getting a full game that would usually cost £40.00 in stores for -FREE-. It just completely baffles me how people continue to whine about things being too expensive when YOU CAN UNLOCK THE WEAPONS YOURSELF. FOR. FREE. Does it take a long time? Sure, but that's your trade off for not paying forty bloody quid on the game in the first place.

    Jesus H Christ I hate this generation so much.
    • Up x 2
  4. daicon

    Don't start with the "entitled gamer" bullcrap. Half of this is about players who WANT to spend money but also want to be treated well and fair for doing so. Whats wrong with giving those who pay money this extra convenience?
    • Up x 1
  5. Bogarth

    SOE isn't blaming the customer for regretting a purchase. I am. Nobody asks anyone to feel regret, and regret is a very useless emotion as is. SOE isn't responsible for the pitiful regret someone would feel for making a purchase on a whim without research.
    Is it the grocery store's poor business model that someone decides to buy store brand liquor for cheap only to realize it gives you a terrible hangover? They end up regretting the decision, but they don't blame the store, or the alcohol.
  6. Arbitrator

    Extra convenience? It's called skipping the queues if you're a subscriber. It's called getting your weapon early and having those certs available to spend on something else. You're already getting most of the game for free anyway. So yes, it is entitlement. They need to make money somehow and they wouldn't make nearly as much if you didn't have to buy them for every character.

    Suck it up, Jim. This is what happens when you get a game for free. Besides, it just gives you a reason to play the game for longer. Everybody wins.
  7. Bogarth

    I think the only people complaining about the in-game store either have no money to spend (maybe get a job instead of playing a f2p game), or simply too lazy to do research before making a purchase they know is worthwhile.
  8. Strongback

    On the contrary, all it does is that player will just dedicate themselves to one character and unnecessarily increase reluctancy in the consumer.

    You might have a point IF the game had a paid server transfer service, but it doesn't.
  9. CaptainFacepalm

    Not really - this game will last for years, you don't have to buy all weapons at once. If you buy one item a month that's similar to the subscription price for PS1. They're not overpriced at all, I like this pricing model much better than the subs model.
  10. Brodyzera

    Why is Planetside 2 being compared to LoL? :/ And to the OP, would you rather be paying monthly?
  11. daicon

    I stopped reading there.
    Actually I'd wager they'd make more. I would be far more willing to spend lots of money if I knew I was buying stuff at the account level.
    I think you need to learn a new buzzword besides 'entitled'. Maybe you should hang around the psuedo-intellectuals at IGN alittle longer and learn a new petty insult to throw around on game forums.

    To everyone else, I think if we're willing to be a part of the minority that pays money and supports the game, we should be allowed to have our cashshop purchases on the account-level. Thats how Alpha Squad handled its unlocks, and people seemed to love it (I see everyone with Alpha Squad swag in game) and I got it myself
  12. Snopzet

    The only problem I see currently is...
    Random weapon 1: 100 Certs - 250 SC
    Random weapon 2: 500 Certs - 700 SC
    Random weapon 3: 1000 Certs - 700 SC

  13. Strongback

    It actually kinda is considering they're gonna keep putting more weapons into the game.
    The best way to do it would be like this.

    1. Pay large sum of money, like 100€ and you'll get all current weapons unlocked. (Gotta get cosmetic stuff individually)
    2. Pay moderate sum of money like 20€ and you'll get 10 or more weapons.
    3. Purchase every weapon individually at the cost of like 3€ tops and cosmetics are around the same price.

    After that it's all about churning more weapons and cosmetics.
    This caters to both the people who just want everything now and to those who want to pick between going to subway or getting a camo and a new gun.

    It's all about accessibility and since SOE has already Visa Electron payment system working, the card that is THE MOST COMMON AMONG TEENAGERS AND YOUNG ADULTS MIND YOU, it's only a matter of good pricing after that.
  14. Veratu SOE

    There are 6 EU servers, and although they are all fairly high pop, there has yet to be a point where there wasn't available servers to play on. Are you just picking a server that is queueing by chance?
  15. Vanus Aran

    I feel this as well. This is scam to some percent.

    SOE acted like saints, saying "they dont want any money" in general but what we see now is just...! *sigh*
    No one will believe it, no one will be blinded by it.
    No one is dumb enough to be fooled like this.

    Why? Why not just being honest? I mean it: No one would blame you - SOE.

    I followed the development of the game since the E3 and TotalBuiscit/TotalHalibut(?) loading his footage up.
    And always you SOE sounded like they dont want any money at all !!
    But I was OVERWHELMED by this games greatness!

    I was afraid I wouldnt even give them a coin for it, even tough this game excited me so much!
    The reason I bought the Alpha-pack was just that! I was afraid they would to this for free in total!
    Didnt know what was going on (!), really thought SOE was rich and made the whole game for free. *lol*

    Men if PS2 had a standartprice from 40€
    and I could work the optic carmos free with certpoints, I would be so glad now.
    Looks like SOE overestimated themself now. This is so disappointing.

    They could have expected money for a game this great, for a product.
    But in the attempt to look benevolent and superfriendly, people get shocked and paralized in what looks like pure greed.
  16. Rolfski

    I don't play LoL but some time ago someone made a sharp observation that many LoL players seem to agree to: It's the developer love that's put into these heroes that seem to make LoL in-game items more valuable, vs boring/ 1-dimensional weapons and skins of the PS2 items.
  17. Bogarth

    It's funny... that's what you sound like...
  18. KorJax

    A rifle is anywhere from $2.50 - $7 don't know where you got $10 from

    And the cost is much cheaper when you get it on sale, in a bundle, or get triple/double SC for your dollar in a promotion. Suddenly that $7 gun is now only $2
  19. KorJax

    Okay I yeild that point to you

    But you must realize that the same developer love went into PS2 as well - except unlike in LoL, where the base game is almost nothing and the entire focus is on champions, the base game of PS2 has incredible amounts of work put into it, and ALL of it is free.

    So what would you rather have: the base game is totally locked out to free players, but weapon purchases are really cheap/free, or where the full game is open to everyone but the weapon purchases are more expensive to make up for the amount of free stuff you get in the game?
  20. Isilith Tehroth

    You are such a F'ing fanboi. I absolutely despise people like you on game forums. The game is perfect in your world because you are currently having fun with it. However it always happened that if the problems that caused the "whining" in the first place still exist 5-6 months down the road, usually the fanboi comes around and sees what was wrong with the game. Generally this is too late to actually make a difference because the population usually is non existent. Seen it happen in at least 10+ games so far.

    I won't spend a dime on the game until I am content with the product. Right now the game is a empty shell with fun combat, but no meaningful gameplay. If they fix that I will gladly spend money on the game.