The current business model is bad, and here's why

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gelos, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Tobax

    Cosmetics don't effect your game play in any way what so ever so by not buying them you lose nothing, try remember that as the game is free and you can unlock the guns/weapons for free it falls to cosmetic's to be a huge % of how their money is earnt and keeps the game going for you to play.
  2. Plunkies

    A lot of people don't seem to realize that soe does double and triple station cash sales. If it wasn't for those sales I would also think the prices are very unreasonable.
  3. warmachine1

    But with closer look its same with cert unlockables, vehicle turrets especially!
    I agree u have to buy 2 kobalts to have 2-kobalt sunderer, but having to cert their further upgrades separately even from one u can mount on MBT & etc. is ridiculous.
    Same goes for weapon attachments, so comparing LoL & PS2 flat prices is useless!
    In LoL u get full version of champion u bought with 6300 IP (assuming the most expensive one), In PS2 its maybe a little cheaper now, but u get half value for that price.
  4. Arbitrator

    Oh, I loathe the common usage of "entitlement" being slung around left, right and centre since IGN starting using it as much as the next person, but in this context I'm going to go ahead and say it is valid.

    I like your attempt at getting the last word in with a passive aggressive "I'm ignoring you now" response. Very original, I must say.
  5. Rec0n412

    I do agree with this, even if others have pointed out that your math is a touch bit wonky in regards to the camos.

    In regards to the guns though, you're spot on. Especially if the guns are not supposed to be so different from the base line model(supposed to not be P2W). At that point, I'm looking at that 40$ worth of station cash i bought, and am thinking that I'd rather not spend it on a gun that isn't going to be that different from the base line model.
  6. Jonesitronator

    Free is too expensive for the casual player?
  7. Gary

    You are paying for shortcuts nothing more nothing less. the cosmetic Items are incredibly cheap compared to some games. 50 station cash for a camo which lasts for ever.
  8. Xylogenesis

    When you could play the game for 100 hours without upgrading all the default elements of A SINGLE CLASS, let alone unlocking anything new, that's not free anymore. Not in any sense that matters. If you want to engage in the meat of customizing your loadout or compete against other players without disadvantage, you pay money.
  9. Gary

    You can compete with other players easily without paying any money into the game. Buying does not get you better weapons, it gets your more variety such as Longer range slower fire rate or close range fast fire rate.
  10. Basti

    Seriously? Are you guys Complaining because the Camos and cosmetic stuff in General costs cash?

  11. Jonesitronator

    You are barking up the wrong tree.

    In 6 hours of game play I have earned 471 certs. If my cert gain rate stays the same I will earn 7850 certs in 100 hours of game play. That is more than enough to fully flesh out any class or vehicle and then some.
  12. morbidillusion

    LoL is pretty much the gold standard when it comes to F2P success. Comparing any F2P game to LoL is unavoidable. I hate LoL as a game but you can't deny RIOT has had tremendous success as a company. If a person regret's their purchase, it might be their fault but that person is no longer a customer.

    I don't have much of a desire for cosmetic items in this game, but given the overwhelming response to SC unlocks not being account wide, I would be baffled if SOE didn't make the change. There's already an absurd cash value for each player who wants to buy "everything" that very few people will actualize.

    This has nothing to do with the company "needing to make their money". Well, actually it does. The company needs to make their money and won't if the perceived value of an item is too low. Right now, that is the case. The only way this current model makes any sense is if literally nothing is going to be added to the game ever and it's gonna be a pump and dump game. If they are going to continue to develop the game and release new things for players to buy - then why not multiply the likelihood of people buying the item by making the perceived value higher?
  13. Vicis

    Unless you get the infantry gear bundle which gives you a helmet for every class for 700 points.

    Camos are not vehicle or class specific. To get ONE camo for every class and vehicle would cost you 1000 SC.

    Planetside 2 encourages specialization via certifications. While it is possible to spec into anything you want to, it is far from practical. There is no gameplay mechanic which forces you to switch classes and the frequency of switches is really more dependent on play style.

    All your post shows is that you have a very poor understanding of Planetside 2's game mechanics and the in game store.
    The comparison to LoL was also rather irrelevant.
  14. Bogarth

    If you play 100 hours and don't have enough certs to upgrade all of the defaults of a single class, I'd say the problem is within yourself.

    I'll say it again, people watch their cert gain more closely in PS2 than they do IP in LoL. In that sense, I think it makes people more anxious.

    Most of the slot upgrades for the classes start at 50 certs or less (shields, hp, passives, medkits), with some as low as ONE cert!

    You can instantly gain 10% more health with ANY class with just ONE cert!
  15. Rec0n412

    I smell hyper-bole.
  16. Bogarth

    I mean, technically it would cost 1 cert per class you want it on. It has pretty rough diminishing returns though, with the next point being 30 certs (just a guess) for only 2% more health after that.
  17. Xylogenesis

    Well, that's very nice for you. If you were on a server with a lower pop, or if you had a schedule which did not allow you to play during peak times, you would have a very, very different experience. So I'll amend my above statement: 50 for some players, 100 for others. Does that make it better? Maybe a little. Not much.
  18. Death 2 Liberals

    Why don't you get a job and stop whining? If you can't afford it play something else.
  19. tgf63

    So pick a character and stay with it? Rather than being bipolar and having every upgrade for every class in every faction on every server, pick one or two. You're not SUPPOSED to have everything for every class and faction for no cost.

    Dude have you ever been to an arcade? Like a legit video arcade, where you get ONE LIFE for probably every 50 cents you deposit. Seriously if you'd pay $10 at an arcade for a few hours of fun, you can wing $40 for unlimited lives and YEARS of playtime. Stop whining and get a job to support your gaming addiction if you have to. Nothing in life is free.
  20. saltin

    OP the problem is many players just stick to one class only,and in that case honestly it is very easy to get everything you need without even going to the shop once you learn the game mechanics and min-max for a while.This is true as long as you have either time or money or both.