The Abyss - Vanu

Discussion in 'PlayStation 4 Outfit Recruitment' started by Hawkin-, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. MrMcGiggittyGoo

    What's your PSN?
  2. TheOpapanax

    Opapanax is my PSN.
  3. Hawkin-

    In game outfits will hopefully make it much easier
  4. Hawkin-

  5. MrMcGiggittyGoo

    If you want to know how to beat 96+ enemies on a defense with just 2 minutes on the clock hit us up.
  6. Globguy

    Hi hi I'm interested in joining this outfit. I main with an engineer/LA and a amateur scythe pilot. Hopefully I'll be able to get help from the air division.
    PSN:Globguy15 IGN:Globguy15
  7. MrMcGiggittyGoo

    A-farming we will go, a-farming we will go
    (Heigh-ho, the derry-o, a-farming we will go
    A-farming we will go, a-farming we will go)
    We'll drive up their labs and give them some scabs
    And then we'll farm them more
    • Up x 1
  8. Hawkin-

    Welcome aboard man.
  9. MrMcGiggittyGoo

    Session Time ~ 2 Hours
    Kills = 38
    Deaths = 27
    KDR = 1.47

    SPM : 1335
    Certs farmed ~ 900

    For this and more how to's join The Abyss!
  10. RevoItZ

    TELL ME YOUR SECRETS ARCH! I would love to farm 900 certs in that time rofl
  11. MrMcGiggittyGoo

    But... But... But... You are TR! Why? Why? Why? :(

    Ok! :p
  12. Hawkin-

    Vanu secrets die with Vanu.
    • Up x 1
  13. Hawkin-

    outfits coming in game this week
  14. Hawkin-

    Vanu won 5 alerts in a row yesterday go Vanu!!
  15. Daveofthedead

    Hello. I'm interested in joining this outfit if you'll have me. I'm a paid member and have been mainly infiltrator/sniper, also I moonlight as HA and MBT operator as well. But mainly sniping, lol few escape me and my parallax at the longest distances. Anyways I'd really like the opportunity to pop some skulls for this outfit I've been mainly lonewolfing it however and would like to be part a something more cohesive. So if you're still looking, my PSN handle is HowlingDave. In game character name is Apt. Thanks.
  16. Hawkin-

    yeah man I will send you a friend request
  17. ikill4profit

    I am very much interested in joining this outfit. I am a jack of all trades. But I main play as infiltrator/ counter-sniper, combat engineer, or heavy assault. I am a ok flyer for now as long as they don't muck up the controls again. I have been around from the beta but never had the time then to invest heavily into it. But looking to now well as much as I can. I go by Ikill4profit in game and psn name. Looking forward to seeing y'all on the battlefield.
  18. Hawkin-

    Cool man sounds good I hook up with you on PSN.
  19. HumanMars

  20. Hawkin-

    Thanks man!