Thanks for Ruining NC max and making it unplayable

Discussion in 'MAX' started by MisterBond, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Playful Pony

    Now this is an idea. I've always prefered the versatile nature of the TR MAX (which I play quite a bit) over the NC one. I love playing MAX, but often end up using falcons because shotguns are so limiting in any scenario that doesn't involve loads of in-door fighting.
  2. pada0

    They made the NC MAX OP, which required players of the other factions to come up with numerous tactics and strategies to fight it. Now they have made the NC MAX weaker, which will seem that it is too weak against infantry now. Therefore it's the NC MAX turn to come up the tactics and strategies now. No more instantly winning against all infantry at close range, so stick around some infantry friendlies for backup and not try to solo. A couple of NC MAXes sticking together is still very strong.
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  3. Zitroxious

    where are the patch notes? what exactly did they change?
  4. MurderBunneh

    Where are you coming up with the idea that infantry won't melt in front of a NC max? The only thing this really changes is they will no longer kill TR VS maxes in 1 mag.
  5. RobotNinja

    It's ridiculously apparent that with the ****** weapons the NC starts with compared to the other factions, the fact that you have to have half-decent CQC weapons in this game to you know...capture those point thingies which have to be bought/unlocked from the shop and are still sub-par compared to the VS and TR default weapons and also the fact that anytime the NC gets something half-decent it's nerfed about a month later after everyone has had time to buy's apparent that the NC as a faction...nearly single-handedly funds the development OF THIS ENTIRE GAME. So take some time out today and thank a NC.
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  6. Cinnamon

    Changes seem quite modest compared to the HE changes that were rushed through thanks largely to a lot of complaining from NC. It's not clear to me that NC max will be much less effective in places it is already used.
  7. Eclipson

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  8. MurderBunneh

    And the NC max is getting a shield I wonder who will win cqb between flamethrowers lolololol.
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  9. pada0

    I must have interpreted the information incorrectly then. So they still melt infantry? Nerf the NC MAX!
  10. SgtBreastroker

    >Implying SoE nerf everything to absolutely unplayable levels.

    Wait, they kinda do that already. Oh screw it.
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  11. Torok


    seriously.. i just want my hammermax
  12. pada0

    SOE may have pre-balanced the MAX with regards to the shield it's getting.

    Edit: typo
  13. MurderBunneh

    Ya sounds like it.:eek: I heard TR gets a lolckdown turret mode and VS gets a full transgender mutation ability to better match it's highheels.
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  14. Dragonblood

    So you can acutally fight those? Was just running away, when I saw a NC MAx.
  15. Pella

    Wait have the NC tested and played the new NC max changes?

    No.. Move along.
  16. pada0

    VANU MAX would be totally OP then.
  17. pada0

    I think the VS MAX will also be able to put certs into boob jobs.
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  18. MurderBunneh

    VS max doesn't walk, it prances.
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  19. Puppy

    In before update... Wait, what?
  20. gigastar

    No TR MAX ive ever seen uses Mutilators. Dual Mercy's all the way. A more apt comparison would have been a VS MAX with dual Cosmos.

    Also you only take the overall damage potential of theese weapons, not factoring in that pretty much all varieties of ScatMAX can empty thier ammo reserve before most of the other factions MAX's are done with thier third clip.

    Now shut up and feel the same pain the VS had when the Magrider was nerfed into oblivion in GU02.