T2 Striker - Confirmed coyote mechanics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kociboss, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Liquidrider

    So in other words you will have 4 heavies with coyote like abilities in a Valkyrie? :)

    Looks like i'll need to max out my flares.
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  2. DQCraze

    1 will lock you the others will wait. It's still game over. Don't forget the nose gun.
  3. Mxiter

    My main issue is to kill reliably engie turret & Maxes at range.
    Lancer and Phoenix fill that role perfectly.

    But atm, TR are defenseless against AV turret & AV maxes spam.

    I can vehicles at range with every others locks ons.

    Yes coyotes style would be a different mechanic, but finally will still be AV lock-on and won't fill the gap that others ESRL fill.
  4. Liquidrider


    With the exception of the kestrel and mustang, both the vortex and AH are only effective at close range.
  5. Reclaimer77

    Yeah heaven forbid an Anti-Vehicle weapon actually be good against vehicles!

    Seriously have you stepped outside a base since the last patch? Vehicleside is back with a vengeance! You can just chain-pull vehicles now and it's getting ridiculous. Most of the map is now a giant NO INFANTRY zone with tanks and air zergs so thick they blot out the sun.

    I just can't hold my tongue anymore. I swore I wouldn't take part in the forums this time like last time, but this is just too much. Those who know me from PS1, know I have a huge issue with Vehicleside in a so-called "FPS". Max's and vehicles are too powerful and abundant and easy to obtain. They don't require nearly enough teamwork, and all infantry-based counters to them have been nerfed into the godda***ed ground.

    I wasn't here when the Striker supposedly "ruled", but I doubt it was ever that powerful. As usual people who play this game to farm easy kills in vehicles get all offended when infantry can pose a threat to them and cry on the forums and in game to no end. Half the BR 100's in this game, when you look at their stats, spend little to no time outside of their vehicle. That should tell you something!
  6. baka

    It should not be an ubergun. Instead of lock on and hold, the user needs to predict the target path and speed then hope:
    1. The missiles actually get into lockon range,
    2. No friendlies get in the way and take hits (already a problem sometimes, but I can see it getting worse)
  7. NoctD

    Coyotes fly straight until they get a lock near something, so this should allow the Striker to be dumbfired against all them things!
  8. Mxiter

    I'm aware of this but try to hit a max past 100m with a stock launcher then try it with lancer/phoenix.
  9. Flag

    Oh really now.
    Did you ever stop to consider that infantry should be at a disadvantage outside of their bases?
    That outside of the bases is the domain of -vehicles-?

    Or will you only be happy when vehicles have no raison d'etre whatsoever in this game?
  10. Reclaimer77

    Please save it. I heard the same nonsense for years on the first Planetside forum. You know, the game who's player-base slowly dwindled then died? Sound familiar?

    At least in Planetside 1 tanks required a gunner. Now any idiot can jump into an MBT and farm it up.

    You would just LOVE BFR's I can tell. Totally balanced, right?

    Infantry is already at plenty of disadvantages. That's no excuse for the pathetic "anti-vehicle" weapons we have now. The Lancer is pretty much the only solid deterrent in the entire game that a soldier can carry.

    You're a perfect example of the BR 100's I'm talking about. You spend so much time in your "UP" Magrider the seat smells like you.
  11. Goretzu

    Yeah heaven forbid that an AV and AA weapon clear the sky and ground of all Air and Vehicles for more than 6 months straight and only be availible to one faction....... oh wait. :rolleyes:

    If you weren't here when the Striker ruled (and it ruled, it very much didn't "rule" in some exagerated manner, it utterly dominated the game for 6 solid months) then you have absolutely NO IDEA of what it was like...... and clearly you do not.

    The old Striker was better than the current Annihilator in every way (except for base turrets) at a time when lock-ons were already at their most powerful.

    Unsurprisingly during this time TR had the highest world server pops and dominated the WDS, unsurprisingly when the Striker was nerfed population and domination both dropped instantly........ but clearly that had nothing to do with the Striker.
  12. Goretzu

    Yeah if they do it right it should be good and different.

    If they do it wrong (and allow too much DPS for the mechanic and for dumbfire) it could be horribly good.
  13. Reclaimer77

    Sounds like heaven honestly, I wish I was there.

    Now every base has 10+ Sunderers, 20 MBT's and assorted lightnings spamming the infantry trapped inside. And of course more aircraft hovering above than the Battle of Britain.

    And if you somehow happen to lose your vehicle? No worries. Not like there's a timer or anything. Just pull another, rinse and repeat. ALL DAY LONG.

    That's the kind of "balance" you vehicle ****** like. But I'm sorry, either AV needs SERIOUS buffs, or the resource system needs to be returned to pre-vehicle spam mechanic.

    Can you seriously and honestly look me in the eye and say you think HA/AV is balanced and effective?
  14. Flag

    So I was right, hm? You would prefer it if vehicles were removed from the game, or marginalized to the point where you can safely ignore them?

    Let me ask you something: Why not let AV vehicles deal with the AI vehicles? And before you jump to any more conclusions, I don't pull AI magriders, only AV. The only time I ever get into an AI one is if someone pulled it and can't find another gunner.
    Personally I enjoy hunting vehicles, and finally there's stuff for me to do in this game.
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  15. NoctD

    If they give it Coyote mechanics, the projectile velocity will have to be increased to match Coyotes for it to be effective/usable. So if it has 150m/s it should be better than other launchers in dumbfire mode, but don't expect it to be as effective/easy as the Lancer/Phoenix. Given the fire rate on the Striker, I expect it really should be compared more to the Lib Hyena in actual operation.

    Hopefully they'll get it on PTS sooner than later, and then we'll know if its any good or not.
  16. Thurwell

    Forget about valkyries, if it works like coyotes that's multiple rockets with splash damage. Those 4 heavies could clear whole rooms of infantry with them.

    No guarantee this will work, the devs can remove the splash damage. But the devs in this game have a weird habit of throwing large amounts of splash damage on AV weapons.
  17. Flag

    Not for the Lancer and Phoenix. The latter was even nerfed fixed so it has less splash AI damage to further emphasize the AV role.
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  18. BobSanders123

    Eh. This is rather boring. I wanted full auto dumb fire 600m per second ultra rocket.
  19. Goretzu

    Heaven for the TR certainly, nothing of the sort for VS and NC and certainly not for NC and VS infantry as the TR basically had complete air dominance over any fight and Air farming was worse then that it is now too.
  20. Reclaimer77

    This is the second time you've drastically put words in my mouth. Don't build false Straw Men so you can knock them down. I don't want vehicles "removed", and I don't want them to be "worthless". If i wanted those things, I would come out and say that.

    I seriously don't think you understand just how frustrating and impotent it feels right now to point a Striker at a vehicle or aircraft. Most people don't even want to use it, and it's not like the alternatives are much better for us. Compounded by the sheer overwhealming numbers of vehicles in the game now. Seriously you cannot tell me this is right!

    So now let's analyze your post. You're happy because you hunt vehicles in your Magrider, so the game is balanced because you have more to shoot at now? Wow...that's brilliant. And totally NOT biased at all to your playstyle.

    "Finally there's stuff for me to do in this game"???

    Let AV vehicles deal with AI vehicles? That's just more of the simplistically stupid "Rock/Paper/Scissors" balancing rules that lead to PS1's downfall. And how convenient that infantry are always at the bottom of this equation too.