T2 Striker - Confirmed coyote mechanics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kociboss, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Tuco

    *loots lancer from VS backpack*

  2. MotionBlured

    I hope they give it proximity detonation, so that it's limited against infantry
  3. Zotamedu

    You forgot the part where it would ignore flares for awhile as well. It was beyond broken and they have never managed to get it in a good state. So a total rework seems good to me. It went from beyond OP to OP to completely useless.
  4. Flag

    Lancer projectile disappears at 750 meters.
    Still long range, but figured you'd like to know the real one.
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  5. Auzor

    Coyote missiles might be interesting in numbers;

    Suppose ESF's are farming your dudes.
    Lock-on launchers require a.. lock. ESF's can flare or move;
    Phoenix launchers can only hit static.
    Dumb fire rockets can punish low flyers; but are very difficult to hit with;

    Get a few strikers, and 'pseudorandomly' shoot into the sky, into likely vectors the ESF will take. Think of it as making a flak curtain (not the way flak works in game).
    Will probably not kill, but annoy at the very least. (and think of all the assist points)
    Depending on implementation, strikers could indeed become the best 'resource-free' anti-air.

    Earlier on, when I said that a "proximity targetting" is unworkable; I meant that the idea of only being able to launch a 'coyote' missile when 'selecting' and aming at an enemy vehicle is unworkable; because of vehicles dodging the shot etc. (and how would you select a vehicle anyway.. the only way seems to me a .. lock-on mechanism). You have to be able to lead your intended target by quite a bit.
    By the way: hitting a good harasser that is mobile and makes dodging manoevers and uses terrain with a phoenix missile is extremely difficult. So an actual coyote missile might actually be better here,
    -the missiles fly faster than the phoenix missiles
    -you would fire multiple missiles; again, spread out the volley to get some hits against fast moving targets. Remember, in group fights, a 'miss' of one target, might hit an unintended target anyway, and is far more likely to do so than other launchers. At range, this is about attrition, not instagibbing
    -big question: suppose speed of missile remains as is, fire speed as is, maybe some damage modification: what would be the strikers 'coyote-warhead-activate' range?

    Also amusingly:
    Pick a ESF with double self repair (fire extinguisher & nanites)
    Pick heavy assault, pick striker.
    I look forward to youtube videos of people jumping out, launching a volley at a pursuer, and re-entering.
    At least with the dumb fire launcher/phoenix hitting in such scenario is extremely difficult.
    The strikers missiles would be much more easier to land hits with in the above scenario.
    So, even without valkyrie, the game balance implications are interesting.

    Also: in a sense, the NC has the most unique, and the most bland missile at the same time:
    -Unique, becuase the only launcher that can shoot around corners, can scout, etc. (although, the striker may get some limited capability for shooting just around a corner)
    -Bland, because of low-ish DPS due to flight time, short range, because of the difficulty to hit air or fast moving ground targets,
    and more Bland, because the *%#@ engineers AV turret is a guided missile too, with longer range..
  6. Lamat

    Shouldn't it disappear at infantry render range?
  7. FateJH

    I accidentally commented to a post that was heck of a way back in the thread. I will leave the video of ESF Coyotes here.
  8. Gleerok

    Thats good news! Because the striker is by far the most nerfed of all G2A / G2G lock ons.

    I am overall against "lock-on" mechanics, but since they are already there, we have to compare and think about it.

    Anyways, I'm happy that not only they will get rid of lock on mechanics for that specific launcher, but they will also introduce a new mechanic for G2A/G2G launcher, and this will probably make the Striker more viable.
  9. Mxiter

    Try to hit a max or an engie turret at 295m with an other rocket launcher than phoenix and lancer.
    Without mentionning that 300m is infantry render range.
    150m is already a long range for a dumbfire rocket launcher.

    Horrible DPS?? Decimator alpha strike you mean? (never heard about vehicles and maxes negative resistances?)

    also don't expect to use that thing from the spawn room or from behind hills to hit stuffs at 295m that can't fight back and having the same DPS than a dumbfire.

    Phoenix can shoot from cover.
    Lancer can charge from cover and peek a boo for shots.
    Striker requires LOS.

    I don't care to be able to hit aircraft with ESRL, annhi & G2A does the job just fine.

    I care to have an option to fight back AA/AV maxes and engie turrets at range like NC and VS does.

    Assymetric balance is nice while different factions uses different mechanics for the same role.
    A faction wich have weapon niche that other faction can't fill isn't
  10. DatVanuMan

    Here's the deal: I hated the "Make it have high damage" part. OR, you're saying that SOE knows the Striker might become too useful if the Valk comes out and might nerf it really hard.
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  11. Flag

    Not with the current damage and charge mechanics.
  12. lawn gnome

    awesome, now we just need to do something for the canister and bring the tank mounted vulcan back to it's former glory, also possibly give the jack hammer some love.
  13. Flag

  14. Dracorean

  15. Jachim

    Actually it is, just because you decree it as not, does not make that statement at all true.
  16. Goretzu

    It is it beyond the ken of man for them to embed twitter into the forums or the patcher or something?

    I don't believe they use twitter because it is better per se, they use it because it is easier, there's a big difference between the two.
  17. Goretzu

    This is another area where they have to be careful.

    The orginal Striker wasn't just powerful because it was powerful itself (although it was).

    It was powerful because it was so widely carried (the PS1 Lasher 2.0 also had this issue).
  18. Reclaimer77

    [quote="ColonelChingles, post: 2879307, member: 144913" ] Vehicleside propaganda.[/quote]

    Sounds like the Striker was merely effective. A smart lock on missile in a futuristic setting SHOULD be damned hard to evade if not impossible.

    No offense but just looking at your signature I can tell you're another Vehicleside player who absolutely cannot abide any infantry-based AV counters in this game.

    Anyone actually suggesting MORE vehicles in this game needs his head examined...
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  19. axiom537

    I am perfectly aware of the capabilities of the Phoenix and Yes it does excel at killing engineer turrets. In fact that is pretty much the only thing I use it for, since its performance is poor to fair for doing just about anything else and I would chose another rocket launcher for pretty much every other situation.

    Yes, Horrible DPS. Sure you can hit a vehicle that is moderately behind cover, however, unless that vehicle is under fire or taking damage from another source, if the driver is an engineer, they can just repair through the damage. So, yes I understand about Alpha/Omega Strike Damage, but as for DPS the Phoenix is atrocious and most vehicles can either repair though, get behind cover or back out of range before the Phoenix can take them out, unless the driver is incompetent or is taking additional fire.

    The Lancer at this point is by far the best ESRL, because of straight up versatility, speed & range. The Striker 1.0 had been the best, until its deserved nerf and even now it still very good in groups and a close 2nd to the lancer. The Devs should never have made it a lock-on launcher, especially in its original iteration, with the upcoming change, this will be good for the striker, since it will now be more unique in function.

    Coyote rockets for the striker is something I have been suggesting and supporting for a very long time now. My only concerns are its flexibility and keeping it in line with at least the Lancer for versatility, so we do not get into another situation where the Striker replaces the need for any of the other Launchers in the TR arsenal. Obviously, its AI capabilities need to be seriously addressed, as this will be a very spamable weapon, It's range and damage are also going to need to be kept in check. I'm thinking 300m range like the Phoenix as well as a comparable reload speed and AV damage somewhere in between the Phoenix and the Lancer.

    Once this change goes into effect, I only hope they give the Phoenix a secondary, dumb fire mode so that it can be a bit more useful, and no leaving flight mode does not count, because the Phoenix takes a nose dive a few feet later and the user is still forced back and forth between the camera view.
  20. TheKhopesh

    I have major concerns about dumbfire on this weapon.
    If it can dumbfire without need of vehicle presence, it'll just be used as a lasher 2.0.

    ESRL's weren't nerfed in their AOE damage, as the Lancer and Phoenix have little to no AOE damage to start with, and while the Striker had enough AOE damage to 2 hit (with a 5 round mag) infantry with indirect damage, it HAD to lock, so there wasn't a threat of it being used as an OP Lasher.

    So unless this thing's splash damage is dropped from 500 per shot to 150-200 per shot, it'll be used almost exclusively as an AI and anti-max spam weapon.

    I wouldn't mind seeing it have dumbfire, but only if it had a feature that locked firing until you were looking in the general direction of a vehicle.
    (As is, the Striker's splash damage -if it could dumbfire- would literally be more powerful against infantry than a handheld lightning tank's Viper cannon!)