Suppression mechanics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vaphell, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. Vaphell

    ok, once i know what i am looking at, this thing is ungodly annoying when using midrange SASR. Putting 4 bullets on target is par for the course if you go with theoretically easier route of bodyshots and you'd think it's not a rocket science to pull down to correct for recoil and fire faster. Wrong. Once again i lost to a totally surprised dude, LA this time.
    Once the enemy bullethose starts spraying all over the place it's all down to luck, my initiative and crosshair already squarely on target don't mean anything, because my scope is in the state of permashake due to the enemy RoF, even if for the first 0.5s of retaliation he's too panicked to land a single bullet on me. And it's downhill from there once he corrects his aim and flinching on hits kicks in.
    No wonder most people prefer BASRs, not only you are not exposed as long, if you land your first shot properly it's game over for the enemy right there.
    Conclusion: this game benefits RoF more than precision.
  2. Shadowyc

    That's what's been said quite often...unless you're using a BASR, in which case, it's precision and keeping hidden for as long as possible before getting shot by everyone in a 30 meter area.
  3. Vaphell

    sure, it's widely considered to be true even by looking on the surface: potential dps, flexibility and how forgiving weapon is on error, but then you find out about yet another facet that makes spraying easy mode playstyle and think goddamnit, SOE... :mad:
    Do we really need this near miss thing? It only makes spraying and long mags even stronger for no reason.
  4. HerpTheDerp

    Then change either or both.

    You don't need suppression mechanic for this. Juist spray the cover and he will NOT peek out anyway.
  5. UberBonisseur