Suppression mechanics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vaphell, Dec 13, 2013.

  1. UberBonisseur

    You say that, but it's a kneejerk reaction about a poorly implemented (and potentially good) feature in BF3
  2. Makora

    What this game has is "flinch". And I think it is good.

    Can you honestly say that you wouldn't be taken aback by a bullet whizzing past you? Or hell, a ROCKET! It was severely toned down AGES ago and I honestly forget it's in the game unless someone mentions it.
  3. Morti

    Well actually, a few prowlers pelting a tower makes it a huge pain in the *** to snipe anybody.
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  4. NahumLudd

    I actually like suppression mechanics. There is no way of simulating that "pinning effect" or fear to be killed as soon as you pop out of cover in a game where you require an average of 7 consecutive shots to take an objective down. The only way IMO of reducing effectiveness of enemy infantry by suppression is making their aim go wild when under heavy fire.

    Red Orchestra 2, being more of a simulator, makes the vision blurry, goes to greyscale colours, depletes stamina... until the soldier has calmed down enough (around 15 secs). THAT would be too much. I'm fine with the first approach.
  5. Vaphell

    if i was a 21st century peon fighting wars in the middle east, i would, but not so sure if i was a infinitely rezzable, probably genetically enhanced soldier who should know no fear. Fear is the mind killer, isn't it? ;-)

    I wasn't really paying attention to the initial flinch discussions, wasn't the flinch issue all about jerking aim on direct hits which was not tied to the dmg dealt thus benefiting high RoF low dmg weapons over slow RoF high dmg ones?
    Affecting aim on near misses is news to me and again it would benefit fast RoF and long mags. HA can severely ruin the aim of a sniper, but the other way around can't really happen.
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  6. Yuukikun

    It's you being afraid of virtual bullets and shaking your hand in fear.
  7. Nephera

    Yeeeeaah...the lasher does an ok job of it at least but only because the orbs are kind of scary, and really only in certain situations. same with the MCG.

    But it'd be nice if extended mag lmgs had a little help.
  8. Xasapis

    There is plenty of suppression in PS2, just not artificial blurring like other games.

    Or you want to argue that a HE Prowler or a Liberator above the base does not suppress the infantry below. UBGL do not suppress corridors or MAX pre emptive firing on a doorway does not suppress infantry trying to come through.
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  9. phreec

    And there doesn't have to be one. I like the use of suppressive fire in realistic games like ArmA 3, PR mod, RO etc but in a game with floating tanks, infinite sprint and whatnot it just feels out of place. Just like it did in BF3. It became nothing but a crutch for people that couldn't aim.
  10. HerpTheDerp

    There is. It's called "making the death meaningful". If the death is meaningful, then players don't want to die, and suppression is unnecessary - it's obvious staying out of someone's line of fire is in your best interest.
  11. NahumLudd

    Suppression is not neccesary, it's true. But it is a great addition to the game towards realism. Yes, realism, even in a sci fi universe with floating tanks and infinite sprint (which I would remove).
    Adding penalties to death would be nice too. Lose accumulated progress towards next cert, at the very least?
  12. HerpTheDerp

    I can't accept the realism argument because suppression is a psychological factor, and psychological aspects of the game are already covered by me - the player.

    For example, stamina bar is a good addition because I don't get tired sitting in front of the screen, so simulating exhaustion of my character is a good thing. Same with things like weapon sway, hit flinch, etc.

    But suppression has nothing to do with my character's physical limitations. MY BRAIN already covers the "oh ****" of getting shot at, I don't need another layer of my character's brain doing the same. It's redundant and just annoying.

    Also, suppression in BF3 had nothing to do with realism, it was just a piss-poor attempt at making LMGs different from ARs.
  13. Liquid23

    as a drug user I take offence to that... comparing us to the NC is just cruel and uncalled for!
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  14. UberBonisseur

    I think green mages and 15 second respawn timer cancel all of this.

    If I want to play Rocket-peekaboo with a 40 ton tank, I won't be afraid in the slightest, because I happen to have regenerating shields and life. The game does not encourage staying alive, rather making the best out of your death.
    Moreover, client side hit detection makes it much easier to go out of cover, and this alone could justify suppression.

    One last thing, everything in PS2 is solid, which is not the case in BF3 Bad Company 3. Bullets can pierce cover and explosives blast it away. Suppression wouldn't even be necessary here.

    There's definitely a place for suppression, but not the BF3 atrocity.
    Suppression isn''t about "missing your target", it's about spraying cover to prevent the target from peeking out and get hit by a passing bullet. THIS IS NOT THE CASE IN PS2 where your shield will soak up the 2 or 3 potential hits while the enemy has the edge thanks to tracers and client hit detection.

    So, if we consider that suppression is DELIBERATE and not a side effect of a near-miss, it's not wrong.
    Creating a "suppression factor" stat for weapons, nonexistant for SMGs and Carbines, high for some specialized LMGs, that just blurrs the edges of the enemy's screen, leading to a loss of visibility/doritos, and only on the condition of hitting/missing nearby cover, sounds reasonable to me.
  15. SinerAthin

    A suppression mechanic doesn't really make sense in a game where you're playing as fearless soldiers who have died a 1000 times over.
  16. Liquid23

    true... but even so I bet being wounded and dying still hurts... lol

    let me stab a buck knife through your hand, let it heal and then do it again... I bet on the 1000th time you will still try to pull your hand away when I swing the blade down even tho by then you should have absolutly no fear of it... even if they stop fearing death I bet they will still consciously and reflexively try and avoid the pain of being shot
  17. Hoki

    hes talking about screen shake and flinching

    if you think thats bad try anywhere near a large fight, screen never stops shaking

    and yes explosive screen shake causing your aim to go off is supremely annoying especially when there is no limit to the amount of explosives

    Simply shelling a tower effectively suppresses all sniping.
  18. SinerAthin

    Considering that they haven't gone mentally insane already could indicate that we're dealing with an army of masochists.
  19. TheFamilyGhost

    If OP had filmed himself posting, it would have been a better read.

    I never knew rage until my kid turned 12.
  20. NahumLudd

    That's why, in addition to screen shake for near misses, I would include a penalty for dying. Like I said, losing all progress towards next cert seems reasonable to me.