Sturmgrenadier is Recruiting

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Lostlogic, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. SpcFarlen

    Im interested in joining, ive been in beta for a few days now and would really like to not be following the zerg. Though its hard not to when you arent in an outfit. Just wanted to know what server you guys are on, and ill swing by your main site and send in an application.
  2. delshin

    West 01 as east was buggy for tech/beta and
  3. Lacrosix

    Time to Rock and Roll!
  4. Laraza

    SG's qualities have carried over well so far in this game. Oh yes, nice to see the map so blue.

    We've had dedicated air and armor squads up and running. While getting our practice time in, we're able to show off what a combined arms outfit can do. Huge armor columns have pushed all the way to enemy warpgates, getting a lot of people mystified at who we are and who pulls off these coordinated runs.

    Newcomers to SG have stepped up to command levels as well as shown off a lot of dedication and skill for a game so young. Welcome aboard! At the same time, former SG members are coming back. They hear the sounds of war. The rust is being shaken off in places they didn't even know rust could exist. Join the team and come on in for the big win!

    In the midst of all that, SG still puts a premium on having fun. Before the servers shut down for the night, we had everyone online grab ATV's to race towards enemy warpgates. Expect a lot more events like this to come along with plenty more tricks up our sleeve waiting for release.

    "In war, it's teamwork that counts."
  5. Bearcat

    At what times do you guys normally run operations?
  6. Tweaks

    Used to be in SG back in the PS1 days, and dropped out out of personal issues... something I have regretted ever since. I have just sent an application form and hope to have my interview sometime tonight (got the approval email already).

    I recommend SG to anyone looking for a well organized and structured outfit. I have played the best games ever with SG, and it has been carved in my memory as such ever since. I don't believe I have ever found the same quality in any online group/clan/organisation I've ever been in after SG.
  7. Geek

    just applied on the website, purely coz higby was wearing one of your tee's, u must be best! :p
    • Up x 2
  8. WinchesterX

    Been in SG for a few months, and it's been a blast so far (pun intended). Great group of people in Sturmgrenadier and I'm honored to be a part of it.
  9. SpcFarlen

    Just had the interview and was fully accepted. Cant wait to play with you guys and gals (dont want to rule out any ladies).
    • Up x 1
  10. Metroshica

    I have been playing with SG for about two weeks, and it completely changed my experience. I love playing on such an organized level! Everything is so well done, and they are very good with newcomers. They gladly set me up with everything I needed, and answered all my questions. If you're looking for an organized and fun outfit, then apply to SG!
  11. Lacrosix

    Woah! so many new faces and I am a new face too :p
  12. Lacrosix

  13. TheRagingGerbil

  14. Aldman

    I like the b&w poster Lacros, very nice!
  15. Qberticus

    GG tonight SG :)
  16. Lacrosix

  17. Comet

    Will SG be on a west coast or east coast server come launch?
  18. Aldman

    Probably east cost, but that isn't decided. Having played on both east and west coast beta servers, I don't think that there is much difference in latency between them
  19. Tybo

    Our Airsquads are coming together nicely. :}

    1-2 week learning curve accomplished.

    With lack of great ground based AA/slow movements over difficult terrain, using air vehicles to dominate is just a no brainer at this point.
  20. Lacrosix