SOE plans to monetize KDR.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. BeltFedHappiness

    Ill support this 100%. K/D is worthless.
    To me the barometer of success is certs gained during a session. Repairing? Sure. Reviving? Sure (But i dont do medic personally). Hacking terms? Sure. Getting a sundy to a good spot to spawn folks? Sure. All of it matters and all of it SHOULD matter not just kills.

    I find SOE's stance on this odd. They added the DEFENSE XP Boost (You get 15% more xp for EVERYTHING you do in defense of a base. Kills of course but also repairs, revives, etc EVERYTHING.) Why did they add it? They said because those actions need to be rewarded. Fair enough. Yet KD is the opposite here. If i charge in first and die to a prox squadmates behind me now have a clear path to kill those SOB's and take the base.

    Anyways. KDR needs to die, 100% agreement on this. It is nice to see a player whom could have easily gone into the "KDR Supremecy Team" (BuzzCut does have a 4.04 KDR) but is actually instead pushing down the illogical importance of that stat. Sure in some games in matters (Unreal tourney anyone?) but not a game like PS2.
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  2. daicon

    Well, almost 2/3s of your kills are from the Scythe. I'm not sure if you're really getting a quality 'hunt' a cold blooded warrior like you deserves.

    As far as bailing is concerned, I've looked on your killboard and it looks like you bail out of your Scythe quite often to take a suicide fall yourself. Bailers be damned?

    So... all things considered, if we looked at just your infantry play, your KDR would be well under the 1 kill per death mark. That's fine and all but maybe you should consider that when you boast nearly every thread. I wonder if vehicle KDR and infantry KDR were separated, would you be singing a different tune about this whole topic? I think you would.
  3. ThundaHawkPS

    1954 vech kills as Scythe in 185.5 hours = 10 vehicles killed per hour.

    You kill 0.16 vehicles per minute. As a scythe. LOL.

    lol at you talking about "quality" kills. You probably fly around running away the second something hits you and once, every 6 minutes, you will wander upon a damaged or afk vehicle (atv most likely) and kill it! Quality kill secured.

  4. smokemaker


    I play my way for me.
    If you dont like my stats do you think i care?
  5. smokemaker

    Must be...
  6. ThundaHawkPS


    I've seen your kind before. The worst kind of player. The one with a K/D greater than 1 who fancies himself great because he is in fact a coward.

    0.2 kills per minute lolololol
  7. Hovis

    Not sure if this has been mentioned, but surely for those of us who resent the KDR and want to see it gone this is a great bit of news? What value can KDR now possibly have if you can buy it off?

    Ideally it should be removed, of course. It is a pernicious influence. I hate the damn thing, but even when I look at my puny K/D, earned through a career in game as a predominantly supporting player and frequent last-ditch-defender, it makes me want to find somewhere safe and quietly murder a few folks to bring the numbers into line. And I know it's stupid. But I still want to do it.
  8. smokemaker

    Old enough not to care about how you think i play. I am not here for you. I could not care less about your stats or your dislike of mine.
    I play for me. I like my K/D and play accordingly. This stat will never go away.
  9. ThundaHawkPS

    your stats are inferior
  10. smokemaker

    Your on the wrong forums, BF3 is that way for stat comparing. Here no one cares. Except you.
  11. SKYeXile

    you gotta play like a hero bro, 5x the K/D, 10x the KPM.

    Overwhelm them with your skill...and bumper...
  12. smokemaker

    Too fast paced for me.
    I like taking my time.
    Its not the quantity but the quality.
  13. Vilem

    I take chances, lead charges, go on suicidal missions... and I like K/D. The opening post describes a play-style that is healthy for the game, and that's the way I play. So why do I like K/D? It can show improvement. If I can accomplish the same things I did last month with fewer deaths than I had last month, that is a strong indication of improvement in ability. The chances I take are paying off more often, the charges are more successful, and I come back alive from those suicidal missions more than I used to.

    And for people who play the game for K/D... is it really hurting the game? A sniper who finds a good spot to farm kills is still helping by... keeping the enemy dead. Enemies are usually at some place of interest trying to kill friendlies. All the friendlies who are going after the objectives will have an easier time doing so because of that sniper who is playing for K/D.

    If you want to talk about K/D being bad for the game, then we need to talk about cert farming too. "Hey don't kill their sundy, let's farm them!"

    I think the real problem with K/D is the same problem other games have with damage meters. Some people don't like to see their low stats, some people don't like to see other people with better stats, some people like to brag about their stats to other people who don't want to hear it, and some people try to use their stats to justify some sort of superiority or entitlement.
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  14. SpankyH

    O noes, SOE is going to charge people for the privilege of stroking their ******?!?!

    So the people who care about K/D will be able to pay some money to feel better about themselves?

    Ok, sure.
  15. Sevre

    If a narcisistic, mentally deficient video gamer wants to fund this game by reseting that stat for some ridiculous display of vanity, then so be it.

    As mentioned, the result of this implementation will actually utterly invalidate the stat, since no one will trust if a person's KDR is truly from the start of the game or recently reset and stat-padded. It will devoid of any real meaning once you begin allowing people to refresh the stat.

    There are stupid, narcistic people all over this game -- why not get some positive return from these otherwise useless meatsacks.
  16. Cyanide

    K/D should be taken out of the game entirely, instead of giving people the option to pay to reset it. The fact that people are looking at it enough to bother dishing out money to change it is frightening. What K/D ratio does, is stop people from taking real risks. That is the major issue with it. They care about keeping that kill count higher than the death count, so they're not going to try something difficult, even if it could change the tide of a battle. K/D is the kind of thing that encourages people to sit in the spawn room, and get their scummy kills from safety, rather than push out and try to take a base back.
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  17. Serith6

    Don't remove the stat, just give the possibility to deactivate it
  18. waiora

    Anyone who pays for a K/D wipe should also receive a free "R E T A R D" rank with it.
  19. Aegie

    SOE should be focusing resources towards gameplay improvements like quality content and optimization- focusing resources on gimmicks like a kdr reset button that has 0 effect on the gameplay is a problem, the existence of the stat much less so. Personally, I do not appreciate the money I spend supporting PS2 to be used to create worthless bloat that does nothing to improve the game. If non-gameplay related gimmicks like a kdr reset button provide an advantageous cost-benefit or risk-reward for SOE then it is more or less inevitable that greater attention will be paid to these kinds of additions compared to interesting, quality, content oriented additions- like more variety in weapon aesthetics, new weapons, utilities, vehicles, continents, classes, class abilities, fps optimizations, etc. etc. etc.

    I could care less about whether PS2 tracks kdr- so what? If kdr means nothing to you do not pay attention to it and if it does and you want to then pay attention to it. I care quite a lot about where PS2 spends its resources and a kdr reset button is perhaps among the most worthless places for these resources to be spent- not only does it render the kdr stat even more worthless since you can pad it with your wallet but it does absolutely nothing to make the game better or more enjoyable.
  20. o.Solei.o

    Personally, I could care less about a person's K/D. As many have said, if those people want to give SOE money, they're welcome to it. Actually, if they give SOE enough money, can the rest of us who know how to play get a discount on our other purchases? ;)
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