SOE plans to monetize KDR.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BuzzCutPsycho, Mar 20, 2013.

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  1. StormStrafe

  2. daicon

    Wow you come into every thread to say the same thing which amounts to "I'm a K/D hound please cater the game to my liking." Literally no one is impressed by this and no one thinks you're ******* Predator.

    PaperPlanes is actually a very nice person. Posting someone else's quotes here to defame them is just as bad as posting their K/D so I find this post kind of hypocritical.
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  3. smokemaker

    " please cater the game to my liking."
    You do not see me asking to change the game.
    I like it how it is.
    You will see me fight issues like nerfing and this completely useless thread on K/D.

    "Literally no one is impressed by this and no one thinks you're ******* Predator."
    Not one part of me cares how others think of me. I am to old for that.
    I am here for me only.

    "PaperPlanes is actually a very nice person. Posting someone else's quotes here to defame them is just as bad as posting their K/D so I find this post kind of hypocritical."
    I have no clue who this paperplane is, nor do I care. In BF3 if your stat sucked then your argument had no merit. Which is totally foolish.
    Just say'n
  4. deathgaze


    KDR tracking needs to go for all the reasons Buzz very eloquently outlined. Please listen to him.
  5. smokemaker

    They plan on making money off that stat, do you really think its going away?

    And mostly, do you think the removal of that stat would change how I play?
  6. StormStrafe

    He defamed himself. He irrevocably proved you wrong about him being a "very nice person" before you even opened your mouth. What I posted a link to was absolutely relevant to the topic at hand and not hypocritical in the least. Stop spewing fallacies.

    (For those who want to know what we're talking about:
  7. X3Killjaeden

    so what? if someone is soo desperate to reset his K/D to pay money for it... why not? The game (SOE) profits from this stupidity of users who think it is of relevance.

    i can see why high K/D ratio players are upset, because now other people have a chance to catch up with them.... oh noez! bad SOE, bad SOE, don't make it happen. :rolleyes:
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  8. KRE8R125

    Agreed. It is pathetic how bothered some people are by this. If anything I say we need more stats.
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  9. daicon

    No, you eagerly joined in on the ****-spewing in that thread and when that wasn't enough you brought it into here as if we cared. We all know how K/D gets thrown around here and I'm sad to see paperplanes do it but honestly the other poster responded to a thoughtful post but just couldn't do so without putting in some cheap petty insults at the same time and consequently got called out for it.
  10. StormStrafe

    That's completely erroneous. Stop talking; nothing you say is true.

    Buzz is guilty of paying for a reset of his K/D in BF3. He is a hypocrite.
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  12. daicon

    A K/D reset comes with Premium, whats anyone's proof he bought one? I don't even think you can BUY a stat reset in BF3
  13. MasterCheef

    wow- SO WHAT?!!

    this thread is laughably long about something so laughably irrelevant.
  14. turtlestation

    Is that supposed to be surprising? Him and his entire outfit are composed of hypocrites. They abuse every single OP infantry thing as hard as they can, **** talk while doing it in-game and then pass it off out of game with "look, we care about the game so we're trying to get it noticed!" So while players who don't go on Mattherson may view BCP solely as a rational human being with arguments you can agree with (and honestly what experienced PS2 player doesn't), those of us on Mattherson know otherwise and understand completely the ******** and mental gymnastics TE members go through when they post on these forums.
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  15. Smalltown

    What, a game company using terrible ideas for the sake of making money? At the expense of their player base's good will and patience?

    Are we forgetting that this happens all the time? Only difference is, this isn't EA or Activision.
  16. Blitzkrieg

    Yup, people like this moron makes me think they should remove K/DR just to spite wankstains like this. However it just counters my other side of the issue. They shouldn't bother with it, because K/DR is such a waste of time and means nothing, leaving it to the scubs to brush their pathetic little egos and SOE shouldn't waste any time on this. In fact i'd rather SOE wasted time making hats instead of spending any more time on K/DR.
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  17. Galantis

    K/D bit meaningless but game offers no other incentive to play. Just mindless cert farming with mostly no skill weapons. There's is no depth to the game i was expecting like all games coming out. Lazy lazy people running game industry.
  18. Cyridius

    People are making valid points here.

    Yeah, SOE can make some money off of this stat, by offering KDR resets. But let me outline some thoughts I have, which would refute that line of argument.

    Firstly, let's start off with a very factual number here. 10% of all players end up spending money on this game. Now, let's break it down into what kind of people will be spending money;

    1) People like Buzz, who play this game to be optimal and competitive. That means, buying weapons so he doesn't have to spend Certifications. This kind of person would have a lot of hours put into this game, tonnes of time and money, and most likely a positive KDR. This positive KDR would rule this buyer bracket out of the equation.

    2) People who don't have time. That means, they log in, player 7 or 8 hours a week and just want to get the weapon when they feel like it without having to do all that grinding up of certs. The likelihood is, these people will have played this game so little they don't really care about their stats, they're just in it for the casual enjoyment. This would rule out this buyer bracket.

    3) The slightly above average player. I'm not discussing skill here. I'm talking people who are fans of the franchise, who are in outfits that are planning on being in the game for the long haul. The majority of these players probably do not care very much about KDR, as they are a fan of PlanetSide as a concept, not as a Team Deathmatch. They care about the future state of the game and are just grinding things out and supporting the game with their money until it gets to a state where they are happy. This is the guy that buys the XP boosts and the guy that buys things like the Annihilator. Their focus on PlanetSide as they hope it to be - a strategic FPS with more depth than a shooter(Basically what SOE sold us with their marketing) makes them to be unlikely candidates for this consumable. So, that rules out this buyer bracket.

    Who does this leave left? Not much. The people who care about KDR are the people who are not paying, because these people come from a genre of shooter where the next big thing is out every year. Why would they put money into a free to play game when they're going to be moving on to Modern Warfare 4 or Battlefield 2143 this November? Ofcourse, they wouldn't.

    In reality, people in this thread are making the argument that only idiots will buy this consumable, therefore it's fine and they deserve to be scammed out of their cash, let SOE profit, yet how many people who have posted here said they would actually buy this? I didn't really all 34 pages, but in the pages I have read, I have not seen a single person say they would.

    This, plus my opinion-analysis of the paying playerbase leads me to believe that the amount of people buying this will be in reality very very small.

    It will be so small, that it wont really add to the profit margin in a significant manner. Look at the Roadmap, the playerbase's thought on the manner is painfully obvious to those who can see the Upvotes/Downvotes.

    Take into account the nature of the KDR stat, and then what SOE has said they want PlanetSide 2 to be, not what PlanetSide 2 is now.

    SOE wants this to be a game of strategic and tactical depth, where team based objectives are the main focus and enjoyment for players. What is KDR? KDR is the antithesis of this viewpoint. It is a shallow stat, it does not encourage the self-sacrificial gameplay that team based objectives require, and at the end of the day it is all subconscious.

    Many people don't realize that they are influenced by KDR. It is in human nature to want to be the best they can be. KDR is the prominent stat tracking metric in this game as it stands, people will Tab up their screen ingame to check their score, then they'll look at their KDR and see, let's say it's 0.87. They don't think anything of it. They Tab up the screen again 30 minutes later, and see that their KDR has gone up to 0.95. The player will be pleased, the vast majority of the time. It wont have been his intention to improve his KDR, it might have happened all by accident just as he played normally. But as this happens over days, weeks, months, the brain will condition itself so that an improvement in KDR triggers a reward(Dopamine) which will fill the player with a level of self-accomplishment and satisfaction. It's human nature, even people who frown on KDR will experience this, even if they don't notice it.

    Over time, many players will adjust their playstyle so that they get more of this feeling of accomplishment. They don't play the objective, they act conservative, hang back. It is the same syndrome as a Medic hanging back to revive the same person repeatedly in a firezone. No longer is taking a base an accomplishment, raking in the kills and XP is the accomplishment.

    This is why KDR is "ruinous" to PlanetSide 2, and that is why it is brass, audacious, ignorant, insensitive and all round stupid to try and monetize this instead of deincentivize it and remove it. It shows either an extreme level of incompetence behind the management at SOE, or an extreme level of apathy towards the playerbase. Neither is a good thing.

    tl;dr Paying players wont buy this KDR consumable and due to mental conditioning of the human brain and reward system, KDR will always be a destructive to the overall vision of PlanetSide 2 that the developers have sold to us since before Tech Test and should be removed entirely, never monetized.
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  19. ThundaHawkPS

    Is dis u?!/5428011263309479073/stats

    0.2 kills per minute



  20. smokemaker

    I enjoy the kill.
    Its not the "quantity" of the kills but the "quality" of the kill.
    A good kill is something you do not rush.
    Score per minute means nothing to me.
    But my 2.18 K/D better represents me.
    As well as 2284 vehicles destroyed. ( Bailers be damned )
    I kill more then i die. And THAT is what i am all about.

    But i do like your BF 3 mentality. Stats do not make or break an argument.
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