SOE LAG LAG LAG is insane Proof inside SOE need a fix

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stew360, Feb 7, 2013.

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  1. Stew360

    Before anyones start to say chek you internet blablabla my internet isnt the issue i have 24 to 30 ping with my matherson servers and i had not thats much issue ever thing as got worst lately and many thing like Ghost hit marker registration , dying by a guys you just kill 2 sec ago dying while your out of sigth of your killer and NO he is not wallhaking...

    My internet is 100 % fine and high quality the servers and the game is the problem

    Fix this

    There is some screenshot ive take if the guys i just kill who kill me rigth after they die sometimes with life remaining wich make no sens sometime while 0 life remaining and i could post hundreads of them all nith long


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  2. Fabien

  3. Deathmaw

    Well that is abit weird, i play from the UK on Mattherson and i have no lag issues at all.
    Is it possible your getting intermitent issues like it is fine for 5 minutes then it craps up for like for a couple of seconds then goes back to being fine?
    I get about 90ms and i have zero lag.
  4. QuantumMechanic

    I am very tempted to add this quite to my .signature. So true.
  5. ddp

    What is it going to take to get through to $OE that they broke the game? Features are worthless if the game is unplayable! I think Higby is afraid to tell $med that this update(2) needs to be taken back to formula.
  6. Brewergamer

  7. ddp

    Unfortunatly its not just lag thats happening. Lag is the most constant thing occurring. There is also random studdering, warping, and for the first time today not only do enemies not render until VERY close, but friendlies dont render until very close aswell. They said the membership display was fixed too its not for me I still have a 6 month sub recurring and it still shows im at bronze level. This really sucks.
  8. Clutchstep

    I'm not sure these are proof... For the first one with the Vanu guy, you are getting a vengeance bonus, meaning he killed you first. Plus both that one and the TR one shows that they've still got health when you died, again implying that he killed you first.

    The second Vanu one is a bit weird, but he killed you with a Lasher, which has stupidly slow projectile speed. So it looks like you killed him then walked into one of his slow moving disco balls.

    I have seen people dead on the ground shooting, although I've never seen them damaging anyone. I always figure it's a graphical glitch. A video would be better proof.
  9. Stew360

    LAG is latency Obviously if you play from UK youll get more packets lost higher ping and obviously more LAG than i do Its mathematical

    Your own perception of whats is LAG is the problem here like i said For you LAg isnt LAG its your normal day experience

    So guest whats NOT for us

    You dont understand the point Your perception of LAG isnt anywhere where it should be

    SO yeah keep thinking its not laggying when its laggying for me all my friends and we all have a 20 to 30 ping to this matherson servers

    hope you could understand simple thing like this ITS impossible it could be fine for you but we gots tons of issue on our side when we have way better internet conection and ping to the servers ITS IMPOSSIBLE
  10. Stew360

    LOL most of the time all target are at 0 health when they kill me after they die like the HA 2e picture i can post piscture all nigth long and i could even record a videos if peoples in here are to incoherent to see the problems

    i do see this and the proples who kill me / get kill are suposed to obviously see the same thing while my friend are getting the exact same issue so please stop spreading BS and keep it real

    Anyway SOE should have servers data thats show how much peoples as been kill or kill someones where they both die and this numbers is probably prolific and insane
  11. Clutchstep

    Yes, please post a video for those of us who are "incoherent."
  12. -a4-

    Issues such as this are often more likely to be caused by packet loss than ping (latency). This can be due to a number of factors, usually involving router nodes, and it is more likely to affect UDP packets (as used for most games' data).

    Some ISPs are just crap and have contention ratios way too high for their own routers to cope with (so customers get more packet loss during peak usage times) and the interweb is susceptible to 'bad weather' when routers have hardware or other issues. Think of it as being like a massive interconnected high-speed highway system where occaisionaly bridges have random holes appear in them, or they fall down. Or say a semi-trailer breaks an axle, wheels come off, and it drops its load accross 6 lanes at a major turnpike intersection (router) before crashing into a bridge suport which collapses and all the little motorcycles (a gamer's packets) are going to have to find another way to get to their destination (and some of the ones that were wiped out in the initial chaos will have to be sent again).

    You can't even begin to establish if you have such a problem by running individual instances of tracert in a cmd box. You need to run an app such as WinMTR for 50 to 100 packets (at the time the issue is occuring) to see a definitive result of symptoms.

    Then again, looking at the typos and grammatical errors in all your posts Stew360, it may be that you are just mashing too many wrong buttons? ;)
  13. NoctD

    There's your lag, and the other party's lag. Perhaps his client thinks he's still alive, while yours shows him dead. Client side hit detection just doesn't work very well does it?
  14. Stew360


    ive test 3 session in a row with almost 0 packetlost i know whats jitter is and i know whats trouble shooting is

    Our internet is 100 % fine our rooter config is 100 % fine wich many dont even use a rooter

    This is client related /servers related and like i said many many MANY PEOPLES HAVE TO EXPERIENCE IT SINCE Everytime it happen to be or my honest friends it also happen the the other side of the fence at my opponents

    Also when the injector does not heal you or others when you dont get heal while the medic fully heal you etc..etc.. these millions of Servers related issue blame it on everyones rooters and internet GIVE US A BREAK with these BS

    When the battlefeed say i kill him first and kill me after , mean this very guys as experience the same problem and when they kill me or us and we kill them while dead and the battlefeed say he kill me or us first it also hapen to him

    this forums is seriouly laughable full of peoples who think they are smart etc..

    MY jitter while playing planetside is almost NULL so stop with your BS
  15. Stew360

    this is and from their i can see if my jitter is acceptable good or bad and as you can see for yourself everything fine and alsway be on my side

    So stop these BS and ask the devs to fix the mess thanks and bye bye
  16. TimeyWimey

    well.. I'll just point out that those screenies are not proof of lag. There's bullet travel time. You can kill each other perfectly fine with 0 lag :)

    But I get the same problems too.. I mean the heal tools lagging behind, not healing sometimes / healing less than they should etc. There definitely is lag, but it's not as bad (at least on miller) as you make it sound.
  17. -a4-

    So, working my way through your painfully mangled attempts at expressing yourself, I see you do experience some of what you call "jitter".

    Had you managed to comprehend what I wrote I would be more inclined to believe your 100% claims but, without using an app such as I suggested, you can't convince me that all nodes/routers between your computer and the game server are not dropping any UDP packets ever.

    If you don't want constructive advice, don't post in forums.
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  18. Stew360

    I dont need your apps i can test my internet and packet lost and anything using and i have a 120 $ connection so i know thats i dont have a crappy ones if their is any trouble with it i wouldnt post anything about the game been broken but the facts remains

    The game is broken servers client anything but their is a problem and its not my problem to figure it out its all on SOE side they have the data they can know whats happening who kill who when and how !

    So SOE fix this and you stop trying to look handy and smart your not
  19. Stew360

    Here just for you dear friend thats ,my internet do i need trouble shooting ??? NO I DONT Thanks

    Here some others ones ill make in a row to proove you wrong


    Ashburn ?

    Why not dalas ? here i go


    ( edit ) : Washinton DC ?


    Do i have any packets lost ? NO I DONT and i never ad some NEVER EVER SO FAR


    Here my speed test like a cherry on the sundae
  20. AtomicGerman

    No it's not. Lag is the actual interruption of packet flow, thus causing the breaks in communication between server and client.

    Latency is the speed at which packets are sent and received, ala the time it takes for a client to communicate with the server.

    If youre getting a lot of lag its not the SOE servers entire fault. Either your graphics settings are too high and its causing a choke on your GPU or CPU. Or youre in ana rea where the internet is share with multiple clients. or youre downloading more **** than you deserve.
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