SOE are you noticing that the VAST majority don't want dome shields?

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Exoz, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Rogueghost

    When a fight gets to that point, you already lost, redeploy or call or reinforcements otherwise you're wasting your time.

    Remove vehicles from the picture you're still going to get instagibbed when you step a foot outside, but instead it will be a hail of gun fire and HA dumbfire rocket spam.
  2. Regpuppy

    Which, at least, takes a lot more effort to set up than one or two vehicles spamming the doorways. It is possible to break through the infantry spawn camps as well for organized groups. Happens all the times in biolabs already, in fact.
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  3. Rogueghost

    To be completely honest here, my biggest grip with dome shields is how f**king ugly they are.

    I'm a very aesthetics minded player, I picked my faction on which one was most aesthetically pleasing, I only use classes that are aesthetically pleasing, and I even refuse to use certain guns if they look ugly, such as the remodeled tar.

    So now that SoE is throwing these unsymmetrical green blobs all over MY battlefield, its driving me into an uncontrollable rage.
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  4. maxkeiser

    Agree. From what I've seen of them they basically ruin the look of the game. A completely eyesore.
  5. Regpuppy

    I'd prefer it to be a clear color with a slight hint of white more than anything myself. Hopefully they pretty it up before release.
  6. RobotNinja

    So instead of defenders having any chance at all to defend, your take on PS2 is that if someone brings enough lolpodders and tankspammers to a base capture they should automatically win without any resistance? And people complain about the metagame being one-dimensional or non-existent. How silly of them!
  7. Rogueghost

    Now I'm not sure how many large scale defenses you've been a part of, but In my experience any enemy armor or aircraft that even dares enter a hex with a large amount of defenders is quickly instagibbed for the first 10-30 minutes of the fight.

    This effect quickly wears off as more and more enemy infantry enter the base, forcing more and more defenders to divert from AV or AA roles to anti infantry.

    Enemy armor and Air continue to only be a nuisance picking off defenders that stray too far from the main infantry fighting, only when enemy infantry out numbers the defenders infantry by two to one do the vehicles run in and farm whats left of the defenders.

    But again at that point the defenders already lost, the vehicles just speed that process up.
  8. issuemanthingguy

    i think the reason a lot of people don't want the dome shields, is a lot of people only either get in a lib with a dalton, an OP belly gun or get in a harraser with a furry or the TR double furry. (can't remember the name)
  9. PS2Freak

    I am PRO dome Shields. Esf can go fly elsewhere.
  10. Liewec123

    do you have 10 years of experience with THIS game? no? then stop blabbering on about the prequel
    this is a different game.

    air isn't a problem we have bursters, skyguards and lock on launchers, there is no reason, no need and no want for these big blue eye sores. it just seems like another step on the slippery slope to practically separate games were if you're in a flier you fight fliers, if you're in a tank you fight tanks and i'f you're on foot don't worry you're perfectly safe inside your walls and bubbles, Easyside2.
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  11. Nepau

    Did I miss something or did they suddenly change how they said they were going to behave. When the first started talking about them they would only prevent fire from going though, not physical objects like a vehicle or infantry.

    If this is not true on the test server, can you say for sure that this is due to the final design? or is it possible that it's only a stepping stone to the proper function.

    Also I doubt the domes will do much to affect your FPS, since the things that hurt peopls FPS are things that have to be done by the CPU, drawing the shield is not likly to have much impact on it's own.
  12. Regpuppy

    Thing is, this already happens to some degree. In most fights where vehicles hit a certain critcal mass, infantry confines themselves to the inner areas of buildings. This happens all the time in towers and small bases with no particular terrain feature to make ambushing easy or vehicle travel more difficult.

    The only difference with these dome shields is that they effectively create a larger indoor space. One where infantry can do their job and cap points for their faction.
  13. Ender

    I'm all for domes. I love all the doomsayers, omg noooo it'll be a separate game with air vs air and tanks vs blah blah blah ******* blah. Good god. Are you all really that bad at this game? From what i've read in the forums the people who complain about stuff like this are the ones who don't want their style of gameplay messed with. GET OUT OF YOUR AIRCRAFT/TANK/ "Insert Pidgeon-Holed gameplay style here". If you don't want to do that and something makes it harder for you to farm with your choice weapon then leave.

    "Stupid Ender, you realize I'll have the last laugh when everyone leaves the game and you're left playing with your silly dev team that puts things in the game that requires thinking." No, sorry, you won't. Pops may be down, but this game is far from failing. A majority of the people repeating that it's failing and garnering attention to support their 15 minutes of fame are simply the loudest of the ignorant. This game is going in the right direction, bases are becoming more defensible, and actual coordination has to be used more and more to accomplish things in game. Dome shields with shield gens to take down = more objectives for infantry, more choke points on defense = more things to do period.

    SOE, Higby, T-Ray, Luperza, and the rest of the dev team putting in mass hours to further this game along, THANK YOU. It's no wonder you use twitter and reddit to post most data and have discussions. 90% of the people on the official forums are mental, emo, or are currently in the lowest swing of some sort of depression. I read these forums daily and resist posting in many threads because I know it'll get drowned out by people with a few hours playtime total saying how this game is going to implode, SOE will go broke (lawl), and something is OP because I USE IT A LOT AND I LAWLFARM SCRUBS ("It has killed me many times and I refuse to pull a counter to it because that's not my gameplay style, its interfering with my own farming nerfplz").

    The only rant I have on this game is against it's thankless self-entitled community. These people are putting in massive amounts of time to make changes they think will make the game better in the long run. IT'S THEIR GAME, you just play it and contribute opinions. I'm willing to know, since they're the ones with all the data and not the community (it's a far larger amount of data than most realize)... that most of these changes/decisions are based on this data, and mass amounts of cry have maybe a tiny bit of influence outside of simply getting them to look at a particular issue.

    Just the other day one of the analytic's guys for SOE commented on my AP Python ESF shot video about the distance of the shot. One person asked me how I estimated the length of the shot, and this guy came in a day later and gave the EXACT distance of the shot...meaning they track distance of a killshot for every kill in the game and can readily go back and look at it.

    Performance is an ongoing thing, and anyone who thinks GU11 has been the worst patch because of something other than performance is probably better off leaving this game right now. GU11 has been absolutely amazing for most of my guys in DA save a few (performance issues). Gameplay changes made were all great (I just wish you'd put ALL of them in the patch notes :p ).

    /rant over
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  14. Acceleratio

    I couldnt agree more with Ender

    Seriously this forum needs to get nerved. It just shows how incredibly whiney and self entitled the average gamer these days is. And how I HATE all those threads starting with " Reason why this or that needs to get nerved..."
    And you can take a 110% bet that when there is something releases... evene a friggin FLAREGUN there will be whining about nerving.
  15. Van Dax

    Think of it this way guys, we all want more fortifications however what we don't want is a three hour corridor grenade spam fest. The amp station with walls and shield are a perfect way to circumvent this, you get an open courtyard with lots of purpose made cover and a very limited ability to explosive spam away the competition. It simulates the qualities an indoor base has without the drawbacks. Besides vehicles will still be qble to get in there ans help so you aren't being taken out of the fight.
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  16. Regpuppy

    That's pretty much the point I've tried getting across before. With how the devs intend it to work Gals can still gal drop, light assaults can jetpack in, and there will be multiple "garages" in some bases where a sundy can post up but is exposed to ground vehicles if they don't properly defend it. It may not be perfect when it initially enters the game and no one should expect it to be. But it's a MASSIVE step in the right direction.

    Considering the amount of times they've reworked some of these bases. The devs have proven to be very flexible when it comes to willingness to redo something. With this upcoming overhaul for indar, I can't count how many times they've taken passes on Indar and its bases.
  17. iLOL

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  18. Perfection

    SOE, can I get this dome shield certed onto my harasser? I'd feel very safe.
  19. Gremmel

    This is on the same size of BFR's and in the same direction. SOE be it Planetside 1 or Star Wars Galaxies always makes unfathomably stupid dev decisions. This is literally a patch slapped over the whole game. It looks insanely lazy and it will drive away lots of players and instantly scare away any newcomers. The fact SOE can't see it is just proof they can't and won't ever change from making stupid decisions.

    Just as BFR's removed the need for MBT's in PS1, this will remove any need for any air in PS2. Just facepalm.
  20. Mob720

    I think instead of gigantic bubbles that cover the entirety of a base, they should put up ceiling-high NS-branded cover things. It would fit aesthetically, since it'll be made of metal, and not seem like a huge band-aid fix. Strategically placing this cover can protect infantry from lolpods or whatever is the cause for this type of fix, and not limit the use of ESF, Libs, etc. Think of the cover that currently is in place protecting the upper floor of a spawn building. That type of cover could be pasted across the bases, and it would fit. It would WORK. This bubble thing just looks out of place.