So you just gave Engi's and AV turret?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LordMondando, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. LordMondando

    Fair enough, but as you note, people have asked for all sorts of things. If they just get curved balled in without any feedback, just makes the game development look a bit random and arbitrary.

    I mean I want a giant mechanized walking shotgun mech for NC, does that mean in virtue of my expression of that there. We can at some point in the future reasonably, expect said giant walking shutgun mech to be available in the depot?

    Seems the answer we have to commit to now is: yes.
  2. vaxx

    Yeah how dare a company try to *GASP* make money in order to keep developing the game, feed their families, and all that other overatted stuff, right? Why dont they just go all charity, right? :rolleyes:

    You dont HAVE to pay for anything in this game. You can pay if you want, or play for free, choice is yours. Just most people seem to be able to spare a few bucks here and there, and thank goodness for those people, or the free option would not be there.
  3. Bloodlet

    If this thing is like it was in beta then all this hand wringing will be for nothing. It took several cooldowns (full heat to zero) to kill an unarmored lightning. If it hasn't changed much then it will simply be an AV support weapon. Nothing that people will be crying for nerfs on.
  4. DJPenguin

    Default turret has a novelty value for as long as the new player realizes how **** it is. I only ever use it as cover. About time AV was brought back.
  5. LordMondando

    Good.. response?

    So when is auxiamiumium coming back then oh wise elder?

    But at the risk here of starting to get bogged down. My point simply was this.

    Communication, incidents like this, show it could be better.
  6. Sir Bubblez

    I believe I and most people just sorta assumed that both the AV and AA variants would be added.
  7. Gisgo

    I agree but engie having just one type of turret was something... wrong? I mean... NANITES!!!
    Btw at some point, somewhere, they mentioned new turrets for engies, they just didnt say when it was going to be released, yeah its a surprise but not so unexpected.
  8. Highway_Star

    Never, it was a flawed mechanic that discouraged players from attacking smaller outposts while also encouraging going afk in the warpgate. Everyone agrees it shouldn't come back.
  9. siiix

    because its so far still free2play... so 100% you will be able to get it for certs ... but it is possible that its cash or certs

    but then how do you upgrade ?! so i think is certs only ... i guess we see
  10. Phyr

    You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. This is far from an "incident" worthy of bunching panties over. They aren't going to tell us about every change to the game before they make it, hell they don't tell us about every change when they do make them.
  11. Lakora

    Ooh I don't mind I barely play Engi anyway. :p I just find it weird that they change the acquisition method from beta to now. In beta it was Certs along side the current mana turret/Ammo pack ones. Now if you have to buy it... Well I don't know how that's gonna work, makes me worried that I'll have to buy the Icarus Jump Jets when they're added again. D:
  12. LordMondando

    Well let me put it this way.

    Taunts get their own thread.

    Engi's getting ranged AV abilities. Goes in a hotfix.

    Its the distinction there, where actual gameplay mechanics are just put in, whilst we are expected to debate the merits of fluff, that just makes the whole 'help up build ps2' thing look a little, 'odd'.
  13. LordMondando

    See your stance... might have merit.. If not for things like.

    I'm all up for them just chucking random fluff in as and when they feel like it and actually being able to discuss game mechanics.
  14. LordMondando

    Anyway, i've said my piece. Lets see what happens.
  15. maxkeiser

    AV turret fires multiple anihilator lock on rockets at targets.
  16. siiix

    yes i agree, the auxium was a dead born idea, it was not even a beta thing so far i remember it was in the full game, it made no sense what so ever, the current system makes much more sense...its better for both players and SOE too, if you have separate currencies for weapons and upgrades then its less likely you spend cash on weapons, on the other hand if you want to spend cash now you have way more certs to spend on upgrades...its more flexibility for the player
  17. Phyr

    Unfortunately it fires the whole annihilator, so less effective then you'd think.
  18. Gumbo

    More engi's..... on more turrets!!!!

    Where did i put that sniper rifle? :D
  19. Rusky

    Which break up into mini annihilators that auto acquire targets and can go through warpgates and hit targets on other continents !

    Honestly, I'm thinking this coupled with the rendering change is all an evil ploy to get more heads popping.
  20. GamerOS

    Don't forget the AA turret they found in the data a while back.