So you just gave Engi's and AV turret?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LordMondando, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. LordMondando

    Depot – New Mana Anti-Vehicle Turret available for purchase.

    Not complaining or anything, but thanks for the heads up and discussion of how that might affect gameplay mechanics and stuff.

    Also lets just take the 'how dare they release new commercial content in a F2P model game' as read, ok?

    Edit- yes I know the title says and not an, typos are fun when you can't edit your thread titles.
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  2. Bloodlet

    I'm guessing you didn't play the beta since there were AV Mana turrets there too.

    With them fixing the render distance problems making infantry more suceptible to vehicles I see no problem with infantry getting another AV tool.
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  3. kadney

    Wait for it to be ingame after all, test it and then come back.
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  4. Nyscha

    It will be the new vanu defence against the prowler spam.
    Seeing as the new mag is useless in tank combat.

    Looking forward to abuse it with platoons of engineers with AT mines and AV turrets.
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  5. CraftKing

    well atleast there's a new alternative to lockon rockets for grounds. lol spamming engies and mana AV turds. lol
  6. Phyr

    Turrets had further rendering range then normal infantry to begin with.
  7. LordMondando

    No I was not in the beta, but frankly a lot of people weren't game has moved on quite a bit since then. Chucking things back in, might not be the best idea.

    Not like.. you know... people weren't already ******** to high heaven about annihilators and people were deserting VS due to a perceived magrider buff or anything.

    Oh.. wait... wait a second..

    So yeah, game balance is fun.

    I fully intend to, In fact I might buy it at some point today.

    What worries me, however. Is the fact that engi is already a HUGELY versatile class and has just been given a ranged AV option.
  8. Grayson

    It's SOE, you have to be on twiiter or reddit to know something, because the game don't have an official forum.
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  9. vaxx

    I hope they get an AA turret next as well.

    You have to admit the regular Mana turret is next to useless most of the time.
  10. Rusky

  11. Phyr

    Would you rather see everyone pull HA's the instant a vehicle shows up, or would you like some diversity?
  12. LordMondando

    I check twitter (loathe as I am to do so, and I refuse to get an account) quite regularly, this appears to be very much SURPRISE!!!!
  13. Wardancer

    This is how infantry should get combat vehicles over long range. Deployable turrets. But they could be given to other classes does not have to be engineer for all of them.
  14. siiix

    just wait for the flame thrower .. that was my favorite :)
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  15. LordMondando

    Whats the argument for this diversity beyond the ciruclar 'diversity is good'.

    My point is we allready had a ranged AV/AA class and there were plenty of questions about its balance at the moment as well. Not all of them legitimate, I'll grant you.

    I could be entirely proved wrong and this new 're'addition could be a masterclass in introduction of balanced content.

    But call me cynical, I have my worries.
  16. Witblitz

    ***** and whine about an AV turret, good GOD you american children... How dare they make the Engineers calss actually multi-role! HOW DARE THEY!
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  17. Phyr

    More then likely it'll be as effective as the Basilisks, as in marginally better then nothing.I'm just happy that it's an option.
  18. Bloodlet

    You're cynical.
  19. Bloodlet

    What the **** do Americans have to do with this? Talk about a non-sequitur. Project some more.
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  20. Dice

    It is as useful as it has ever been.

    Also I think and AT weapon is fine. Another thing for me to shoot at from the drivers seat of my levitating tank.