So this just happened on Miller during an alert (4:20 pm)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Keelin, May 13, 2013.

  1. Kapernum

    I've swapped to VS on Miller for this very reason.
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  2. SebDollar

    This is how almost every alert work on Miller ATM. All of TR rush to the alert continent, NC and VS go to the two other. Then at least we can have fights where we aren't outnumbered by the TR 2 to 1 at every engagement.
    Don't really know what happened to the population - used to be quite balanced.
  3. Keelin

    It's fun to throw yourself into the endless waves of TR every now and then but it's not good for the game in the long run.
    And - as Sworaven said - it's not good for the TR either.

    I don't know what can be done at this point but something needs to happen before it gets to the point where it can not be fixed anymore.
    I just hope we haven't arrived at that point already.
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  4. CrimsonDaemon

    Looks like the NC are having a hell of a last stand there on their last hex. Good on you guys. I prefer those kind of fights. So you bet your *** I will fight on Esamir with only 14% pop.
  5. Primarkka

    I have no idea why the hell people jump to TR? Is it because of TRAM, where you can zerg your *** off?
  6. Teegeeack

    As far as the VS are concerned, the NC and TR are two sides of the same coin. Waves and waves of blue and red drones.
  7. metrotw

    Mattherson suffers from 4th faction as well but not nearly to this degree. Since the rotation things have evened out for the most part
    but while TR was in the SE gate the pops were consistently in favor of NC during most of the day by around 10-20% at times. During alerts it was common to see tr\vs\nc pops like 25\28\45 respectively.

    The bigger problem i am seeing is the DAILY influx of low level hackers using the freely and easily obtained cheats out there which any chimp can find in less than a minute. The fact the SOE can't even stop freeware cheats from working (forget about the pay ones) is very disenfranchising.
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  8. Zamos

    Cause of best MAX unit with Fractures being AI \ AA \ AV , top LMG TMG50, very decent carabines , best AR SABR , best tank dmg wise 2 shots rofl , best ESF if you plan to survive
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  9. Crashsplash

    The population difference wasn't that extreme earlier on in the event although TR had a distinct advantage.

    If you showed global you would see that TR has 20% pop on Indar while VS had 50%+

    VS preferred Indar over the event.

    At the same time NC were steamrollering Esamir!

    I'm not saying there was no imbalance. I'm saying it get exaggerated when 1 faction starts to win other factions see it's more profitable to cap other continents and they're not necessarily joining the 4th faction.
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  10. Nocturnal7x

    Both of those charts are showing territory control
  11. MrK

    Best MAX why not, NC compete though
    NC compete easily weapon wise, I find them to have the best infantry set overall, but it's fairly equal amongst the 3 empires (infantry weapons are probably the most balanced aspect of the game), I take a Gauss as AR over ANYTHING,
    Striker, while being super annoying when flying, are honestly the worst ESAV of the 3 launchers,

    which leaves TR with their Super Prowler (I don't tank, I can't comment on tanks balance) and Super Mossie (for which I do agree there, is the best to fly)

    TR Miller are probably populated with people unable to initiate an empire switch for the better health of the server, or amongst the life of the game, are the most happy of what happens, thus have less player leaving the game. Seeing the history of game dev, with VS being nerfed rather consistently lately, making them leave, and NC with an inferiority complex being too sure they are subpar, making them leave too, maybe too many people effectively think like you do.
    As I explained, I don't think you picture the balance correctly. And maybe if we stopped concentrate so much on the color of the grass on the ennemy garden, and more on our own tools, we would stop spreading such impression than to win at PS2, you need to be TR....
  12. Keelin

    Someone already pointed that out, thanks though :)
    It's too late to edit the post, unfortunately.
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  13. GrumpyArse

    This pretty much sums it up.. Same is happening on Briggs.. Meh, if it gets too bad I'll just play something else, no problem for me.
  14. VSMars

    We keep a garrison on Indar at all times, that's all there is to it. Being the smallest fraction globally though means we can and do only really participate in alerts in force when it's the prime time, not in the middle of the day or night.
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  15. Luighseach

    If they cap the entire continent only the winner gets points. It sucks when this happens.
  16. SonyXP

    I think the root of the population problems start at character creation.

    And this is merely pointed to the average, causal player - From such a point of view the first glance you can have about PS2 is the looks of the fraction a new player will join.

    This is where at least NC is losing already. Whilst looking like potato bags, VS and especially TR look badass - next to their (and I really mean it) awesome looking tanks, units and weapons. Furthermore, a player with little to no experience with FPS games will surely have his moments with NC weapons, being hard to control for Joe Average.

    You switch to TR and immediately have the WOW effect and adrenaline rush of gatling guns, Iron Man Lookalike Maxes or Alien Units with high tech weaponary.

    Go figure what the nerd in many of us is appealed to more - potatoes or pewpew.

    In my opinion, the design of the factions, the so called diversity, is where the problem already arises and sets foot.

    Whenever SOE is releasing new toys for PS2 my NC heart is see what TR and VS is getting (compared to us). You might say "oh NC has this and that, waaaay OP" - but then again, you have no idea what NC is drooling about... seeing your Strikers, Rocketeer Maxes and whatnot.

    But my pride for NC will not vanish ;)
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  17. juicymett

    TR has often more then 10% Server Pop then VS.

    Look at the Server Pop when a Alert start and the Alert end. When it's a clear Winning for a Faction the Pop of the Winner becomes a Peak.
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  18. Brusilov

    Just get rid of the possibility to make characters of different factions on the same server.. People probably will then just make more then one account I guess.

    I don't know if SOE can deny multiple accounts per IP though.
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  19. Rhagnor

    The actual TR world pop halfway during the Alert was like 52% . On the alert continent it was even higher, prob because fighting against +20% pop is not considered fun by a lot of people.

    Also the Miller VS world pop seems to have dropped a bit from near 30 to low 20's during day and evening.

    My guess is that people jumped over to the TR. Make of that what you want :p
  20. nella

    TR's always had the biggest pop, used to be 35-40%, which is not a big deal. I don't enjoy the game anymore so I'm not sure what the pops are looking like right now.