So the jackhammer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Hosp

    While the jackhammer didn't get nerfd, and technically was slightly buffed vs other shotguns as Higby noted, it, for whatever reason, is suffering horribly from damage reduction due to latency.

    Did testing yesterday and depending on level of Nano-Weave, it took 4-5 body shots on a still target to kill them. Normally it takes 2. So due to whatever lag, desync, server hiccups, voodoo magic, the Jackhammer is suffering.
  2. Devrailis

    Now that I think about it, I can't even remember the last time I died to an MCG.
  3. BH Brigade

    Munroe is an idiot. I don't care what gun he uses his command decisions are ********. I was in a platoon of his once and he just had us farm in allutum the whole night, while we proceeded to lose all of our faction's territory except allatum.
  4. HyperMatrix

    The Jackhammer is the best shotgun right now outside of pump action which is OP. Some bad players would argue that full-auto shotty's are better. I'd disagree. Even prior to these nerfs, before pump action came out I used the Jackhammer all the time. It's a beast. It's just sad that it's slightly underwhelming compared to the pump action shotguns. Maybe they need to up the clip size to 16 bullets like in PS1. Or maybe they just need to get rid of pump action shotguns. Their rate of fire is still too high for a one-shot killing machine.
  5. Siq6Six

    My outfit will farm Biolabs during 2x XP weekends as well. Why would you leave a cert machine? We didn't get warpgated & nobody took Indar so why does this make him an idiot?

    Better question - who is the idiot? The platoons farming a biolab for easy Certs, the enemy platoon BEING FARMED THAT REFUSES TO LEAVE, or the genius who cries to th forums because he's too dense to LEAVE the platoon in a fight he disagrees with to join one that he does agree with? Munroe certainly didn't leave the entire NC pop into that lab. At best his 36 platoon members.

    So - what's your excuse?
  6. TeknoBug

    I leave meatgrinder farms, they get BORING.
    • Up x 1
  7. Takoita

    I didn't notice any actual change in how MCG handles now. IMHO, the only change was the reticule. Will check more thoroughly tomorrow.
  8. Devrailis

    The only time they get exciting is when the zerg are just full on rushing a control point non-stop and the entire time you're thinking "**** **** **** ****, THEY CAN'T GET IN THEY CAN'T GET IN THEY CAN'T GET IN".

    But, those moments never happen in Biolabs, Biolabs turn everything into boring farmfests.
  9. Cymoril

    SOE doesnt do Refunds! So that will never happen. They will nerf them into the ground eventually.. I have faith in their nerf track record from being burned on previous purchases. I didnt buy these this time for the future letdown.
  10. Cymoril

    Ya its either an underpopulated side rushed and fail to defend, or a **** ton of people crammed in a little room TKing each other in the back of the head cause no one will go out the door together. (oh and a few nade morons that TK everyone cause they cant throw thru the barriers)
    • Up x 1
  11. Devrailis

    Yeah, that's pretty much been my experience. Biolabs rarely end up in an even fight. They tend to end up as rofflestomps one way or another. This is one of the reasons why I try to forgoe them as much as possible.
  12. RHINO_Mk.II

    So, here's the deal with the Jackhammer.

    I get about the same results in CQB with it that I would using my Gauss SAW. The difference is that 50m engagements are autowin with the SAW and autolose with the Jackhammer.
  13. xGreedFuSioN

    I'd rather see:
    lasher: slight splash damage/velocity buff
    jackhammer: magazine size buff (by like 10 rounds lol, cant take out more than 2 people with it) and slight rof (SLIGHT)
    MCG: no wind up, tighter CoF, maybe 25 or so more rounds/mag. should be able to spray even more

    overall the heavy weapons should be BETTER than LMG's, except only at a certain range.
    Lasher = Long, Jackhammer = Short, MCG = Mediumish
  14. infinite loop

    I think you're doing it wrong then. The ttk with the JH in CQB is less than half that of the SAW.
  15. SgtBreastroker

    Not entirely. Blame the community who think Shotguns are noob cannons.
  16. RHINO_Mk.II

    Optimal point blank NC6 TTK = 240ms (2 rounds in the head, 1 in the chest)
    Optimal point blank Jackhammer TTK = 240ms (1 round in the head, 1 in the chest)

    Jackhammer is incapable of killing a full health soldier in 1 shot, even with headshot bonus damage (which is only 150% for shotguns instead of 200%)

    Your point?
  17. Hibiki54

    Jackhammer is PS1 was a butt kicker

    Jackhammer in PS2 is a joke. It should be the better of all the shotguns since it's an HA only weapon.
  18. RHINO_Mk.II

    Better.... maybe.

    At least as good, certainly.
  19. y3ivan

  20. Kevin

    PG runs no more than 12, on a good night. But they keep a presence like they are 36 :p