So the jackhammer?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bape, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. Kevin

    OMG!!!!11!! Haxorz!!!
  2. Punker

    Guess your brass disagrees with you as HT just joined our alliance :) each to their own though
  3. Zaik

    this is only cosmetic, it is how all shotguns always worked. that is a representation of the cone of fire, and the center of the shot will be somewhere within it. the pellet spread is a second cone of fire that is fixed in size and applies around that center of the shot.

    it's not really an issue for semiauto/pump shotguns because they completely recover cone of fire as fast or almost as fast as they fire. On automatic shotguns and jackhammer on burst mode it can bloom to extremely large sizes and throw your shots completely off from where you aim.

    Same with the MCG, that was always how it worked, it's just properly represented on your screen now.
    • Up x 1
  4. StormFrog

    So, the Jackhammer was awful in comparison to other shotguns before the nerfs. After GU6, it actually has some attractive points.

    • It's the second fastest firing shotgun now, 10 RPM behind the autos and 25 RPM ahead of the semis.
    • It's still the most accurate shotgun with its 2.5° pellet spread and 400 m/s bullet velocity.
    • Its 112 pellet damage is less of a disadvantage now that everything was nerfed to 134.
    • Its minimum pellet damage is 90 (compared to 60 and 50 for everything else), which matter more now that everything else does less damage
    • It has one of the fastest reload times now, everything else got their reloads slowed down while the Jackhammer is still 2s/3.5s
  5. Bankrotas

    Except it's bugged with latency.
  6. Goretzu

    If only it had been 143 or 136.

    JH is still worse and it's been like that for a long time now. :(
  7. Goretzu

    It is a lot "better" than it was due to the nerfs.

    However the JHs problem was that all shotguns beat it in CQC (and they still do) and most LMGs beat it in medium-close range and beyond (and they still do)...... which left it as a weapon that was always outclassed.

    Just a decent clip size increase would probably make it genuinely acceptable now though (although I'd still prefer they change the alt fire mode too).
  8. Antich

    JackWho? Lucky i play NC or i would get very pissed getting killed by smth like that..
  9. Dragam

    Nah, MCG doesnt need tighter cof - just no windup. The windup basically makes you lose every battle, where you dont have time to prepare for it.
  10. Goretzu

    MCG and Lasher both have situations where they are very good, it is just they aren't good in all situations. The JH is more that it is beaten by something else in every situation.
  11. BH Brigade

    Yeah, I really shouldn't have posted that, having a bad day :D We'll se how it goes though, we've all had times where we just want to farm certs in a biolab, I shouldn't hold it against him.
  12. BH Brigade

    Yeah, I told the other guy who also responded the same thing. I was having a bad day when I posted this, I really shouldn't hold it against him. Like you said, we do it during 2x xp, so why should he be any different? (wasn't 2x xp tho).
  13. AltF4Fun

    68% accuaracy with a shotgun,woot?o_OHow did you manage that?