So, NC medics, current opinions on NS-11A and Reaper?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by disgruntled newbie, Dec 2, 2013.

  1. Mhak

    I'm with this guy.

    DMR is just too hard to handle. Who likes having to take single shots at long range? And at short range it's going to get you killed. Medium range is alright, but even with comp and grip it's still a challenge to land every shot. A kitted out Carnage is like a TR weapon, can land most shots even at pretty long ranges, and hip fires really well even with a comp.

    GR-22 is a little better at hip firing but a little worse at range. GR-22 and Carnage are the best options for NC medics imho.
  2. phreec

    Don't bother. The default Gauss Rifle fills both CQC and range roles better than both of those.

    For CQC go with the Carnage or GR-22.
  3. Pikachu

    I use grip+compenaator+x4 on DMR. Recently i gave a try at closer range fight with x2 and laser instead and it did not turn out good. I didnt have much problem doing the same with ac-x11. :L DMR does not like it.

    I have been thinkikt of the ns11 rifle lately but i have 3 other guns to paint purple first. Also it costs 1000 certs and has TR scopes past x2 which are all awful. The first 2 are great NC sscopes. I have alwqus hated getting shot by it and it feels wrong to not srtick to NC weapons so I donno if I woould lkkie it. :confused:
  4. Rizenn

    the NC recoil is not bad at all. 90% of it is vertical so just drag dat mouse down while firing then GG
  5. Cheshire

    I've been using the NC1 Guass with great success. The recoil is pretty minimal for reasonable ranges (20-30m) especially with burst fire of five rounds or so, and within 10-20m range it handles like a dream. The RoF and damage allow it to adjust easily from a midrange weapon to a CQC weapon rather easily. Throw a forward grip and a flash suppressor on it and you're good to go.

    Only downside is it doesn't have SPA. But with the damage it does at the range at which that damage is done, that is a hardly an issue. If I would ask for anything, it would be extended mags for CQC, but I don't think any medic gun gets that. :(
  6. Diggles

    If you want a mid-long range option, it isnt going to be on of the shaky bullethoses (Carnage & GD-22). Default Gauss is great at long range suppression. Its low recoil, accurate and highest velocity.

    I wouldnt even consider the 143 dmg weapons for a 'long' range roll.
  7. HerpTheDerp

    Never throw a flash suppressor on anything, the only attachment that's more useless is the flashlight
  8. hansgrosse

    They actually work pretty well at night, but during the day? Yeah, better off without it.
  9. Combat Jorts

    This is bad and dumb advice. The flash suppressor is the only barrel attachment that doesn't have any adverse effects. It doesn't screw your hip fire and make you show up on the map a mile away like the compensator, and it doesn't slow your bullets down to a crawl like the suppressor. If anything, the flash suppressor is the only attachment for the barrel that is useful and carries no determent to your weapon performance. Flash suppressors will prevent you from blinding yourself while ADSing, and will prevent a small star from coming out of your gun, which gives your position away in any medium to close range fight.
  10. Gav7x

    You cant get soft point on the carnage mate, only on the gr22
    • Up x 1
  11. Plague Rat

    There is an adverse effect. It increases accuracy loss per shot (CoF Bloom) which can be problematic for several weapons and will require more burst control than usually to maintain accuracy at anything outside of close range, and even there will cause your hip fire CoF to expand to it's max much more rapidly.
  12. TeknoBug

    You don't need the NS-11A as NC, there are plenty of good medic weapons for that faction, I use the NS-11A on TR however because I don't really like any of their medic weapons besides the SABR-13.

    Carnage AR w/ adv. grip = not bad for mid-range
    GR-22 w/ adv. laser = good for close range
    Reaper DMR or Gauss S = great mid-long range
  13. HerpTheDerp

    Uh, it does. It increases accuracy bloom.

    So will any equippable sight.

    Irrelevant because people can still clearly see where your tracers come from, and even if it only gives them an approximation they can quickly make a giant marker appear over your head by spamming spot button in that general direction.
  14. Unclematos7

    I tried out the Reaper after the buff but quickly put it down after I realized it has the same bad cone of fire bloom that drove me away from the **** SAW. Gauss Rifle-S with compensator and forward grip on the other hand is the steadiest NC AR.

    They really should give SAW, X11, and Reaper the flash suppressor. Just so we can put them on in VR and marvel at how bad their cone of fire bloom gets.:D
  15. Trollakhiin

    Well, the DMR is only fit for longer ranges, because of its low RPM and tiny mag.
    The NS-11A is more like an all-rounder, it's a pretty good gun. But I'll take the GR-22 over the NS-11A anytime.
  16. Epic High Five

    I just finished auraxing the Reaper and it's easily my favorite of the NC ARs. It's such a wonderful gun.

    For general purpose though, a Carnage w/ adv grip or a Gauss Rifle w/ laser are crazy great guns.

    Reaper is a monster up close if you can land headshots. Like, a monster
  17. HerpTheDerp

    What weapon ISN'T a monster if "you can land headshots"?
  18. Pikachu

    Woohoo purple medal on DMR. :D Was a fun time. Now it's on to GR-22.
  19. Combat Jorts

    It increases accuracy bloom at long ranges, anything ~80m and out, which you should be burst firing anyway. The flash supressor will prevent your muzzle flash from blinding you while ADS, and it's far, far more difficult to pinpoint the origin of a shooter based on tracers than muzzle flash. Sure I can see your 'general' location, but I can't see your precise location, like can be seen from the small star generated at the end of your barrel without a flash supressor.
  20. TheKhopesh

    Yes. :cool:

    Thanks to the NC trait of recoil that could put you into orbit, this weapon is amazingly accurate (Even uncerted), and this is why the NC regularly get their butts turned to paste.

    Yes, the NC weapons are (Almost) balanced mathematically, however, when you factor in that the majority of those running around out there aren't Battle Rank +60 and that our weapons are the hardest to use right-out-the-gate, that makes our fighting force severely outgunned.

    Say 75% of the forces on both sides are BR 30 below.
    When we go into a facility with 12 guys, and the VS or TR go in with 12 guys, 75% of the NC are getting chewed into tomato paste because the other guys beat them during those last few rounds.

    Give the TR or VS a few seconds for the medics to rez, and now it's 3 NC vs 12 TR or VS....

    Now yes, there is MUCH more in actual gameplay than a simple number-crunch like that, but the principle still GREATLY effects the battles.

    It's a disadvantage to the group as a whole, and therefore an imbalance.