Skynight Bushido Nonsense

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JohnGalt36, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. AngusPrime

    You mean furiously zerging with 82 scythes?
  2. Inex

    You mean both securing air dominance, and improving air game participation by an order of magnitude?
  3. Cyropaedia

    Don Alfrego is a true commander. He deserves the title of Air Marshall (or Air Terrorizer for his detractors) if the Devs can award him one.
  4. JohnGalt36

    Honestly, I have nothing against Alfrago and his squad. I just drive/fly away when I see the scytheball of doom. I tried taking them on in a Skyguard once, got a few, then Don himself drifted down from the heavens with gifts of plasticky death and 'sploded me.
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  5. Reclaimer77

    Yeah because it's so hard taking an a zerg of overpowered units and only engaging the enemy when you have an overwhelming advantage?

    Not impressed.
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  6. The Rogue Wolf

    I believe the game would be improved if you and everyone else who does this were immediately and irrevocably banned. Where do you get off dictating how others can play?
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  7. Cyropaedia

    He clearly communicates in Command Chat, Platoon, and Squad. He knows when to push and withdraw and which hex needs Air Support. I don't usually roll with Don and don't care to sing praises. He deserves much credit for his Air meta.

    You could make the same argument about US Air Force Air Battle Managers. Sure Taliban don't have A10s and F18s but deploying them does take a degree of organization.
  8. Reclaimer77

    "Air Support"

    *rolls eyes*

    We don't need that kind of "support".
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  9. Jamuro

    Please then do it yourself ... show us that you can organise a big air platoon ... that stays together after the first enemy sighting/loss AND follows your command.
    Yeah thought so ... honestly anyone who can herd a lot of people that aren't part of his/her outfit deserves respect ...
    and while you might not like air ... it's one of the most difficult areas to get people not only interested in, but also to keep them in line when it comes to squad/platoon leadership ... seriously with the current tools we have it's a fu**ing nightmare to organise an air group.

    Same respect btw to all tank squad/platoon leaders ... it's tough to get people to spend their nanites in a certain way ... and this goes doubly for esf's ... since for the average/new pilot the time spent in one is by far A LOT lower than in a tank ... in some cases even lower than ordinary infanry (heck in most cases for new pilots)

    Not saying that a tank can't die in an instant ... but the average time spent till death per purchased vehilce is a LOT higher for tanks than esf's

    Also esf are basically the only thing in the game that regulate themselfs ... if there are a lot of people in the air (sadly right now it's a barren wasteland at best *@cobalt*) you start seeing a ton more anti air esfs hunting down anything up there mercilessly.

    And as a last thing ... where does this hate for esf's come from?

    I can understand a hate for the attitude people claim skyknights have ... (and sadly some vocal/surprisingly popular ones do) BUT not from a mechanical point of view.

    I can partially understand tankers hating on libs ... in some cases even infantry (i don't put the same value to died infantry as to tankers because infantry generally doesn't lose any nanites from a lolpod/dalton/duster death ... doesn't mean it's not important) ....
    don't get me wrong i get that it's frustrating when it happens ...

    but let's be honest here ... as an infantrist ... especially anything other than maxes (they in their own strangle little place) ... keep track for a few days ... maybe even use a stat tracker (recusion anyone) and tell me ...

    what % of your deaths are because of esf's?

    And while noone likes the typical skyknight bushido BS (for the most part neither do i)

    those so-called skyknights are usually the people that switch to the weakest faction (in the air!!!!) to hunt down air.
    Seriously almost all the pilots i know/knew and most of them dedicated pilots are/were focused on anti air
    Simply because it was more exciting/engaging ...
    the guys that lolpod/ppa the ground usually aren't what any decent pilot would even consider a skyknight ... they are targets/certs at best.

    (edit: small correction ... outfit wide bombardments of biolads are just hilarious ... but honestly noone jumping on that stupid almost coverless platform thinks they will survive anyways (and if you do ... well bless your optimism)

    I know this sounds ignorant ... but sadly groundpounding is a hell of a lot easier than a2a ... so the next time you hate on those pesky "skyknights" that lolpoded you ... keep in mind that it's usually the new guy that does that and the evil skyknight that hunts them down.

    If you wan't to get a better balance then maybe try and ask for more than a nerf when it comes to air ... seriously nerfs is all the airgame ever got and all it did was to erradicate/weed out anyone but the most hardcore skyknight

    Sadly air is an unfinished feature that got tagged onto planteside2 ... and somehow they made it actually unique and enjoyable ... as long as you are willing to put in a week or 2 of your playtime to learn and not just hate.
  10. Scr1nRusher

    This shows some major mental health issues.
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  11. Scr1nRusher

    A2AM's are designed for A2A combat.

    ESF's are supposed to be the A2A fighter.

    You can't nerf stupid, but you can nerf what ever makes stupid cry.
  12. Cyropaedia

    Sad day when VS Connery air ganks 25 Vanguards or Prowlers I know....
  13. Jamuro

    I don't understand that ... on cobalt usually you end up with 4-5 randoms/squadiers that just don't give a f*ck in sunderers trying to deploy infront of each other to get some certs and one or maybe 2 rep sundies ... and somewhere inbetween an harasser that behaves more like an esf than a ground vehile (aka is only focused on doing nutty stuns)

    After the first few tanks die ... usually the angry tankers resupply into heavies of mount the sundies guns and the area becomes a no fly zone (honestly from personal experience a single walker sundie proves more painfull than a skyguard in most cases)

    The strange thing tough about infantry getting farmed ... is that is somehow is a vet thing ...
    I was gone from the game over a year and once back made a new pilot char ...
    on koltyr as soon as you show up people start shooting at you ... not with lock ons or burster maxes but ordinary heavy assaults ... and as soon as more than one lmg fires at you in an esf you got to bug out.

    On the main continents tough everyone is so focused on their kd that they don't give a sh*t about esf's and usually only one or two poor sods try to pull a lockon ... bursters only when libs bombard the spawnroom.

    Tl. dr.:
    If you see another infantry guy shooting at your buddies, you shoot at him ... for whatever reason this doesn't seem to apply to esf's lolpoding or libs(ok heavies needed for that)
    If we would remove the whole kd BS and killing focused xp/cert gain mechanics ... air would never ever be a problem.

    Ignorance and KD greed is what allows groundpounding
    (just fyi a2a esf's gain not even remotly as many kills or xp/certs as infantry and even groundpound focued pilots have a hard time keeping up with that ... terrain based exceptions are present [biolab cough cough] but those were meant as tough hurdles to overcome during the original latice system ... something that went out of whack recently)
  14. Reclaimer77

    You could say I have my own "Bushido Code", and going around as some faceless bringer of death to people who can't fight back goes against that.

    To quote Malcolm Reynolds: "You don't know me, son, so let me explain this to you once: If I ever kill you, you'll be awake. You'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."
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  15. WeRelic

    As much as I dislike A2AM, I wont TK over it. If you've sunk to that point, maybe you should be spending your gaming time with a counselor.
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  16. Jamuro

    translation please?

    To me it seems that you are pis*ed that others manage/spend their time organising groups and teamwork while you lone wolf around.
    But i might have gotten that wrong ... you are right that i don't know you ... but your posts here don't exatly show you in a favourable light tbh.
  17. Reclaimer77

    I'm not the one on the side of people who blatantly teamkill others when they dare use a weapon they don't like...

    So you MUST be a lone wolf player if you don't sit in an ESF and spam helpless infantry?

    Where do you guys come up with this stuff?
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  18. AlterEgo

  19. Gundem

    Don't get sucked into this, the guy is a die-hard air hater and refuses to listen to logic or reason.
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  20. Taemien

    Can xxSpecialistox, faaipdeoiad, sarhaman, UVCatastrophe, DanGeR0usRun (All VS on Emerald) say the same? You see when you play in a PVP game. Your actions reflect not only on yourself, but the people you associate with as well. I wonder how they will react to being targeted as well. Because by being in the same outfit, they support your actions 100%. At least as far as this community is concerned.

    Am I nasty enough to involve 'innocent' guildies into a vendetta? Yes.. Actually I am. I've made people quit games or servers or simply leave their guild, clan, whatever because of their fellows' actions in a game. Don't think for a minute that I wouldn't do it in PS2.

    I suggest everyone here do the same. SoljVS can probably take a bit of TKing or other unit targeting for a bit. Loving the attention. But if you target his friends, he'll feel like a total ***** for it. That's how you hurt them. Hurt the ones he cares about.

    Welcome to PVP.
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