Skynight Bushido Nonsense

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JohnGalt36, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. Taemien

    Won't need to come after you. I'm going to be sending people after the one's you play with:

    -TR Emerald-


    -VS Emerald-


    They won't know which faction or who by name is coming after them, might even be from within their own squad. We'll see if they enjoy having to watch their backs because of your actions.
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  2. AxiomInsanity87

    I'm getting tomcats later.
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  3. Reclaimer77

    I really don't see what the big deal is about them honestly. The lock on timer is long as hell. The DPS is REALLY bad on them.

    Basically if you have the skill to keep the target in the tiny lock-on reticule long enough to get a lock, you can do WAY more damage with the nose-gun.

    If anything Tomcats need buffs.
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  4. AxiomInsanity87

    I have neither the grounder nor tomcats on ps4 and on pc i indeed used the tomcats to get good becasue skyshtters were literally wrecking me at every turn with no mercy whatsoever. Plenty would run away when i nearly got the kill or bail/redeploy.

    So all this whining about tomcats has made me want to go all out with tomcats now. I think i'll make a video with some ridiculously kool dubstep as well lol.
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  5. Reclaimer77

    lol I MUST see that video now.

    Do et!
  6. Taemien

    Truth be told, I don't typically like using Tomcats. Coyotes a bit better in some cases and can be used against non-air that isn't moving very much. Tomcats are just way to specialized. With that being said.. I wish the lock counted as damage when the target commits sepeku on a tree or hill. Watching a Skyknight or wannabe skyknight flip out and die is pretty much worth the cost. Just wish we'd get the kill when they did that.

    This SoljVS/TR dude is a wannabe skyknight. He'd be raging hardcore if he ever encountered Recursion or Future Crew on Connery, as both used every weapon available in the arsenals. Those outfits had some pretty good pilots and it was damn fun to run with Recursion in the air when we skirmished with Future Crew. And we actually set up skirmishes, not just ganked noobs.

    But that's real PVP. Something these wannabes wouldn't understand. You use what's effective, and adapt. Not make some sort of meta-game and expect everyone to follow it. But that's also why his outfit is so small. They can't even field a whole squad.
  7. AxiomInsanity87

    I will do when i get on.

    I might make a gangk squad with outfit mates just to rub it in lol.

    Actually I'll make it kenny loggins lol.
  8. Reclaimer77

    Do you play on Emerald TR? Invite me!!! lol Got Tomcats and a decent amount of certs in my Mossie.

    All because of this thread lol.
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  9. AxiomInsanity87

    Nah was miller.

    I defected to ps4. Got sick of playing the game with all the competitive edges bar scripts.
  10. SoljVS

    Theres a reason I hang with them you know. They are other as you say 'skyknights'. So good luck.
  11. Scr1nRusher

    So how does it feel to be alone?
  12. Silkensmooth

    No you are wrong. A2A missiles make a solo player more powerful. I know because i have used them. They make players in a group godly.

    Being able to hit someone from 500 meters for 33% damage with no chance of missing while they are engaged with someone makes air fights drastically different than air fights where no one is using air to air missiles.

    Air fights without locks are fun and long lasting.

    There is no skill with locks. Especially in a group context.

    I have been flying in this game for a long time. I'm not a skyknight. I enjoy the good 1v1 dont get me wrong, but i enjoy the airwing vs airwing fighting as well and its just not fun with a2a missiles in their current state.

    This is why the air is mostly empty and the few pilots that are up there are mostly noobs. Flying became unfun due to full airwings with a2a missiles and all of the G2A that is worse than at any previous point.

    I myself rarely fly anymore. The only time i pull an ESF is if i get killed by one. I usually ditch it after i kill the pilot who killed me and go back to having fun as infantry.
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  13. Rogueshadow

    Wait ppl tk for using air lock ons? Where the hell are you guys when scythes and mosquitoes uses air locks on me while their wingman nose cannon duel me?????
  14. CorporationUSA

    You act like you're some kind of mob boss. The truth is that no one is going to go out and hunt someone down because you told them to, unless they themselves agree with your cause. And even then it's not likely to happen in the air because people know each other. Most people don't harbor resentment toward someone they encounter day after day, it's just extra stress for no good reason. It's probably more likely that they would fly together and BS in voice chat than partake in some feud.
  15. Goretzu

    Welcome to Planetside 2.

    Pull a MBT, drive over a hill into 6 enemy MBTs (or 6 AP Lightings for that matter) and you'll last much less time than in an ESF vs 6 AA lock-on ESFs.

    And believe me you see a LOT more Armour Platoons about than you ever do Air Platoons. The answer is exactly the same as with Armour Platoons (or indeed Infantry Platoons) - form your own Air Platoon.

    As I've said ESFs generally high level of solo power and solo surviablity seem to enhance a belief of self-entitlement that simply DOES NOT EXIST ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE GAME.

    Or to put it another way because 6 of something kills you, that doesn't make it "imbalanced", "broken" or "morally wrong"....... it makes it PLANETSIDE!
  16. Jamuro

    This is not a good argument tbh.
    First of 6 vs 1 no matter lockons or not will end up with the 1 guy dieing ... if he is an absolute beast he might manage to take one or 2 with him ... with lockons he will die long before he can fight back, no matter what he does (even if he has flares)

    Next your example would only work if 3 ap lightnings would oneshot an mbt and then only if those ap lightnings would have 100% accuracy and the next piece of cover is 300+ meters away.

    See where i am going with this?
    Additionally the socalled counter to lockons the flares are so bad vs tomcats it's not even funny any more.

    And while i agree that groups should be fought with groups, beeing forced to counter a weapon with itself, just in greater numbers is just bad ... at least if i can believe the people that cry about g2a being underpowered.

    And about the self entitlement thing ... where do you guys find those "self entitled" pilots?

    All i see are a few forum trolls and a black sheep (the tking guy) once every blue moon ... for the most part the air community is not like that.
    At least from personal experience, if i ask what i did wrong after a lost fight i usually not only get a few tips but more often than not an offer to try again, practise with them or even sometimes after a few deaths by the same guy they tend to wait/ask if i am willing to fight them again.

    The only guys i ve seen that tend to rage and get "entitled" (hate that word tbh) are very new pilots or people that only use esfs to lolpod a few certs in ... actual pilots (meaning the guys you see all the time in the air) don't behave like that.

    Tomcats are simply a thing that triggers controversity in the forums ... same as we ve seen within the tanker community when it comes to fractures or vanguard shields and so on.
  17. Goretzu

    Which is exactly the same thing that happens with 1 MBT running into 6 MBTs you die without killing one (unless they are all AFK) or 1 MAX running into 6 MAXs, or 1 Infantry running into 6 Infantry (ok you might get 1 there).

    That is the game.

    What that is most certainly NOT, is a "justification" for not having AA-lock-ons.

    Sorry but that is utter and complete nonsense; an AP MBT might get 1 or maybe 2 lightnings in a 1 vs 6 fight, but again they'd still lose very quickly (leaving 4 to 6 AP Lightings), I think you're just plain underestimating AP Lightning damage, which does 77% the damage per shot of an AP Vanguard.

    Pretty much no where? :confused:

    You can certainly get away without them, using other options, but how exactly are they "so bad" vs AA-lock-ons funny or not?

    You can counter Air Platoon in pretty much as many ways as you can counter Armour Platoons, you're right however, SOE decision to make AA area denial only does have far reaching balance concequences and always will, as indeed did their decision to roll up A2A and A2G fighters into just one Airframe for PS2.

    This thread, for a start. :)

    You've clearly never participated in any threads about making Air more newbie friendly then, there are plenty of "pilots" that would genuinely rather the game close than have the awkwardness wall be removed (or indeed a specialised A2A fighter be introduced al la the PS1 WASP).

    It is not hard to understand why, it is the same reason I've seen 100 times in PvP MMOs, but its never the right reason (because successful PvP games almost always have easy accessibility).
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  18. Goretzu

    To recap, as you don't seem to have read my other posts in this thread:

    1) A2A lock-ons only exist to try and counter the incredibly high level of inaccessiblity PS2 Air has (the awkwardness wall among other things) for new Air player (even experience pilots from other games) - and it does just that.
    Now that is not to say this is the only way, but it is THE way we have at the moment, and I can't really see it changing.

    2) The Air Platoon issue is a canard. All platoons work like this in PS1, and indeed a platoon of ESFs all with A2A nose guns will function in pretty much the same manner (as I say I think flying ESFs a lot gives a genuine [in the context of ESFs], but false [in the context of PS2 as a whole] sense of self-entitlement because ESFs have a very high level of solo power and solo surviablity if played reasonably well (more so than any other solo vehicle in the game).

    3) A2A missiles aren't remotely the be all and end all of 1-on-1 A2A fights the are sometimes painted to be, they just help out the lower skilled player (who will likely still lose).

    4) People that TK are ####s, people that TK because they disaprove of your weapon should frankly be banned (the game would be better for it).

    Personally I would try to change the Air game by introducing a specialised A2A fighter (that had no ground capability - meaning it could be made much more resistant or even almost immune to Anti-Air fire from the ground) that also was more accessible for the newbie to fly - Skyknights don't seem to like this idea much however.
  19. Taemien

    You don't quite understand the sort of people I run with. RL friends, Army buddies, all military, current and vets. When one person gets going, everyone does. One man's feud is everyone's feud. And can be very competitive.
  20. GrenadeShark

    OMG. How did I miss this hilarious thread. I don't typically TK tomcat users. I have had simple means in the past for dealing with them. Farm them specifically at all costs over other targets and refuse to help friendlies who use them. That has gotten the point across enough times.

    But, since Taemien has so many buddies who are willing to take up a cause, I think I just might start TKing again. Not enough planes in the air if you ask me. So, grab your buddies and come find me on Emerald. I'm on most days in the evening. I'll be the guy TKing all the friendly Tomcat users now.

    Thanks for the incentive boost. Before, it was only a slight annoyance. Now, I know I will have people dedicated to my destruction. Sounds like fun if you ask me.