Skynight Bushido Nonsense

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JohnGalt36, Dec 30, 2015.

  1. KirthGersen

    Always flying with A2A excpet I'm on a dedicated anti-vanguard mission:D where I need lolpods.
    Yes, lolpods exactly, not the Hornets beacuse of better splash which is needed to kill an MBT crew on repairing - that's critical when dealing with Vanguard and its shield. If I go against other tanks, Hornets are no-brainer. Thank you Alarox or Klypto for posting a "Hornet survival guide" video here lel.

    Also I must say that I've got intensionally TKed for using A2A only once; it's nothing compared to what some mad INFANTRY KNIGHTS tried to do when I was playing NC and using scatterMAX a lot. Some guys were creating smurfs to try TK me. Dat was awesome.
  2. Reclaimer77

    AIR destroys fun for others all the time. Hello? If that's going to be the basis for your argument, we would have to massively buff AA or remove Air from the game.
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  3. JohnGalt36

    Yeah, the "lock-ons ruin fun" argument doesn't really fly. (see what I did there?)

    Dying ruins fun is really what you mean, and you die to lockons because they are easier for the average person to use. Your average Skyknight, for some reason, thinks everyone should have to put in hundreds of hours of practice with the honabru nosegun to deserve kills. Just because your jimmies are rustled that you get killed by filthy casual (that's me) every now and then doesn't mean you get to ruin everybody else's fun just so you can die less.

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  4. Jubikus

    I cant believe theres 11 pages of this.
  5. JudgeNu

    TK'n Elitists are trash.
    A-Locks are noob.
    When I get in my Reaver I am strictly AV.
    I stay near fellow airmen or get shot down.
  6. CKM1982

    Picture from today:
    Was flying on Amerish, from far away saw reaver engaging liberator, he was trying to dalton him (flying flipped).
    I shot few rounds to help, literally few and boom lib dead and I scored the kill.
    What happened next is on screens. Server Cobalt.
    What I learned? When you see a friendly bushido attacking somone, never try to help, possibility of a teamkill rises the more you helped, let alone scoring (somebodys) kill.


    As you can see I had a nice duel with Penia2, he played fair behave very nice.

  7. Scr1nRusher

    "skynights" complain that the airgame is dying/being killed.........

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  8. Savadrin

    Hello, history. Rinse, repeat. This is what we are, bro.
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  9. Littleman

    1. They'll have to get over it, just like I have to get over:
    2. Invisible guys with 1HK sniper rifles firing at me from WAY BEYOND my assault rifle's engagement range.
    3. Dudes with as much speed, twice the health, 3x the ammo I have, and a freaking rocket launcher around every corner.
    4. Landmines.
    5. ...C4.
    6. ...And Grenades.
    7. Tanks lobbing shells into a facility that was ever so strategically built into a crater.
    8. Oh, and a billion dudes. Yeah, we don't exactly play the "oh, this one's already being shot at, guess I'll look for someone else to shoot" game on the ground, so no one in their right mind is going to practice the same in the air and especially TOWARDS the air.
    Seriously, in it's current state, combat aircraft can be nixed entirely from PS2 and the game would be better for it. Everything about it is messed up, from AvG balance to the bass ackwards control scheme. I don't think ground forces are ever excited to see aircraft, except when in such volume Admiral Ackbar isn't entirely out of place. We'll never see aircraft battles between dozens of fighters though, because the control scheme is a sin on gaming. It's like playing DOOM with the default controls... which are awful by the way.
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  10. Savadrin

    I saw one of these two nights ago in Esamir. Literally, dozens of aircraft.
  11. Imp C Bravo

    Play how you like. Ignore the whiners. If you get TK'ed for it report it.

    It's best if you don't use lock ons not because of some weird honor code --- but because you will become a much better pilot overall. But, if you want to use 'em, go right the #%@! ahead. Don't let them change how you play.
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  12. SoljVS

    Then come shoot me down. I think about a whole 2 people have tried to TK me in the air since this thread started, and I mopped the floor with them. If you're up for the task lets see it. Fact is on my server (Emerald) there are only a handful of decent pilots and a smaller subset for that can even give me a run for my money but we all know each other and get along pretty well in our little honorable click.

    Everyone else is really just cannon fodder. I could kill the majority of you with the dam AI gun (banshee, fly TR mostly). 99% of the time I can tell by a player's name if they are even going to be a threat or not because as I said most of us pilots know each other pretty well. So if I don't recognize a name its more than likely cause you ain't ****.

    You've probably noticed how sometimes you'll see ESFs of a different faction flying around together or completely ignoring each other while that faction's ESFs are getting rekt. Ya its because they are 'skynights' and they earned each other's respect and don't bother each other no matter what faction they are playing, other than some friendly organized duels until fire supp.

    Hell I could get on right now and go ground pound it up and all the other skyknights on your faction would fly right by me as I did it, cuz respect.
  13. Casey B

    I heard GOKU is running lockon gank squads. Someone was complaining about it.

    Honestly if I could I'd run lock on squads every night until every last air elitist and infantry farming lib is blasted out of the sky.
  14. Jamuro

    In gank squads and large scale a2a battles tomcats do indeed have their place.
    And if you read the thread again you ll see noone complaining about that (for the most part) ...

    It's the idea that tomcats are in any way suitable as a newbie weapon OR helpfull for a new pilot that people keep complaining about.
    Sure it's frustrating to die to one ... (again that's mostly the fault of flares beeing a crappy counter) ...

    But what is more frustrating is that the community thinks that tomcats do anything to help new players ... all while they actually hinder the new guy the most.
    They activly punish you for trying to evade (lock broken ... please start again), prevent you from learning how to lead or how to manage your clip.

    Litteraly everything that's important in a2a get's punished by the tomcat ...
    Pilots were crying for ages for a newbie friendly choice ... and what we got was yet another lockon warning on our screens and a weapon that's absolute trash for a newbie and only rewards gank squads.

    But hey if you aren't in favour of lockons then apparently you are an "air elitist" ... wtf?
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  15. Pelojian

    would only make ground hate air even more if all secondaries were buffed in this manner, the fact you'd have to resupply more is nothing in the minds of ground units that would get wiped out faster without any reasonable chance of evasion or counter play. air resupplying is quick considering how fast you can cross the map. having less ammo also means less downtime resupplying at an ammo tower or airpad.

    Air already has the highest DPS weapons in the game, they do not need more damage or DPS.
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  16. CorporationUSA

    Unless they played BF3. Then the controls are pretty much the same.
  17. Campagne

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  18. Goretzu

    Jets or Helicopters? In PS2 ESFs and Air doesn't fly like anything I've flown in before (including PS1 although that would be the most similar - and that probably started with Harrier Attack or maybe Lunar Lander :oops: - actually in terms of pick up and play I'd say PS2 Air was around Wizball or Airwolf levels, which is to say not very pick up and playable), the controls maybe similar in some cases, but the handling is not (again I think because of the engine, it is a bit like some vehicles not handling well in games like Just Cause 2 although arguably JC2 has the issue the other way around to PS2).

    Never mind all the rest I mention - keybindings, settings, chassis, etc.
  19. Reclaimer77

    Pilots don't care about that. It's just an excuse to get something they hate nerfed into uselessness.
  20. Littleman

    This. What's really of interest to pilots is staying on top of their little isolated food chain. If pilots really wanted to help the newbie, they'd be telling DGC to change the control scheme to something more intuitive. Even flight-only games utilize control schemes that are leaps and bounds easier to pick up and play with the mouse and keyboard in mind. Ironically, these flight only games felt more first person-shootery than BF4's helicopter flight model.
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