Server Issues

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by codeForge, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. MrMurdok

    Well, at least I got some morning playtime.
  2. Philipsz

    How can a single bug break the game in the current version AND prevent a rollback to the last working version? These things should be completely unrelated.

  3. DurandaI

    Not to call you out or anything, but it is literally impossible for the devs to test FULL capacity servers, or serevers that are OVER full capacity like last night.

    They DO have a test server, but it is never at FULL capacity so just calm down, these folks obviously are doing all they can, no need to attack the devs personally.
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  4. Sossen

    I can't see how it would be impossible to test a full capacity server. I don't claim to be a computer whiz, but I could see a big company like SOE could in theory do it. Not by having 2000 personal computers all join the server, but there has to be a way to simulate that scenario with enough processing power.
  5. Hatesphere

    do you want to have to download 1.2 gigs again to be compatible with the old version? thats what the roll back would take, and it costs not only SOE but some people with lower tier internet plans money to use bandwidth.
  6. Goretzu


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  7. Goretzu

    Oh yes....... :D
  8. Vorxil

    Clearly ZOE¨s gained sentience...
  9. Bayudness

    Sony Online Entertainment (SOE), a division of Sony Corporation, is a video game developer and video game publisher.
  10. Epic High Five

    The server is almost fixed.

    It just has to spend the next three episodes screaming and charging up a massive attack.
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  11. Samblak

    This isn't everquest or WoW , the majority of us could probably care less about christmas events and snowmen in an FPS game. Let us get back to blasting each other and roll back the servers , Thanks
  12. raphapoil

    god dammit, i come back after school to see that they closed teh servers again :(
  13. Nayrx

    Its about time some one brought up the elephant in the room.
  14. Malb0r0

    Aka they still can't find a fix to the bug, so just go play something else.

    SOE u sure someone didnt get pissed with your nerfs and DOSs you guys LOL!
  15. coldasblues

    You guys didn't piss off a bunch of hackers again did you? :rolleyes:

    No, but seriously no big deal if servers are down anyone who's played an MMO has learned how to deal with this situation. And no its not go outside. It's playing one of the other 42 games installed on your computer.
  16. Pikachu

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  17. Philipsz


    I realize that there are people with 56k modems out there but to keep servers down for what soon will be days because somebody might be too cheap to download a lousy gig would be an insane decision.
  18. sagolsun

    At this point in the game's lifecycle load-related issues should be well-known and the devs should have a rough idea of where the hard and soft constraints lie. I don't think this is a load-related issue.

    If you'd watch OMFG they actually did write a script that recorded player movement and then played it back to the server, as part of the efforts to optimize the game.

    Of course all of that breaks when you change the parameters of the game like geometry or explosion radii. Bots will test exactly as much as they're scripted to do and PS2 is a broad game - creating bots that would approximate player behavior would be a daunting task.

    In theory it shouldn't. I have no idea why they don't roll back, but they don't. Maybe they don't have a system setup and just work on the assumption that testing is going to catch most bugs and a hotfix will fix the rest.

    I do not envy the devs and imagine the tremendous amount of pressure they're under right now. I can almost see Smed hunching over Ryan's desk asking all sorts of unhelpful and pointless questions. I can then see Ryan rubberducking the solution with Smed with the latter nodding, understanding every third word.
  19. EliteEskimo

    We can't let them win CodeForge, you need to get the servers back up so the people of the Terran Republic can use their massive amounts of Dakka to stop the snowman master race!
    [IMG] [IMG]
  20. Hatesphere

    on the corporate level bandwidth costs money, for SOE. on the consumer level it can also cost money, especial for people across the pond with abysmal internet packages. I think you can wait a day for them to peg down the problem and release a smaller patch to address it. its far more efficient then re-sending all the old data again, and then having to send the entire balance patch back with a small add on to fix the issue.