Server Downtime for Patch January 23, 2014 6 AM PT (3 PM CET)

Discussion in 'Official News and Announcements' started by d_carey, Jan 22, 2014.

  1. Nikademus

    If it has been in since launch it is no longer a bug, it is a feature.
  2. Ganelon

    If they really don't know what's wrong with it they must be pretty ******* high on drugs.
  3. Alex31313

    Still getting terrible FPS since the ESF update. This patch hasn't fixed that issue.
  4. Alex31313

    Shall i suggest another double xp weekend?
  5. Zorro

    Nice, an update on my birthday! :D
  6. Wutaaa

    You took all that time to make weak arguments against my opinion? YOUR reply to my post and the BEHAVIOR of players and content of their forum posts is what makes them pretentious. A mouth breathing trogolodyte, quoting a mouth breathing troglodyte is what You are :)
  7. Mormomboy

    I don't have that problem, they render within several feet of the AV turret when I am looking for them usually, and if not that close, at least they are a straight line from where it came from

    False, any good tanker can kill them. I would know, because I get hit by enough VS and NC tanks at max range.
    I have killed a number of AV turrets from max range as well.

    I am saying it makes us very vulnerable while on the turret. Also a lot of people don't use the nice mice, and or do not know to do that. That was a side note, not a huge part of the argument.

    If it renders at that distance is not important. If you "q" the target to spot them they show up just fine from a vehicle at the same range a vehicle shows up to infantry. They usually show up on map when firing for me anyways.
    I am using these turrets and often get hit by them. I have learned to fight them. That is how you play a game, you learn the weakness of an enemies weapon or vehicle and use it to your advantage, don't go crying nerf it nerf it, especially if it is not a faction specific weapon. Your max is close range for the most part, so I stay at a distance or ambush them to kill with my max.

    Rendering is not a nerf issue so much as a bug that needs to be fixed.

    The phoenix can be used any where at any time.

    AV turret must be set on flat surface, has limited turn range (can't turn 360 degrees to respond to a threat), does not have a camera view for easy guiding even at max range (you can see behind obstacles by flying up then down), takes 5 seconds or so to set up.

    Your max also has dual guided rockets.
    How does the hill billy faction have the best rockets?
  8. indecks

    Hi, I still cant get into the game you broke with your update. Might I suggest rolling back the update that destroyed the functionality of your product?
  9. ncDieseL

    The game crashes because of a memory leak. There isn't much we can do about it, the game will crash every couple of hours. It's not too bad because normally you can get back in quickly and get your place in a platoon back. However, currently it takes ages to get passed the character selection screen, so you either lose your place on the platoon or lose your patience.
  10. DeeX

    Did not get the sarcasm. Welcome to the internet
  11. Mormomboy

    I think you're just not very good at conveying it in writing. 9 people "liked" my comment responding to yours, not bragging, just saying that everyone else who saw your statement thought you were serious.
    Written communication sucks for just this very reason. If you had said that out loud and emphasized certain words, or said it in a certain tone I could see that as sarcasm, but the way it was written led me to believe otherwise.

    If you were indeed being sarcastic, then I agree with you 100%.
    There are enough people who disagree with us, that based upon the way you wrote your statement, it led me to believe you were not being sarcastic. Enough people think that way that they are making these game decisions after all.
  12. Mormomboy

    Are you sure that is supposed to be fixed?
    The patch notes said
    "Jumping will pull character out of iron sights"
    not fixed pulling out of iron sights.
    most the patch notes say something like this

    Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed instances of flashing in the Amerish sky file on some graphics settings
    • Fixed an issue with Squad Filters filtering by page, causing misleading results
    • Stationary and deployed vehicles will no longer slide when on inclined surfaces
    • Fixed an issue where HUD timers for primary and secondary objectives stop updating when you open a UI screen
    • VS MAX bodies should no longer turn about 90 degrees when crouched
    • Underbarrel grenade launchers reload animation now lines up with the weapon
    • Fixed missing reload animation for NS-7 PDW
    • The bolt action animation for VS sniper rifles should no longer block the player's view
    • Adjusted position of misplaced tank guards in Ellis Amp Station
    • Jump pad at Mani Fortress jump you to the Biolab onto the jump pad back to Mani Fortress
    • Closed up some collision issues in Biolabs allowing Light Assaults to attack from unattended areas
    • You should no longer be able to get under The Rink's collision
    • When another player is talking in voice chat the indicator that displays at the bottom of the screen will no longer overlap your weapons info in the Centralized HUD
    • The heat gauge and name of the turret are no longer overlapping each other in centralized HUD mode
    • Fixed issue where AMS Sunderers were not animating when being deployed
    • Fixed issue where some VS MAX projectiles were missing lights and sounds
    • Adjusted NC Sunderer and Harasser colors
    • Fixed the lock-on reduction buff (given by vehicle stealth) sometimes being lost when the vehicle comes from outside of awareness range
    • Fixed pop after firing a SMG while aimed
    • Jumping will pull character out of iron sights
    • Fixed FOV being stretched in certain resolutions. It is now back to how it was before Performance Update 2
    • Added a Wide View Mode option under graphics settings. This option auto-adjusts the FOV to fit wider resolutions.
    • Resolved an issue with the Platoon page
    Notice the mention of the jumping and iron sights makes it look more like they felt aiming down sight while jumping was the bug.
    That should have been in known issues if it was something they were going to change.
    As far as I can tell, this is on purpose.
    I am not saying I like it, but it makes sense that you would have a hard time lining up a shot while falling or flying through the air.
  13. indecks

    You forgot one:

    • Broken: Log in process. Crashes to desktop every time.
  14. DeeX

    I have included my ps2 stats in the signature. I guess you can figure out yourself any player with 50k+ kills is not going to ghostcap.
  15. Mormomboy

    We never talked about ghost capping though. We talked about having good defense at a base for more epic battles, or not.
  16. Phtki

    ps2 won't start why? it can't be too difficult to fix this fu***ng Client crashes?!!!!
  17. LostGee

    Same here.. everyone is getting this problem... i cluck play game and then it just closes,,, it doesnt give me and error nothing just closes... then i open it up again and then it says im already playing the game.. :/ after that i logg outt then logg in and now it says i need to install the game? but its already downloaded:/ i uninstalled it and reinstalled it twice already :/ still cant playy
  18. Mormomboy

    LOL I don't think that was on the list.
    Mine was copied straight form the ESF updates page.
    I will say that one needs to be under the Known issues section.
    Even more so, next update I better see

    • No longer Crashes to desktop during log in.
  19. Mormomboy

    Not gonna lie, I was laughing pretty hard when I read that. I see nothing but EU hate for those guys, goodness it would be funny if they let them handle it instead of the SOE team here.
  20. Mormomboy

    I used to have the every couple hours crash, but I have not had many crashes since rolling back my GTX 670 drivers to a little more stable version. Since doing that last week, I think it crashed while loading once, and once when I logged in, immediately got in a galaxy and tried to fly off. (I should have let it load first)

    Try different graphics drivers, find out which is most stable for your system. People recommend start with newest driver, if it has a problem go back one, and keep going back a driver till you find one that seems to preform well for you.

    Good luck.