Seriously, friendly fire needs to go... NOW!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TyphusAlGhoul, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. CaptainRobust

    Just remember that the right of way in Planetside 2 is the law of physics. Vehicles get the road, and if you're in the road, you'll just have to get used to getting run over.

    I consider squashing people who run in the middle of the road to be bonus points, personally.
  2. TyphusAlGhoul

    Thanks everyone for explaining. I can see how the argument for FF would be that people would just run in shooting like crazy, i partially agree yes. Of course we all have different opinions about what is fun.

    As far as the above quote, read the topic mate, it's about me getting run over and being shot while trying help others which is driving me crazy. I really don't like it that it is so easy for your own faction to kill you -- by accident or on purpose. My FPS has nothing to do with it. The reason i posted the image is simply because one of you thought it was BS, that i get FF deaths so much, which is was not. At least they need to modify the vehicle friendly kills because people drive like crazy and will continue to do so -- it's way to easy to get run over in massive battles, even if you pay attention.

    I truly hope they remove FF or at least modify it so you don't get killed by faction vehicles. Enough said about the topic! ^^
  3. Landtank

    No it does not. Prevents grenade spam if anything.
  4. failbot

    What I meant that with that low fps you really can't play clearly, you move so choppily. I've got 8 deaths by my teammates on my TR char with a total of 211 deaths and 465 kills. Cant be bothered to log on my NC char, but the numbers are pretty much same.

    If they removed FF I'm betting they would lose ½ of their playerbase.
  5. Lokarin

    Getting team killed doesn't award the enemy a point... I'd rather be TK'd than slain by them Vanu scum.
  6. InducedApathy

    I team kill all the time. Poor flash users.
  7. Rajel

    Sounds like someone needs a carebear server. :p
  8. ThrottleFox

    FF needs to stay, its the idiot that runs in front of your fully auto gun/turret or into the small room where you and your team have been shooting / spamming rockets / M203 rounds for the last 5 minutes that needs to go. Don't punish me because some moron suddenly goes "KILL KILL KILL" when he sees an enemy and runs in front of everyone and gets killed with out getting a shot off.
    Bullets and explosives are meant to kill
  9. FA_Q2

    Assist points.

    Oh yea, I hit you with ONE bullet and get thems exps when you get flattened by your own team
