Scoped and ADS sensitivity

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RageMasterUK, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. LibertyRevolution

    You mean that your ADS is half as slow, so you have to move your mouse twice as far?
    Why do people like having half speed on the their ADS, I guess that is my question.
    Doesn't it make more sense to have everything move your crosshair the same?

    This is how it is for me with eveything close to the same as I can make it:

    I want to switch back and forth on the fly, having it change speeds would really screw that up wouldn't it?
    Even my magrider moves the same amount as my carbine far as how much I move my mouse and where it lands...
    I don't want to have to think about how much to move.. I want to move my mouse 2" and it go "there", no matter what I'm doing.