Remove stealth

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Warspine, Aug 2, 2020.

  1. Ps2 player

    Source: Trust me bro

    feel free to 1v1 me as an infil ill use any class default weapons.
  2. Effect

    Yes I can tell that knowing people is something you wouldn't understand.

    Sure thing bud.
  3. Somentine

  4. Ps2 player

  5. Effect

    Oh dear, you're so hilariously adorable.
  6. Somentine

    You already 'challenged' me before in your copium Infil defense thread; I gave you my chars, and asked for a time, twice, which you selectively ignored. You have my characters, you can PM me the time, in game or here.
  7. Ps2 player

    hm i must of forgotten as i play many games as well. if your on emerald you can add my account name as you already know it since you claim im not good. be aware you will be clipped though as you like to use the "post fisu" tactic on here alot and on reddit. you will be posted on discord videos as well. add me and we will 1v1 any region that doesnt have players. you can bring your friends to watch, but im sure you would use them to ghost spot me. you can see me online tonight 11pm if i am not carried away by my other game i play which usually has events on 7pm CST. i will show you i can see your infil and kill you easily. or if you would like me to use infil i can do that too. or any other class.

    ive played this game since launch and originally from connery. ill show you stats and all your aurax's dont mean ****e kiddo lmao. P.S i also play this game on a disabled CPU booster.
  8. That_One_Kane_Guy

    This will be amusing. You know the guy johns-ing his setup and his free time before the fight even begins is going to put up an S tier performance.
  9. Ps2 player

    jokes on you neither of them showed up. These Keyboard warriors are too comfortable disrespecting behind a screen without getting punched in the face for it. He clearly saw my post as he insta replies to me in the past. i waited whole hour and hes still not here or added me and i even made a custom made base on edge of the map for a 1v1.

    Anyone and their grandma can aurax any weapon in this game as this game is full of bad players that are easy to kill. just another coward in the texbook's. End of story. next.
  10. Effect

    Some of us work for a living (and my I was playing a Pil:R 6v6 match), and I don't need to prove myself in a 1v1 against someone who unironically thinks no bullet drop matters when I can just farm you on live instead. If you really want to get your **** pushed in by better players that badly go join some jaeger 6v6 games. You'll quickly realize just how outclassed you are by even just decent players, though it's more likely you'll start accusing them of cheating since you're already doing that.
  11. Somentine

    I did add you.
    No, I'm not going to 1v1 @ 12AM my time, pick a sane time.
    Also, don't waste your time building a PMB, we'll choose a base that is just far away from any fights, unless you want to reserve a base on Jeager.
  12. chamks

    yeah i agree. in my opinion infils hunter should have one lvl up on the cloak so crouch visability should be like crouch move. also all bolt action max dmg should reduce by 50 and we should have a "thick helment" suit slot option that will increes your effective hp to 1200 only against sniper rifels, so that not only heavy assault will be able to pick from afar and survive. currently im playing heavy asolt 90% only because of that reason.
    and stalker should have a debuff that reduce his side-arm dmg by 15%
  13. That_One_Kane_Guy

    You mean someone might have better things to do than show up to a last minute ego-fest on a work night for internet points? Shocker.

    Keep that energy, though. Remember, you promised to record.
  14. Amador

    Original post made back in August 2020. A hotly debated topic, even beyond 3 years ago.

    I don't recall a single proposal or change for Infiltrator reaching the Public Test Server by Daybreak. Not even once.

    Dev's nerfed MAX's into the ground upon slightest complaint from reddit, yet Dev's disregard requested Infiltrator revamp for years.

    <Slow claps.>

    F.U.D. guideline definition needs to be updated to "Facts Unrecognized by Daybreak".
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    yes we do everyone, but when you even try swicth on it you are dead.
    btw that infiltrator has way different weapon on that moment
    and its doesnt matter its just someone BR 5 and kill you 5 times in row and you do your duty on base
    and he has also other advantages to see you on map
    well its infiltrator special unit
    yes it isnt fair for everyone who want speculate about it its waste time its just simple someone is invisible when wants and just camping around corner and do all time and is easy take his sunder and run away or whatewer.
    what i will do is simple allow him to do invisible only outiside buildings thats all.
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