[Suggestion] Remove AP rounds ability to OHK infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LibertyRevolution, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. BlueSkies


    You do know that the AP round has no splash damage right? That the tanker has to directly hit you with the round to kill you?

    If this is happening to you often enough that you felt the need to post this... might I suggest, erm... not standing still when a tank has a direct line of sight on you?

    If you are standing still and get hit by an AP round, that is your own damn fault

    If you are running, zigzagging, and basically doing everything you can to not get hit but get hit anyway, then that gunner deserved that kill.
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  2. ColonelChingles

    Technically AP does have splash damage... the Lightning AP cannon for example does 500 damage within 0.5m.

    But practically speaking it might as well not have any. A tiny itty bitty frag grenade that infantry can hold in their hand does over twice as much damage at twice the range!

    64mm hand grenade >> 100mm tank shell. Ah PS2... :rolleyes:
  3. BlueSkies

    Yeah, if you can jump over the "splash" damage, it doesn't really count ;)

    Of course.. anytime I think about splash damage and tank rounds I start having PTSD flashbacks to the original HE rounds...
  4. Kentucky Windage

    I have every expectation to die from a direct hit by a tank. I don't think that is unreasonable. Just because we are infantry shouldn't prevent us from dying to AP rounds. It just seems self explanatory and completely reasonable to not survive that encounter.
  5. Klypto

    Why is this thread still a thing?

    Liberty took devil's advocate to prove a point that people almost unanimously agree on.
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  6. AdmiralArcher

    a resonably sized block would do considerable damage to the bearing housing.....

    most real AT weapons are shaped charges....others are sabots.....the only C4 that would work is the C4 ARX because it makes a friggin supernova
  7. Hoki

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  8. Hoki

    Need a vote to close thread feature.
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  9. ColonelChingles

    If it's really packed in there... probably a mission kill, if not a total kill. Then again I'm not sure that any reasonable infantryman would have time to crawl into that space and plaster it with C4.

    But if it were just tossed... I think penetration or even extreme deformation is far from guaranteed.

    Tanks aren't invincible... and C4 certainly has enough power to destroy optics or tracks... but that's a far cry from how powerful they are in the game at current. :)

    I think you'd need a shaped charge/EFP about the size of a gallon of paint at least to be able to pierce the bottom armor of an MBT. Something much larger than anything easily infantry-portable.

    As for supernovas... I'll refrain from speculation because that's way out of my league. :p
  10. SoldierHobbes

    Try shooting ants with a BB gun. That's basically what hitting infantry with AP rounds is like. And if you're standing still enough for some one to hit your soldier with an AP round of any kind, you kinda deserve that cannonball to the face. All AP cannons really are, are giant sniper rifles. Sniping takes skill on the sniper's part or stupidity on the target's part. Don't stand so still and you won't get AP'ed.
  11. AdmiralArcher

    an AT4 would work perfectly...its a large shaped charge using....you guess it! C4 or possibly another kind of high explosive. C4 is used because it is moldable and very stable.

    over the summer i held a rocklet fired from a helicopter or dropped from a BLU cluster bomb that was smaller than a baseball capable of going through a foot of hardened steel plating with ease, you wouldnt need a very large shaped charge to go through anything.

    if you put a bunch of C4 on a copper cone...you have made a shaped charge.
  12. ColonelChingles

    AT4s are generally considered to be ineffective against MBTs... being light anti-tank weapons. I think there was an experimental 130mm AT12 that they were toying with that could penetrate MBT armor (for its time), but they found it unworkable.

    Not all BLU submunitions are the same. Some are meant for anti-personnel/anti-material duties which don't need to burn through as much armor. BLU submunitions that are designed for anti-tank work are much bigger. The BLU-108 for instance weighs 60 pounds (though that includes 4 warheads and the identification/propulsion system). Each EFP is 1 pound by itself, and if you tack on the amount of explosives and housing necessary that weight jumps significantly.


    Well, as currently exists this is the sort of thing you need to deal significant damage to an MBT (if you're gunning for the sides/bottom):


    EFPs are dangerous to tanks, but they're also usually much bigger than whatever infantry can carry.
  13. KiakoLalene

    Because taking a supersonic brick to the chest shouldn't kill a man, right?
  14. Chipiwan

    You know how hard it is to hit an ESF with a phoenix, right? Like, I've done it with hoverscythes before, and the occasional stupid Banshee mossy, but most pilots can and do dodge. If you do get hit by a phoenix your ESF deserves to die because you did something wrong.

    If you get hit by an AP round it's the same. If you're charging at a tank without trying to evade the cannon pointed at you then you deserve the death. Because you did something wrong. Or else the tanker is good enough to hit you. In either case try to get behind the tank to C4 it, or else just light assault up to a roof or a high place and wait for the tank to pass, most tankers don't look up. Or else you could lay down tank mines and bait the tank towards you. Hell, pull your own tank and try to take them out,

    But if you're an infantry who died to an AP tank because you were charging it you deserve it.
  15. AdmiralArcher

    not the BLU that i was thinking of.....

    this is something similar to what i held....i coldnt find an actual picture unfortunately

    these are pretty small, but what i held was more areodynamic and it had an air intake to prime the weapon........

    those kinds of EPFs are designed to blow up the whole tank pretty much, these are meant to disable tanks or vehicles or disable the crew.

    the AT12 did work.....it just wasnt up to snuff. they decided that the average infantrymen wasnt going to run into a tank these das....and if they do, air support was close by or a speacialized unit could be called in to use something that could kill a tank.

    the javlin i believe got all of the attention from the military and so they went away from the AT line and moved towards smarter munitions.
  16. Risingstorm12

    lol **** no, ap already doesn't have splash, you're prolly raging cause you can't walk to vanguard and c4. AP should never be nerfed, they already ruined HEAT.
  17. Love

    i lol'd
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  18. Risingstorm12

    No, AP should stay the same, it's made for TvT
  19. ColonelChingles

    I think it would be a bit of a stretch to use smaller anti-material submunitions against MBTs. Sure it wouldn't be an enjoyable experience for MBTs and would definitely result in some damage... but such small ones might not grant even mission kills. Or they might get lucky and blow up the entire tank. It's a dicey gamble.

    The larger and heavier submunitions are meant to destroy armor with a high degree of confidence... which is why they're the proper tool for the job.

    Come to think of it, it would be interesting if there was a certain amount of randomness in PS2... maybe that C4 (which shouldn't really work anyways) will blow up the tank, or maybe it will just piss it off enormously. :p

    Well the AT12 could penetrate MBT armor for its period (the 90s). Just couldn't justify the extra expense and weight of such a launcher.

    You're right that for the most part Western mechanized warfare doctrine downplayed the role of the infantry and emphasized air, artillery, or friendly armor for anti-tank duties. Most Western rifle platoons are woefully underequipped to handle MBTs. Only at the... company level I think will you find those heavy ATGMs for anti-MBT work.

    The Soviet doctrine, on the other hand, pretty much figured that they would not have air or armor superiority. So Soviet/Russian ATGM technology was considerably more developed (defense budget differences aside) than Western options.

    This is why the Russians are the only ones (to my knowledge) who field dumbfire anti-tank weapons like the RPG-29 that are capable of engaging MBTs (from the sides at least). There is no US/Western counterpart to the RPG-29 I think.

    I mean the truth is that in modernized mechanized warfare infantry don't play as big a role as they used to. For some odd reason in the 28th century we seem to be fighting with WWI doctrines (and equipment). :p
  20. SpartanPsycho

    This thread came up again?
    Hey liberty? Guess what? I asked my outfit about you and one guy said this: "what did the little **** post to piss you off"
    Your time has come to realize that we know your a biased ******* you sees things only from you own ******* perpesctive.
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