Quick Note on Optimization

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by codeForge, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. JuanSchmitt

    You should maybe give the players the option in graphics to turn off certain terrain animations like the grass swaying or the shield animation.
  2. CaliBased

    frame rate is still unacceptable!

    running medium/low settings. render distance 1000

    amd 955x4 3.2
    gtx 260
    6gb ram

    im even overclocking my gpu!

    framerate avg: 30+ on a good day with bellow 30 in techlabs
  3. XRIST0

    What did you expect , seriously ?

    *i7 870@ 4.3
    *Crossfire 6970's
    *8GB of ram

    I still dip down into the 40s in tech labs if they are heavily populated
    • Up x 1
  4. CaliBased

    i run almost all games on steam with excellent fps, why is this game that different? Im aware my systems a bit old but you are niave if you really think you need a hardcore crossfire setup to get good fps
  5. PaulRain

    after the last hotfix thing are running kind of good for me.... I'm more or less stable between 40 to 60 fps, sometimes I go around 30 on very crowded places, I tested it only for an hour yesterday so fingers crossed.
    CPU i5 2450P
    GPU GTX 660 OC
    RAM 4Gb
    Win7 64bit
    My bottleneck is the CPU, and I found out that there are several settings which don't really influece the fps.... I guess those are on the GPU
    The shadows quality instead (I read somewhere) is on the CPU and that's one that really influence fps in my system.
    It will be nice to have an official list of which is which, to be able to set up the graphics according to the real limit of everyone system.
    I know there are informations around but I will believe the developer the most :)
  6. XRIST0

    The game is far from optimized perfectly , the graphic engine is only new and it has to cater with hundreds , thousands of different calculations a second ..

    The game is heavily cpu bound , the problem you are having is because of your AMD cpu .. If you press ALT+F in game you will see the fps counter pop up under the map . It should say that you are cpu bound , not gpu .

    Its far more technical than any game you play on steam , this isn't farm simulator , or cod .. This is an MMO FPS that has hundreds or even thousands of players on one map which is 5km square all at the same time .

    Things cannot be perfect , but they have done an incredible job even making this possible .
  7. CaliBased

    once again i refuse your slanted argument that my computer specs are the problem. with my specs i should be able to run a constant 30fps with pretty much any game . this one is no exception.

    edit: im considering overclocking my cpu slightly but i am hesitant about how to go about it all.
  8. XRIST0

    Fair enough , if you think so .

    This is not cod , you clearly have no idea about how graphics engines work and how cpu's handle calculations .

    The game is how it is for a reason obviously , they didnt make it run unacceptable for you on purpose .

    Thats just how the game is , its a technical master piece .

  9. dr_Fell

    It is very innovative, right. But in its current state it is far from what I call "a technical masterpiece"

    But due to limited infantry render distance, You don't interact with more of them than You interact with when playing BF.

    Of course You are unfortunately right about AMD - newest generation of AMD processors is far behind new generations of Intel processors in terms of single - threaded performance and that counts most in games, even if partially optimized for multicore processors. So let's have hope devs won't stop their work on performance, since this new, long waited, performance patch brought rather a bit worse than better FPS for me.
  10. pdog109

    How does the game still run worse?
    Before patch 2 game ran well.
    After it was terrible.
    Even with the latest hotfix, it seemed to get rid of the mega stutters but they are still there.
    Why did they have to change the graphics if they were fine in the first place?
    They should just do way with any graphical changes they did in the patch ,its really ridiculous.
    If it ain't broke.... game looked fine, ran fine, now poop.
  11. CaliBased

    "a technical masterpiece" ... lol is this the first "next gen" fps game u have ever played? get that ignorant crap outta here and dont talk down to me. the game is full of memory leaks and needs ALOT of optimization. that is the situation dont try to beat around that arrogantly.
  12. pdog109

    that maybe true, i run on a lower end rig and the game was fine most of the time, now even in small fights it lacks that smoothness of before, i dunno how they can break something that worked?
  13. PsyStorm

  14. Toxicmix1

    Im just gona say this.

    i was running an i5 750 at 4ghz before, and even with that cpu, i was experiencing botleneck in huge battles. Now i run my new 3570k at 4.8 in a maximus v gene and all my other parts and the game runs beautifully at 55-60 as an absolute minimum frame in the same huge battle.
    My card now works at 99% ALL THE TIME, including in huge battles. My card is now the botleneck.

    This game just require a great cpu at a nice clock speed. If you guys dont want to upgrade, maybe pc gaming is not for you.

    The game runs great in any condition. And yes, even in huge battles if you have a good cpu.

    If you guys dont want to accept the true, is fine to me. Just dont say the game runs like crap, because is not true.

    I dont have any problem. Keep the good work sony. And forget about these pocket broken guys. They dont even have money to upgrade so dont expect they will spend money on this game.

    Sony, focuses in people with decent rigs because the money is there. Trust me sony.

  15. rotony1

    I have a problem whit the game, i play on 1600x900 on low whit a medium pc spec and i have 35-40-45 fps bun sometimes my game crash with dont send error.. what i can do? my game works fine not low fps i reinstalled windows and new drivers and same problem
  16. teks

    Tonic mix. The game does run like **** but yes they are improving it. No one is denying this fact. See the beginning of the thread you just posted on before posting.
    The game wholly depends on a large player database to work. Any suggestion that its profitable to cut the player base in any way is not a really good suggestion. More people = more $$$

    rotony, crashes like that could happen for a variety of reasons. Most common are...
    1. you have a 32 bit OS
    2. You overclocked your ram, processor, or graphics card and its a little unstable
    3. You don't have enough ram, or, you have background programs eating enough of your ram for the same effect.
    4. The game decided to crash on you because its nice like that. (coffee break)

    Solutions depending on the problem include...
    1. get a 64 bit windows
    2. Either tone down your overclock, or give your hardware more volts
    3. buy more ram on newegg or amazon for like 20 bucks, or run msconfig and close your background programs
    4. get some coffee, ponder the meaning of life, observe shiny loading screen, wish you had an SSD
  17. rotony1

    1. i don't put 64 bit win for ps2
    2. i don't oc anything
    3. i have 4gb ram but not the performance its the problem because game run perfectly whit out any problem
    4. i get a brake, i enter again and after 30-40 minutes crash again
    5. the game its very nice and i want to play it but whit problem i don't know if i can play it
  18. teks

    4 gigs or ram is minimum requirements., Turn down render distance. Close all background programs.
    IF you run 32 bit windows it won't take advantage of all 4 gigs of ram which will cause the game to crash every time it hits that limit.
    The game crashing every 20 min totally counts as a performance problem. I had this problem too. For every reason I listed. toning render distance down will put a lot less strain on the RAM. Consider setting it below 1000 in useroptions.ini

    edit: Oh yeah, almost forgot the easiest way to free ram. Turn off all windows effects!
  19. kadney

    Hello guys, since the last patch I have horrible fps problems , dropping from ~30 down to 1 in a second and such stuff. Is there any fix for this yet? Furthermore, how can I improve my fps so I might be able to play again someday? Right now my useroptions.ini looks like this:
    I would be fine with some constant framerate but those drops down to 1 are killing me..
  20. pdog109

    Ignorant and arrogant, impressive!
    You act like we run everything on ultra and expect high frames... i run everything on low, render distance and all that at lowest and game still stutters and slows down in some areas, where before it would not at all.
    How do you explain that?
    Patch broken.