Put the HA shield nerf in already

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Paperlamp, May 1, 2014.

  1. Mrasap

    You forgot to mention they need to sacrifice an armor slot for the speed increasing utils (which offer a very minor speed increase).

    In PS1 you could carry a secondary weapon if you used reinforced armor but at the cost of a speed reduction. It worked really well.
  2. hidden8lade

    When ever I get killed by a heavy assault using the over shield I don't think that "OMFG, NERF IT!" I think that I should have played differently and not attacked the direct combat class head on. Even when playing as heavy assault(which is most of the time) I rarely use the over shield unless I know that there are more than three enemies around the corner. If you come across a heavy assault and he pops his over shield run off bc the recharge rate of it is slow. then come around him from the back and kill him. That is how I usually get killed playing heavy assault, I am either swamped by over seven enemies or get killed from the back. That is my 2 certs, take it or hate me.
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  3. hidden8lade

    All that you play is the Max and Engineer, one of them a kill streak class and the other a support class. No wonder you are so mad. A Engineer should lose when it attacks a heavy assault head on.
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  4. Anndgrim

    When I play infantry I can't help but think "I sure wish there were 20 ammo packs per square meters and 6 turrets on every point".
    I also regularly think "Wouldn't the game be a lot better if there was a medic for every player that might die or take take damage".

    Is it really that hard to understand that the Heavy Assault is actually MEANT to be the meat of the army.

    Is it difficult to understand that different classes have different roles and that the Heavy Assault's role is to kill stuff.

    If anything, the Heavy Assault should only be compared in role to the Light Assault. And in that regard their primaries aren't inferior.
    If anything, the LA just needs some tool (god knows what) that makes him more than just a guy with a gun and give a little more in terms of a team play role.

    Other classes just aren't solo classes.
    Both Engineers, Medics and Infiltrators already have a huge impact on the flow of battle inside a team or even just by flocking to a group of randoms and that's really what this game is about. Not 1vs1 KDR focused dueling.
  5. ExarRazor

    I swear they've done something to the shield

    half the time I press the button to activate it, nothing happens.

    I've died so many times to people I should have beaten simply because my shield refuses to activate, or when it DOEs activate, it doesn't block or mitigate damage
  6. Chris Bingley

    ^ This! ^

    Additionally, Light assaults and Infiltrators can hide in places and instagib you from behind before you even have a chance to look around to see them (and most people don't). For example, you exit a building and get killed by a LA with a pump shotgun whilst your turning round to see if he's even there. That's with the overshield up.

    Here's a video by an awesome YouTuber that explains how to deal with enemies based on your class.

  7. IberianHusky

  8. Bl4ckVoid

    Anyone know what is the status of this? Is this on the test server yet?

    I hope this never makes it, but I want to have some other game ready if it does. I have tried the other classes, but just not my cup of tea... If the shield becomes useless, then probably goodbye PS2.
  9. NCstandsforNukaCola

    Don't worry. The planned shield nerf was in April's balance patch BUT April is gone as you can see in a calendar.
  10. KnightCole

    Well, the problem is not weapon balance or the HA shield, its crap *** hit detect in this game. When I pump 20 rounds into a guy, 5 of which hit ur brain bucket, I expect you to drop, shield or not lol.

    BUt as it is, I have put 20 rounds into infiltrators and they end up killing me with a beamer.....
  11. SevenTwo

    Eh, **** happens. I've often tried hosing a HA directly to the face point blank with an SMG and he pretty much shrugged it off like it was nobody's business. Whether that was due to my missing a lot of shots or hit detection I can't say, though it does seem a bit iffy sometimes.

    Anyway, most of the times I get frustrated about HA overshields is when I screw up and need someone/thing to blame other than myself. The HA's overshield is just part of that class and I accept that, even calculate it into the on-going split-second estimations of a given situation, but it is none the less frustrating to have a perfect shot at taking out a HA, only to have him overshield a splitsecond after getting hit and promptly evaporating you.

    Now, mind you, I think this is completely fair. The HA's job is to take punishment, so going toe-to-toe with one should be risky business if you are anything but a HA yourself or a MAX - but that doesn't make it any less frustrating, when you might be forced into the engagement.
  12. KnightCole

    No doubt its frustrating to die like that. But the whole point is, even a NWA5, Resist 5, god mode HA only takes what? 4 more bullets in the big picture? 1818 effective health with NWA5 and Resist, that ends up being like maybe 3-4 more bullets. If hit detect and lag didnt SUCK royally in this game, HAs wouldnt be that big a deal. You run up, dakka dakka, dead....

    Hell, I hosed down shielded heavies in 15 rounds before, which seems to be the actual BTK after adding lag and ****. When you are unloading 30 and 40 into one and he evaporates you......yeah, its not you missed....its hit detect and lag bull^%**&$
  13. Bl4ckVoid

    To be honest, other heavies are one of the main reasons I only play heavy. I tried the other classes and well.... Meh....

    Not only is there no shield, their weapons lack bullets. 50 ammo is low enough, but having to deal with 30 as a medic?!?!? For me that is unplayable as I either die to enemy heavy with shield or I die due to running out of ammo.And when a vehicle comes around all I can do is hide. No wonder heavies are popular.

    Do not nerf heavy, buff the other classes instead. They should get a bit better DPS and more ammo. That way you do not change game mechanics that were in place from day 1 and the playing field is levelled.
    +5-10 ammo for carbines and ARs. Slight buff to damage on the same. SMGs should not be touched.
  14. Bl4ckVoid

    Lag should not play a role (client side hit detect), but hit detection is wacky....