Put the HA shield nerf in already

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Paperlamp, May 1, 2014.

  1. Paperlamp

    Getting real sick of waiting for this. Every time a HA pops shield in CQC and almost automatically wins, I think "when the hell is that nerf coming?"
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  2. Axehilt

    Definitely have always wanted HA to be split up as a more specialized class.

    But my stats show...
    • MAX: 7.17 K/D 826 SPM
    • Infiltrator: 2.93 K/D 647 SPM
    • Medic: 2.93 K/D 641 SPM
    • LA: 2.56 K/D 603 SPM
    • Engineer: 2.13 K/D 690 SPM
    • Heavy: 2.02 K/D 488 SPM
    So while from a design perspective I'd love for HA to be tweaked, (a) they probably need specialization that makes them stronger rather than weaker and (b) HOLY ******* GOD CAN MAXES GET BALANCED FIRST PLEASE!?
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  3. z1967

    As long as it is something like a .5 sec to 1 sec ramp up I will be fine with it. Otherwise they are going overboard with it.
  4. Tuco

    They nerf it and it won't even be worth the effort to hit the button.
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  5. ColonelChingles

    They just need to force the HA to specialize... just as most other classes do.

    Force the HA to carry either a LMG or a rocket launcher.

    Split the shield so it resists either small arms fire or explosive damage.

    And make the HA walk a bit more slowly because those darn heavy weapons are... well, heavy.
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  6. TheFamilyGhost

    Why does this community focus on "nerfs"?

    I would be embarrassed if my first reaction to an unfortunate event in a competitive setting was to ban my opponent from using the tactic they were able to employ to good use.

    There is nothing good about making games easier. It does nothing to make players better. It actually makes a game sterile, and detracts from re-playability.

    Look at all the things that have been "nerfed, "un-nerfed", "nerfed again", and "un-nerfed again". It is the result of a community that feels itself entitled to their vision of successful gaming: a vision that includes all wins and zero losses. It is a never ending process that results in nothing but arguments trying to prove the existence of deficit positions that are actually zero-sum games.

    When something bad happens: get over it and get on with it. Be something you can be proud of!
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  7. smokemaker

    Yea, games to mean, i am dying nerf something.....

    More of the same, more nerfs, more loss of complexity.... the simplification continues to the down fall of PS2....

    let them eat cake....

    In my opinion : games getting tooo nice with all these nerfs.... No need to think about adapting.... just nerf it.
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  8. Alarox

    Heavy Assaults are fine.
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  9. iMartyr

    Once my HA gets nerfed i'm going SMG infiltrator.
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  10. Crayv

    Direct combat class is good at direct combat.

    I think this nerf will only lead to bad things. Medics are only slightly behind HA when it comes to direct combat and when it comes to AV engies are also not far behind.
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  11. jiggu

    Well my stance is probably pretty clear on this. I kill HAs just fine on other classes.
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  12. Paperlamp

    Direct combat class has rocket launchers and the best class specific weapons in the game, it's a little overkill to top them with taking way more damage to kill than any other class as well.

    I would be game for something like this as well.
  13. Thurwell

    Hopefully the reason we haven't heard anything about the HA shield nerf lately is because the devs realized it's unnecessary and shelved it.
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  14. JibbaJabba

    HA is the most balanced class in the game.

    If you are sick of getting killed by them then learn to play.
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  15. JibbaJabba

    So you basically want the HA to be an LA without a jetpack. Hm. Seems fair...not.
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  16. Hatesphere

    specializing is always a good thing, I like the idea of making the heavy slower and having a shield spin up in general (maybe even giving it a 100hp bonus in exchange) , but some of this is downright silly. splitting up the shield into more types is needless complication. and limiting the heavy to only a side arm with the rocket launcher is a bit to harsh. maybe make it a choice between launcher or C4.
  17. ColonelChingles

    Splitting up the Shield is the exact same thing as every other infantry person picking between Flak and Nano armor. Everyone else has to make that choice, so why not HAs?

    I'd be happy with a Rocket Launcher and a SMG... or even possibly a carbine. The LMG loadout though should be limited to a side arm.

    I mean the optimal thing would be to allow more freedom in choosing loadouts, within certain limitations and with performance effects. Make "hard" limits on maximum weight carried, and assign weight values for every item (including special "F" abilities, armor, and ammunition). The less you carry the faster you can run, faster you can move in ADS, faster you can switch weapons/items, and longer you can sprint. The more you carry the slower you are in all respects, and the shorter distance you can sprint.

    So a HA could in theory take his heavy shield, a LMG, and a rocket launcher, but this would result in maybe 1 extra rocket carried as well as a slower-than-a-MAX move speed.
  18. Gutseen

    U dumb people? HA is a versitale class, his spec. is FRONTLINE WARFARE, hello! HA gets LMG's, High caliber auto rifiles (Cuz i cant call MSW-R an LMG, it's a friggn AK-74) , RPG's etc.
    but every crab sees HA as http://4.bp.************/_akLHpeO7qyA/TGL5zm1JkuI/AAAAAAAACGY/jwjOgM5Qssk/s1600/SMDCMot.jpg
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  19. Eyeklops

    The best weapon class in the game is the Medic Assault Rifle, not the LMG.
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  20. Paperlamp

    No, it's LMGs. ARs are overrated and the mag size advantage of LMGs is huge, and they tend to be more accurate w/ADS than ARs.