[PSA] Striker changes from last nights Higby Pls

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by T0x1s, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. TriumphantJelly

    Fixed mistakes I mad with grammar, and no, I'm being serious (I thought it might sound like I was trolling :rolleyes:)
  2. Ranik

    As far as the Striker. Higby on twitter said they want to make it auto but their is a nasty bug preventing it. So that's on the table if not on the actual agenda pending bugfixes.
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  3. TriumphantJelly

    Ah. Right them, I don't want to get owned by a instant-5-round Striker, although with current stats it wouldn't be much of a problem.
  4. Ranik

    I think it had more to do with an old Striker bug. Where certain rounds would misfire / do no damage if you fired too fast.
  5. Tuco

    Useless / 0.8
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  6. Joexer

    The damage is laughable. The damage in test right now tickles tanks,esfs, and infantry alike. The blast radius makes sense but damage is just not right. The only way I can think of specializing the striker is by adding shaped charge and high explosive variants of rockets to almost all launchers. Also Putting 5 rockets(miniature or not) should decimate them.... Not bring their shield down. Or a flash. It takes like 2 mags to take down a FLASH.... Thats sad. Also the fact that we only have 1esf launcher/tertiary is rather disheartening..
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  7. DxAdder

    The Striker has the worst AI & AV damage profile of all the RL's in the game.

    Its a nerf plain and simple, people cried a sea of tears so its gets the UBGL treatment.

    The TR have yet to get an ES weapon that is useful. The TRAP and AMP are at best the same as other weapons that the TR
    already have.

    A fast Dumb fire weapon ? sure but nerfing the damage to where it does LESS the other RL is not worth doing.
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  8. ScrapyardBob

    The velocity boost was needed, so that it can actually catch fast-moving aircraft (except when fired in a tail chase).

    I would still like to see about 10% more damage per round. I don't feel that would make it too far out of balance, while a 20-25% boost in damage or a 6th rocket in the magazine would likely be too much.

    It needs a damage increase badly. Its doing 100 damage every rocket so if you land all five that's only 500 when your average rocket launcher is doing 1000 per rocket. The chances are your not going to land all five and if you do you could have gotten off two standered rockets and done 2000 damage by the time you get off two clips doing 1000 damage. Adding more rockets to the clip I think is a lazy way to fix things balancing what it can do is a better option.
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  10. Kunavi

    I got this; Last ditch attempt!

    Turn it into SkuFracture!
    - Fires inaccurate non lock explosives much like Flak but with a larger blast radius, triggered near Air, Ground and Infantry(Inluding MAX). Think all purpose portable Flak Gatling.
    - Full auto is available but like the Duster you should not mag dump if you're not sure you'll hit unless you just want to pepper an area with lingering explosives?
    - The projectiles would not be fast, meaning ideally you would want to send a stream or swarm if you will, towards a target area or a target, who may not be hit but they also won't be able to approach until the projectiles are either gone or have expired, lest they trigger the explosions. Also they should not be so slow as to be able to create constant uber "Mine Fields" against everything.

    Look I am not even sure where I'm going with this and it does sound like a Lasher Launcher but right now ANYTHING is better than PTS Striker. And I was joking, I haven't "Got this", but it's not too late to maybe trigger some ideas in others so don't bash this too hard! I'm only trying to incite some thought!
  11. xArchAngelx

    Whoever is doing the "adjustment" for the striker, doesn't know what they are doing. This weapon gets proverbially worse with each change they are making to it. As for Higby thinking that it is "Too Good" right now...yeah..I won't say my thoughts on that for I will get banned.

    Seriously Dev team...this is how you fix it:

    1. Change the clip from 5 rounds to 2 or 3 rounds.
    2. Change the damage from 150 per rocket to 400-450 per rocket.
    3. Change the vehicle resistances to that of the Grounder, or slightly better.
    4. Keep the dumb fire and coyote mechanics.
    5. Allow it to be fired fully Auto.

    Right now, it takes 15 rounds..3 FULL CLIPS..to destroy a Valk. It takes the SAME amount to destroy a MBT FROM BEHIND!!! Seriously, this needs to change. Its worse now that it was before.
  12. BarxBaron

    Striker has a new scope on PTS.

    Not all that's needed (hell haven't even fired to see if any other changes), but it is such a small change making a huge difference.

    I love the red edges too.

    I'm glad they took alot of peoples comments that it is hard to lead with the old scope to heart.
  13. Joexer

    The devs working on the terran republic weapons need to understand that more projectiles and higher RoF also results in more chances to miss your target. A majority of TR weapons can compensate with quick recovery time. The TRAP, AMP, and MCG despite their obvious shortcomings make use of it. The Striker can't. And that is just poor planning on the power of rocket launchers. The stats we see are truly potential damage. If your enemy flees and repairs or heals after 2 shots, then you have done no damage. And you have done nothing but waste 2 rounds. Higher Alpha damage would Improve the recovery time of the Striker. As well as a bit of logic. Smaller rockets do less damage. have less mass and payload. Kewl. So reduce blast radius and intensity. higher on hit damage. due to faster speed and more kinetic energy. like 250 damage to vehicles coyote style. but a multiplier for infantry direct hits, like say 1.5x. Theoretical damsge of 1250 for vehicles and 1825 for infantry . With the low accuracy it should have But even if you miss your target they will still feel a hit. Also the chances of you getting off all those shots unscathed is extremely low. And much like Pheonix nests there will be a counter.

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  14. SteamBoiler

    I like the striker as it is on the PTS.

    It feels like a good all around launcher to have. The damage over 5 rounds feels the same as a stock dumbfire launcher. Which is arguably low, and I'm fine with that. The strength of the striker is that you can also apply pressure to quick, low flying ESFs without having to spend anytime at all lining up a shot or getting a lock. You just point in the general directions and shoot. Which can be deadly in groups due to it's ease of use.

    Sure the damage is low vs infantry and maxes but that's why I carry my mini chaingun. It's a decent all around launcher that can apply pressure to air and armor alike without feeling overpowered at all.

    +1 for the striker, I'll be using this weapon extensively if it goes live next week.
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  15. Joexer

    I dunno what you have been smoking (i want some, pm me)but damage equates to around 500 before blast radius. the Default ML-7 does ~1150 if i remember correctly with blast 600 at .1m and like 1 at 5m... Um yeah... Totally adds up. You would have better luck sticking with a Explosive bolt crossbow for any kind of HA versatility. -_-. Also remember the alternatives. A weak but high velocity and rapid fire high capscity(HEY!)plasma rl that can also charge up for more damsge(NVM.NOT.TR). A camera guided bird of destruction. Or a shoulder mounted nerf gun. Originality approaching minimum recomended levels. Procede with caution.

    P.S. Dont pm me i was joking
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  16. Maljas23

    Imo, if they want to keep going this route with the Striker, it needs a RoF and Mag size buff. If not, it needs more dmg. Currently. it fires red glowing noodles, instead of rockets.
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  17. Canaris

    tried out the new striker on TS...... wow I didn't think they could make it any worse but congrats you found a way, with the stats you've set, damage, lock on nerf & projectile speed it'll be next to useless.
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  18. Kirppu1

    Nerfing guns that players paid for is not normal, but on Sony it is.
    Sony, not even once.
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  19. Kunavi

    Since you brought that up, if this atrocity is release on Live I'd very much like my SC back. It is THAT different, and THAT bad. 2 out of 2 I say warrants this.
  20. xArchAngelx

    Sorry to say it, but you have no idea what you are talking about.
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