Please stop calling the Scatmax OP

Discussion in 'MAX' started by BH Brigade, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Venomoroth

    1. spread doesn't matter in most situations and is pretty unimportant on the mattock on the usual ranges.

    2. this is exactly why shotguns were nerfed several times - and in my opinion they should do it again cause they are still overpowered.

    nice to see that you understand my point - and you are right, THIS IS IDIOTIC!
  2. Venomoroth

    really dude, when was the last time you lost a max vs max battle vs an AI max of vanu or tr?! your overcool shotgun spread is so damn unimportant inside of a biolab. you are just ignorant and biased. and just to say it: the mattock with slug ammo is pretty damn accurate!
  3. Venomoroth

    yes, absolutely right.

    the maximum health of an infantrist is 1250 to be correct. average kill time of almost each weapon in this game is between 0.45 and 0.65 seconds. the big exceptions are shotguns and especially nc maxes which almost instant melt everything including maxes. that you need longer than a second is your personal skill issue and i'm absolutely sure that you are right, when you say this is "funny".
  4. asmodraxus

    If the scat and Hax are not OP then neither is the Zoe & Fracture
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  5. Khyrin

    First: don't call me dude, i don't remember giving you the allowance to do so.
    Second: Yesterday, the day before, they day before that day and so on.
    I loose my MAX regulary to VS and TR MAXes that simply aren't dumbasses and stay still while i push forward with my shield up to get into shotgun range.
    They charge away or backpedal while shooting me and wear me down simply becuase i can't get them, and firing my Scattercannons outside of the 10 meter range yields to me ending up dead and them loosing maybe 1 quarter of health, 3 quarters if im lucky but the result is me being dead, them not being dead. And yes, i use extended Mags on my Scattercannons.

    When was the last time you got instagibbed by a shotgun MAX out in the open?
    And btw, they are shotguns, 2 shotguns hits are meant to kill everything, and the NC MAX has 2 of them, maybe you should stop being biased and accept the fact that we have stupid shotguns on everything, wasn't my choice to put shotguns on our ESF or MBT either, but we are stuck with it.

    Unless you can give my a good reason why 2 shotgun hits shouldn't be able to kill you, you have no point here.

    Edit: Also shotguns don't melt thorugh MAXes, you need a average of 7-8 shots from both shotguns to kill them, which is only possible when being inside optimum range, having extended mags the enemy not having kinetic armor.
  6. Sebastien

    He just took the RPM of the weapons, divided it by 60, and then multiplied it by the damage the weapon does.
    Infantry will die in half a second with the VS/TR weapons, and a quarter of a second with the NC MAX. Either way, unless you have the jump on them, you're not going to live.
  7. Angry Scientist

    Walking in front of a ZOE max results in the same. Blueshifts are murderous when they can't miss. Same thing with TR maxes. Same thing with pump action shotguns. Except that a VS max can't be instantly gibbed by hacksaws, not without those extended mags. So that NC max? Needs to slap a thousand certs for those mags to make his guns moderately more effective so he can actually beat a max in his specialty zone. You know. The one that we're meant to dominate. But don't, much, anymore.

    You may cling to your illusions all you like. I know my words aren't going to dissuade you. Heavens knows that attempting to be reasonable on a forum is simply asking to waste everyone's time. But I invite you. Take one of our maxes, give 'em a spin in the VR. See what it takes to down a max at mild ranges. You'll notice that it takes reloads. Seconds long reloads. Where any other max would still have stuff in his clip. Oh, and their reloads are half as long, so it doesn't cripple him.
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  8. Goretzu

    Show me a video of that please, because even at 0 m that shouldn't happen mathmatically. :confused:
  9. Sebastien

    Go to Mani Biolab during an Esamir alert on Connery.
  10. Roarboar

    You dont need to convince me of anything. I know I get killed by scatmaxes literally before I can react and thats all there is to it.
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  11. Khyrin

    I accuse you of overexaggerating, or you have a slower reaction time, both possible, but when i played on my TR or VS MAX i actually could react to being attacked by a Scat/Hackmax, it's just that i couldn't do much else with some BR 1 MAX^^

    What the **** do you think should happen when shot by 2 giant shotguns in CQC? You have no idea how annoying it is to be nerfed enough where you're actually forced to hide in corners. Pretty much every building's indoor space is enough to make it a TR/VS win in a MAX vs MAX fight if you position yourself correctly, meanwhile you dominate infantry from the opposite doorways, whereas in an NC MAX you have to retreat and hide because infantry will beat you from opposite ends inside of most buildings. The only thing it's good at is ~5m combat and the other MAXs aren't that much worse at that range, whereas you're pretty much usless at anything else and the others are effective even at +30m.

    All of this *****ing, whining and QQing. If you think the NC MAX is OP, try it out for a couple of days. Then come back here.
  13. Venomoroth

    sure, it is absolutely right that the shotguns are devastating, but why are massive chainguns and vanu photon cannons worth ****? dude, i say it again, you have a damage advantage of about 250% depending on the weapon over vs and tr and your lack of accuracy is a stupid fairly tale. this is not balanced.
  14. Venomoroth

    i accuse you of being wrong. it is like he says. what he said is 100% correct and i can proof that on any day.
  15. Khyrin

    Then do it.
    I know i can't instagib someone outside of 10 meters with 2 Scattercannons, apart from a heavily wounded target, and i got killed by Mercies and Cosmos in zero point seconds enough times to know that the only unbalance is the NC not having an AI weapons that also has 100m range.

    You can have my Scattercannons for what i care, just give me Mercies and Onslaughts to choose from.
  16. Dkamanus

    Anyone who STILL complains about the NC Scatter guns is a complete moron at this point. There is NO MORE nerf needed on NC side, since the problem before was the ability to nuke VS/TR MAXes at 0-5m (EVEN THOUGH THE NC MAX IS COMPLETE **** AFTER 10M, which has been proven in videos months ago). We are supposed to win in the ******* CQC! And even then, we have abismal reload times and very little sustained damage, compared to VS and TR.

    Now people are complaining that infantry is getting destroyed at close range by the NC MAXes? JUST LIKE THE GOD DAMN TR AND VS MAXES ARE DOING? You should all **** and learn how to play, seriously. I charge up sometimes against a MAX and die, and I'm not asking nerfs for that. You people seem to suck completely (without thinking no other thing except SHOOT THE BASTARD) and are paying the price for your stupidity.

  17. Venomoroth

    in zero point seconds? you mean in less than 1 second? you mean, a weapon which deals 1750dps killed your max in less than a second? even if this was mathematically possible it would still mean nothing - cause your weapon has about 5600 dps and so kills almost 3 times faster. yes, 3 times faster! maths can be a cruel mother. at least for people that are as "gifted" as you are.
  18. Jrv

    3xs is an exaggeration, the other MAXes are superior because they have range AND CQC whereas the NC only have CQC. We USED to be dominant in CQC, then the nerf, now we're only moderately better with a crippling no-range trade-off. What you're basically asking for is for VS/TR maxes to have faster reloads, far superior range, clips that last literally 6-7 times longer with FAR more killing potential, while ALSO being competitive in close range.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that make the NC max inferior in every single possible way? Oh right, that's what you want.
  19. AdhesiveGhost

    This just in: CQC weapons excel in CQC.

    More at 11.
  20. Phrygen

    they got slammed with so many nerfs. Scats are not op. they are very good in CQC and thats it. All this talk about score and such is crap.
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