Planetside or New conglomerate

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gavlad7, Jul 7, 2018.

  1. Gavlad7

    Why not change the name of planetside to new conglomerate, this game seems made for them. They have the OP weapons,Op vehicles.
  2. Halkesh

    I think faction are balanced enough, my only concern about balance are infantry vs vehicle vs airplane balance and weapons/suit/tool available to anyone but clearly OP, to name two of them : C4 and nanoweave armor.

    About NC, they certainly have great weapon and vehicle, but none of them I can consider OP to the point of leaving no chance to the enemy.
    Now imagine if C4 or nanoweave were faction-specific : imagine the number of thread.
  3. Campagne

    Have you ever played as NC?

    I reckon your tune would change pretty quick.
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  4. Doc Jim

    The nanites are always greener on the other side...

    Play NC for a bit and try out those "OP" toys. You will find that they are quite fun, and then you will realize that they also have disadvantages.
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  5. Blam320

    The only "OP" things about the NC are certain Vanguard traits and Hacksaws.
  6. Demigan

    And the Vanguard trait is the only thing keeping the tank competitive in a single field of battle while the Hacksaws are as usual extremely overrated.
  7. Twin Suns

    Just imagine how the Taliban must have felt. Taliban fighter *shakes fist* at FA-18.
  8. LaughingDead

    I’m sick, so I’m gonna make this quick, you’re a moron.
    Play NC, feel the guns, play the tanks, send us all a clip or grand over arching reason NC is OP, then I’ll concede.

    Cough medicine ho!....
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  9. Luicanus

    I still prefer the Vanguard over any other tank but yeah they're not all powerful. They just suit my playstyle better.
  10. Lee Weldon

    I still think if you think of planetside as more of an ecosystem. First consider how air is used, A2G ESF is incredibly OP against certain infantry battles, A2A ESF's are the best way to control the skies. Liberators will demolish tanks but tanks will demolish anything else. So if you control the ESF battle, you get less liberators on the opposing team, this gets you more tanks. In this scenario VS should win. Unless is an indoor fight, then NC soldiers if they can make it inside the buildings and their sunderers aren't taken out, should prevail. If you are on a VS server where ESF's don't control the air, you probably have more or less more vanguards roaming around. You've probably handed NC the battle here, not entirely, it's not as one sided as you would think I presume in terms of tank battles as much so as air. I think the TR are just the middle ground in terms of most things.

    It's shown that no one faction is overpowered across all servers. But clearly if you're playing an aerial faction like VS and nobody is taking advantage of that then it's going to shift the outcome. I also don't really think maxes come into the equation nearly as much as anything else either because any faction max is completely and utterly terrifying and deadly if you are infantry and they tend to be standoffish fights that end in choke holds, especially since the NC ones get stuck in rooms and the VS/TR maxes just sit back and play to their advantages more often then not.
  11. tommyrocket

    No one has mentioned Mjolnir? Sad.
  12. Lee Weldon

    I've been running around with the Mjolnir for a few days to try and get vehical kills in vehicals quickly. I'm sure people will probably shut me down on this but I still feel like a harrasser is still weaker than an MBT for all these other factors like sheer TTK speeds in AV/V play, though you're not a sitting duck to liberators, which is a positive. Where the harrasser truely shines I feel is in its ground vs infantry fights, because you're still pretty hard to kill and quite mobile, if you equipped the canister, you'd munch on infantry. Though from what I can tell from also using the halberd on someone elses harrasser, it's not really any better. It's a 4x burst mode gun that deals equivilent damage from the one halberd rocket. But the halberd also has a slightly better muzzle velocity, which makes its shots more reliable. I hope nobody hops on and tried telling me that if you get really good with 200 m/s velocity weapons you'll be able to snipe someone 200 m away because you simply cannot.

    I am happy about the mjorlni Nerf, haven't seen many since then. It was clearly broken, as halberd makes nearly no splash mjolnri does and still makes the same dmg, it has a huge clip and short reload, can moan down infantry.

    NC is OP on their guns, as posted above they should win indoors? Wtf why?
    TR has more dakka, vs a shiny spandex. NC HARD HITTING GUNS. They are ezz to farm with. What's going on on any server? Guys farming each other. Great. So NC shines the most for farmers, besides maybe VS once unlocked the betelguse
  14. Lee Weldon

    Well if the VS scythes beat other air as I explained and this means more A2G presence from VS, then you have to fight inside buildings as NC to avoid all the tanks, it would not matter if vanguards were more powerful than prowlers or magriders because air dominance basically makes it too dangerous to pull one. Theres needs to be some compensation in CQC infantry play to make up for that and there kind of is, but VS have the best SMG, best mid range LMG in the Orion. The NC have the LA anchor which has a bit more in door potential. I also prefer on paper the TR carbines, the cougar, bandits not bad but it has really low muzzle velocity, GD7F is nice too but both factions have virtually identical copies of them. What guns are you having issues with specifically? Personally I think the best guns for overall diversity on NC are the NS11-C, NS15M-2, NS-11A and SAS-R, but everybody can use these guns anyway.
  15. LaughingDead

    1. Holy ****, formatting classes, you need them.
    2. It literally only nerfed the muzzle velocity. You seeing less of them just means they were farming somewhere else.
    3. They regulated the damage across the board for all CQC topguns on all factions, you wanna know what it was like previously? You had to land 2 full mags on a single infantry unit to kill him, god forbid mjolner actually be able to kill people like their bullet based counterparts. Also the splash damage is literally the only reason you can kill people with it and it's only 125 within .5 meters out to 3, you still have to be on top of them to get any real damage in.
    4. VS and TR has a bigger clip and shorter reload. You're just complaining about it to complain about it.

    I'm pretty sure you are either unable to- or have not read the post above you.

    Hard hitting does not mean it strictly does more DPS. Now it does mean 3 headshot kills, within 15 meters with a gun with an RPM of 600, for longer ranges you need 3 headshots with a gun rolling at 500 RPM.

    TR basically get a ton of guns with a good damage model of 750rpm and 143 damage, VS generally get it better because they have low recoil equivalents with the same damage model, NC gets to pick, well, anchor, anchor 2 and saw. The rest of the options are generally too low in effective DPS to be of use in real close range fights.

    Ya know I probably felt like you once, thinking VS and TR were ridiculous with their ez hipfire guns and lower TTKs and lower recoil... and then I tried them. And laser beamed the crap out of the onion and the MSWR (much less so the MSW). So unless you can hop on NC and suddenly dunk a guy at 90 meters with a default SAW on the first go, I'm pretty sure your claims are just fubar.
  16. Lee Weldon

    This guy is not wrong, the 200 damage model is 3 headshot kill potential on a 500RPM model, how does that even compare with a 4 headshot kill on 750RPM model. The saw is not a good gun.

    Let's compare the anchor/saw/orion to the NS-15M2 as it is pretty much the base standard average. Yeah like litterally the anchor is only better than the NS-15M2 up to 10m in terms of headshot TTK, its got the best capacity to hipfire within 10~30m which is nice too, might allow it to edge ahead if you get caught offguard. If you look at the saw, you are like <0.1s better TTK than the NS-15M2, but have a terrible reload and can never hipfire. But the Orion is same damage profile, just it has 125 ROF more than the NS-15M2 which is the only difference between the two really when shooting at <41m, its got a little bit of hipfire capability and it blooms less when ADS. The Orion is the clear winner, hands down.
  17. Newlife1025

    I was creeping around until i saw this post. Try playing nc, you'll find that it's not all a glorious farm. Each thing you see as OP usually has a drawback to it. I used to think the same about Vs and Tr until i played them. Gotta play from the other side
  18. PlanetBound

    Don't forget OP players...
  19. Hegeteus

    NC is so freaking OP they'll kill each other too
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  20. LaughingDead

    And they're lunatics, look at the post's above me, HE AURAXED THE MAG SCATTER, THESE PEOPLE ARE NUTS.
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