Planetside 2 Underground Bases...why we need them.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Harry Beavers, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Dasbag

    You load going to the biolab because of the instant shift of whats around you. Instances are bad, why would I want a single infiltrator to camp the teleporter exit when I have no way of seeing what I am getting into going in.
  2. I Keel You!

    Game developers get paid to be creative. They can do more than just an empty cubed shape room with no additional layout with one single entrance/exit point. And, what you described already happens in biolabs now, except the sniper rifles are explosives, or squads waiting for people to run through that shield.
    • Up x 2
  3. Arcanum

    The pipeline things? I don't think so. But I can dream...

    What I want the most right now is a map with scarce spawns where sunderers all drive to the same optimal places while vehicles/infantry support are just there to escort them and keep them alive for as long as possible against enemy tanks while infantry goes on to do it's thing(cap points and destroy defense structures) on large geometrically interesting areas not accessible by vehicles. Think of it as a Geofront type of absurd thing, designed purely for infantry warfare/fairer competitive fighting like in a smaller scale FPS, only with PS2 style gameplay. It would probably require gameplay adjustments to achieve perfect "pacing", though.

    While a similar thing happens with galaxies in the air on the surface part of the map. The optimal places sunderers camp are far away from the fighting. No more camping spawn shields with vehicles there, no more camping spawn shields at all. Vehicles go back to being there mainly for transport and defending transports, rather than attacking infantry and farming kills(because they're going to be fighting a lot of other vehicles constantly). This with appropriate level design could make tank fighting more fun and also give room for meaningful contributions to tank on tank battles(same way a pro infantryman will kill more before dying groups of organized pro tankers could win a battle against a superior number), something that I believe doesn't happen very often unless you happen to be VS and have a magrider with advanced upgrades. Maybe I'm wrong, I just don't see interesting tank vs tank action unless it's some 1v1.

    And best of all it would all be optional. So if you want Indar or Amerish you can stay there. Oh man, I really wish I could see a map like that, it would be perfect.
  4. smokemaker

    Are there not already games like this out there?
    Why change this game to make it like all the others?
    Why join a game knowing it has aircraft, vehicles, and infantry, only to want to make it infantry only Or limit the vehicles and aircraft to transport roles?
  5. Arcanum

    Optional map, infantry would still be able to interfere with tank affairs. It's just an idea to see things we don't see really. Not like SOE is gonna listen. But yeah, now that I think about it it's probably stupid.
  6. Dasbag

    The difference betweent he biolab and tunnels is that the teleporter and the lab exist in the same worldspace so you can choose to actually walk into it.