Planetside 2 Underground Bases...why we need them.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Harry Beavers, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Nytguard

    It's not vehicles only to mirror the infantry only some of those in this thread want more of, beyond what's already currently available in the game.

    Seriously, it's already been mentioned that they can't technically achieve what you're wanting. The best you're going to get is what they've already implemented in multiple bases on Amerish, beyond the Biolabs that are on all of the continents.

    Besides, PS2 is a combined arms game, not CoD. There are other games designed for pure infantry only combat.
  2. phreec

    Tunnels? No thanks, had enough of that funneled garbage in BF3.
  3. ERICH

    Me to want to see basements. However corridors, rooms etc need to be alot bigger to help you against nadespamming. Also nerf the granades tyvm.
  4. ERICH

    Oh for you who saying PS2 is a cormbined arms game, ye you're right. But that does not mean every fight everywhere have to include a combination of everything at all times.

    Having places that scales off the vehicles and give a pure infantry vs infantry would give a great deal of players satisfaction. If you are allergic against infantry vs infantry you can just roll off to the next place that offers vehicle vs vehicle.

    As long as there are people who prefers armour vs armour battles, those battles will exist. However for people who prefers infantry vs infantry these battles currently do not exist.
  5. BadHabitz

    Forget underground.... let's have space station battles with space troop carriers and space superiority fighters as escorts. With all this fighting on the surface there has to be some fighting in space!
  6. sustainedfire

    The bases do not necessarilly have to be underground. A multi-story enclosed facility would work just fine. 3 levels minimum, mulitple rooms, some corridors, and good old fashioned stairwells. Each level has a capture point, level A/B/C, so battles can end up being fought out to the last man standing on any floor in any combo, from top-middle-bottom.
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  7. Grotpar

    We don't really need infantry only fights.

    Tanks should be able to enter underground facilities, but like in Valkyria Chronicles, in underground battles, tanks have lowered mobility because they would be forced into rolling over roads made specifically for them, leaving a lot of corridors where only infantry can go.

    Also, titans.
  8. Germanius_GER

    Why?... Simple. We need more INF combat and less zerg tank farming.
  9. Nytguard

    I really don't understand the whole "tank zerg" perspective. Your servers must be really messed up to have tanks outnumber infantry, or your just doing it all wrong because currently, HA infantry are more effective at destroying tanks than tanks are at it. A platoon full of infantry can decimate any platoon full of MBTs, especially with the new decimator. So, stop with the "tank zerg" excuse as a reason for underground basis, it literally has no merit.
  10. Uben Qui

    They see 20 tanks and it is like "Oh my GAWD look at that spam. 20 tanks man, 20 tanks is... 1% of the server dood. It is not right, NOT RIGHT!". :rolleyes:
  11. Wrel Developer

    Building small underground substructures into the current bases could be an option... but anything else might ruin the flow of the game.
  12. Arcanum

    They are often used to spawn camp players, many players resent it and thus end up complaining about it here. I guess.

    I think they're also not very satisfied with the typical infantry combat they have in the game so they end up trying to make the issues entirely one and the same.
  13. Admiral Ackbar

    I like the underground bases idea.. Also I want a city with several bases..
  14. Nytguard

    RE: Tank spawn camping.... infantry need to stop being noob lemmings and stop spawning at controlled outposts. You're just feeding the attackers with no hope for defending from the spawn. I see this even in Biolabs where there are no vehicles locking down the spawn. This is a failure of the defending players, not the attackers. Has absolutely nothing to do with "tank zergs".

    Now, this is the best suggestion in the thread and carries far more merit than "underground" bases. At least a city provides a refreshing urban area for all PS2 players....infantry and vehicles.
  15. chilly154

    What planetside 2 needs is infantry map and a under ground base.
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  16. Skadi

    They would actualy haft to exit... their... vehicles...
    holy ****.
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  17. smokemaker

    How would i get my ESF in there?
  18. JustSe7en

    Something other than what there is now would be nice. Underground stuff would be amazing.
  19. Dasmasterneko

    Underground bases would work very well in an urban continent. Also i think there should be a healthy mix of all kinds of terrain in any given continent.
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  20. MrPokealot