People using rockets as primaries

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by gregfox89, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. gregfox89

    I hate this crap, and I see it more from the NC than the TR
    They run into rooms and spam rockets at infantry. Like why, you can't aim your gun well enough? Rockets are for vehicles. I only use my rockets indoors to take out MAXes, and that's if I'm sure there's no friendlies around. Yeah occasionally I'll try to shoot a MAX with a rocket and some infantry gets in the way so I have to waste the rocket on them, but this isn't the case here. I see these heavies running around everywhere with their rockets out who think they're playing CoD. They're really funny to take out when they try to pull this stuff outside, of course they can't really retaliate very well when you shoot at them, they just try to fire a rocket at you, usually their aim is terrible. Inside is a different story, because you're bound to kill someone with splash damage if you just shoot a random rocket. Yeah, who cares about friendly fire or anything, just pad your K/D some more. I hate it so much when I rush in, clear a room out, and a surprise rocket comes flying through the doorway and kills me. I thought it was just noobs doing this stuff but I've seen some really high battle ranks, I'm talking BR80+ pulling this ****. Get some skills, seriously.
  2. Sossen

    Skills? You think this is Counterstrike? This game was based on skilled teamwork and the skilled use of the weapons and equipment available to each class. If an asset is better in a situation and you are good with it, go ahead and use it. Some things might be too good in some situations, requiring a nerf, or too bad, requiring a buff, but a rocket launcher is hardly better than a shotgun and whining about it makes you look bad.
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  3. repairtool6

    I love playing HA but one simple change to dumbfire rockets please.
    Remove the ability to hipfire the rockets.

    Not a drastic nerf by any means, but big enough
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  4. Gheeta

    Just remove the one shot ability from the dumbfires that would pretty much fix it.
  5. desktop

    Every time i have been killed by a dumbfire i have seen it coming and failed to react. Even at point blank range you can obviously see the rocket launcher before the guy fires. Also infantry combat shouldn't only be about small arms fire, the more tools the better.
  6. CEGrif

    i mostly use the deci but when i fire it indoors i rarely get kills from splash damage
  7. Flashtirade

    Oh, excuse me if I need to spam rockets at a room full of MAXes and I just happen to hit the engie.
    Seriously though, what's the problem here? Rocket launchers are single-shot weapons with a massive reload time and average(?) hipfire.
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  8. sosolidshoe

    Spend ten minutes getting into ambush position.

    Close distance with enemy Heavy.

    Decloak and open fire.

    Heavy pops bubble, turns, deci-to-face instant death.

    Same thing happens with every other class; regardless of how you engage the heavy, regardless if you get the drop on them or they on you, on goes the bubble, out comes the noob-tube. Yes, this is a team game, yes, heavies are designed for straight-up combat, but there are unavoidable scenarios which require you to sometimes go 1v1 with a HA, and right now the only class that can do that with any hope of victory assuming equal skill is another HA.
  9. Flashtirade

    Would you be any happier if it was a pump-action?
    I really don't think the problem is as severe as you make it out to be. Do you really think heavies pull their launchers out in 1v1s because they're amazing infantry-killers?
  10. Zerran

    Launchers are horribad as primary weapons. You will never get more than a single kill with it unless the people nearby are already at low health, you get a single shot, and the projectile is incredibly slow. Does it suck to get killed by them? Sure. But this doesn't mean they need a nerf against infantry. The only time they're useful against infantry is in a 1v1 situation where you know the person is going to be running straight at you with little ability to turn, or for firing randomly at groups.

    I enjoy getting progress towards my knife auraxium against people who try and launcher me to death. It is a terrible, terrible weapon against infantry except in very specific situations, which you can generally avoid.

    Learn to use your knife as an infil. You can halve your TTK and they won't have a chance of responding. If you see a heavy with a launcher out, wait for them to fire it before engaging if you can't use your knife for whatever reason. If they have enough time to swap the launcher out (which takes a very long time) then you need to get closer or work on your aim.
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  11. vilehydra

    when skilled players use launcher as infantry its usually because they where caught with their pants down and their tube out.
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  12. Sossen

    With any hope of victory? Assuming that I'm within max damage range and up against a NMG + NWA 5 HA with let's say a 600 RPM 167-143 damage LMG and I'm using NWA 5 and a TAR it's closer than you think. His TTK is 0,7 seconds. My TTK would be 0.9 seconds. And that does not take accuracy into consideration, as well as NMG duration reducing hit points, AOE heal maybe mitigating one bullet etc. Considering the great difference between the TAR COF and the best LMG COF while hipfiring - any sane HA has to hipfire at point blank, the movement speed reduction imposed by ADSing as well as the one imposed by the HA overshield would be suicide against even a low aim player - we are clearly on roughly equal footing, assuming equal skill. And if he doesn't use NMG and picks Resist Shield for a few hundred more hit points, there is a great risk of him not activating it before he takes damage and actually losing effective hit points.

    If I'm up against a Jackhammer though... Well, that's a different story, but still winnable. Anyone can win in CQC with a shotgun though.

    I'm pretty sure that you have killed several HA, as I am sure that you have lost to them quite often as well. But the real question is: Why are you killing HA and not the supporting players? Kill enough medics and a squad is seriously impaired. Infiltrators are not supposed to be the be all, end all of flanking maneuvers, they are fragile and countered by many things - a HA with good reflexes among them.
  13. gregfox89

    Yeah I know. Usually when I try to use rockets in chaotic situations, I'll get the first rocket off, switch to my primary to fight off infantry, then I'll need to shoot another rocket and... oh wait, I have to reload... *dead* I guess this is why I use my rockets more sparingly (that and limited ammo, and I usually try to stay alive as long as possible)

    Yeah, that sounds good. C4 is great for killing MAXes too, but the arming time is way longer than the scope-in time on the rocket launchers. It's the ADADAD doorway spammers that really bug me in this game. The jackhammer is brutally effective doing that, but that actually is a primary.

    The running into a room thing is not a good strategy, you'll probably die in the process, and will probably only kill one guy (me) who has low health. The only good reason to do this is against MAXes, or to clear out a densely crowded room, but I'm not talking about that. People just run up do doorways and fire their rocket before they even look in, even if there's not a MAX anywhere around. (well I guess Vanu MAXes are quieter, so just in case, right?)

    The rocket thing is just a bad strategy because you risk killing friendlies. I hesitate before I throw grenades for the same reason. I've died to friendly rockets plenty of times because I actually rushed into the room instead of standing in the doorway, and while that's really effective at taking the enemy off-guard, it's also really effective at getting yourself killed by your own team. You also risk this with small arms fire, but small arms fire doesn't have splash damage.
  14. HerpTheDerp

    Because TR's default LMG shoots where you point it
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  15. RHINO_Mk.II

    Funnily enough, it's the people who CAN aim who try this because if you can't hit the first shot you're basically F'd. If I have a sliver of health left hell yeah I'm going to walk around with my 1 shot kill weapon out, because I'm at a disadvantage in a straight up fight. If I'm hunting MAXes, same thing, if you run into me as an infantryman while I'm hunting your team's MAX you're still going to get my rocket to your face.
  16. Sneakier

    RL in 1vs1 is kill or be killed

    I use it alot since after a bit practise, you get realy good at that, its alot more intuitive then bullets
  17. csp0811

    I personally love to use rockets against infantry, especially when there are maxes or large groups of infantry. The one shot kill ability is great, especially after a lot of practice. Generally I only get one kill per shot, but sometimes I can splash large groups to death.

    The reason I use rockets is generally because whatever primary I am using at the moment is not suited to whatever combat scenario I am in. For example, when trying to kill people through the spawn shields that do not let you shoot out or in, you need to physically leave the shielded area to kill someone; the instant kill ability for rockets allows me to pop in and out of cover.

    The rocket is also 100% accurate when you are not moving, allowing me to countersnipe rather handily.

    Finally it's useful when you are fighting in an area with vehicles and infantry - the rocket can deal with both.

    TL;DR rockets are better than most of my TR LMGs.
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  18. Cromell

    Do you also complain about AP tank cannons being able to instagib infantry with a direct hit?

    I hate people using daltons against ESFs but I realize that requires a lot from the crew to do that consistently. Rocket launchers are obviously not that hard to use but are also a kind of "all-in bet". You get one shot that will either save you or screw you.

    On the other hand, I also hate cloakers with SMGs.
  19. 660/12

    IMO rockets should be MORE powerful against everything, but also resource-dependent. And count as a heavy's primary weapon. Carrying a LMG + rockets is silly. It makes INF too powerful against vehicles and removes meaningful choice in the game.
  20. Takoita

    The only problem I see here is RL being a little too anti-everything (*cough*rocketpods*cough*). Personally, I'm very interested in possible re-addition of the Thumper (semi-auto drum-fed six-shot grenade launcher with several ammo types). Even though our current inventory system will make hard to implement its key advantage - being able to switch ammo type on the fly - and projectile arcs being way too nerfed in the game, forcing HA to choose between AV and AI in their 'tool' slot could be beneficial.