Opinions on Mattherson/Waterson Merge?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Alarox, Apr 22, 2014.

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  1. Tommyp2006

    Every time I come into a thread like this I'm reminded why I DON'T want to be merged with Mattherson. Some of you guys have an ego that makes Buzz look tame.
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  2. Devrailis

    The thing is, most of these guys are just posting in good fun. It's like faction trash talk in /yell. It's not personal, it's just entertaining and with how long this thread has gotten, everyone should be in on the joke by now.

    In Mattherson, when you're NC, you trash talk TR and VS. When you're TR, you trash talk NC and VS. etc..

    Outside Mattherson, you trash talk Waterson, and everyone else. Mattherson is one big dysfunctional family. You hate your weird, nerdy inbred cousin who dresses in spandex, but at least he's better than that other guy's weird nerdy inbred spandex-clad cousin down the road.

    And honestly, will anything that anyone posts on Forumside reduce your enjoyment ingame? Will the Mattherson Forumside Master Race depopulate the other servers through sheer Forumside presence? I know Forumside is the true meta, but I wouldn't think Forumside would become THAT meta.
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  3. Rift23

    The potential for staggering loss in EVE is negated by the fact that everybody has 2-5 alts chugging away in Trammel space pumping their pvp characters full of "consumables" (ships and gun modules) to the point where anybody who rage-quits because of it does so because that when they do finally lose something, it's their first loss in 5+ years of carebearing.

    As for that big game they tote in the trailers--it was won some time back in 2005 and while occasionally the big powers will have fights because they're bored (or TEST in that game goes insane) most of the time you're looking at this:

  4. LibertyRevolution

    There is not a single NC outfit on mattherson that is worth a damn..
    All you do is spam maxes and camp.. you are useless far as playing a FPS.

    If they do attack, they pick a lane with 1-12 and drop 24-48 on it with a dozen maxes...

    You couldn't win a headup fight if you tried. NC infantry are free certs..
    Not so sure why you are so full of yourself.

    NC on mattherson are like the old TR on waterson, prowler zerg and max crash everything...
    If they had to fight infantry vs infantry they get wrecked.
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  5. Durendal

  6. Aeflic

    This made me lol very hard. This may be one of thee most ignorant posts I've seen on ps2 and really shows your incompetence. But since you play VS I expect nothing less.

    There isn't a faction that uses true combined arms as the VA, including heavy use of MAXs.

    There are several outfits who mostly play infantry vs infantry. But if this game was fair it wouldn't be a war game. When I'm capping points I don't expect a 50/50 return from the VS or TR you will come in hot and heavy.

    If you want pure infantry vs infantry my outfit would gladly match another's and fight hell if most fights contained pure infantry we would win more of them. Go whine somewhere else, but last time the pops were even on a cont the NC give one hell of a fight.

    Ill milk you later.
  7. LibertyRevolution

    How so?
    Are you denying the fact that the Mattherson NC are useless unless in a vehicles or maxes??
    The NC get facerolled when they foot zerg. They are helpless without their skillsuits and chariots.

    You admit to a zerg playstyle and don't want a fair fight, "as this is war".
    It takes no skill to overwhelm your enemy with numbers and vehicles. So that makes you skillless.
    You just proved my point... Thanks.
  8. Aeflic

    It's just funny bc all three factions blame the other of us.

    First off my outfit rarely if ever pulls tanks.
    Second we use to run an air div but scaled back during pop drops on the server. Havnt had an air div for months.
    Third we pull MAX heavy when there are seconds to spare or we know the TR or VS will respond with MAXs.

    So for my outfit? Yes
  9. LibertyRevolution

    There is not a single battle I been to on Mattherson where then NC doesn't pull maxes..
    NC pull maxes there when they have 80/20 pop split in a hex.. they have 5 to 1 odds, and they pull maxes..
    It will be 10 NC vs 2 of VS, and they pull 3 maxes!!

    They are not looking to have fun, or to even make a game of it.. they just want to steamroll the base with no opposition..
    I just blow their sunderer and then redeploy to find an actual fight at that point..
    Yall can stand around in your skillsuits and wait for that 250 cap XP.
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  10. Aeflic

    Lol whatever,

    You delusions are interesting. Perhaps we don't see each other. I only okay alerts and I'm only ever in the ****. Go back to Waterson.
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  11. DQCraze

    Actually there are quite a few, just quit running with the zerg and you'll find them.
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  12. Epic High Five

    VS have been getting beat up by the NC and losing lots of alerts, in addition to losing lots of pop to the TR. I don't think I've seen the NC lose an alert when I see certain leaders on, and the virtues displayed are identical to those you claim we are lacking.

    NC has a dodgy history on Mattherson to be sure, just look at WDS 2.0 when our bigger outfits took breaks, and for awhile post release when a lot of NC guns were very poorly balanced and flinch rendered 95% of our weapons fundamentally disadvantaged. We were really bad then. Oh and for the moment a lot of NC outfits are legit not competing in global alerts because it's serious crappy losing half your platoon in a continent swap and then having a lot not log back in.

    Now that NCC comms have been dissolved and NC organizing has moved to the in-game comms things are great. We routinely win a majority of the prime time alerts, though the VS still dominates off-hour alerts due to having more quality players on later, as has been the case since release.

    I know for a stone cold fact that NC Mattherson would wipe the floor with NC or TR Waterson, and probably VS too but they're pretty wily despite their smaller numbers.

    Basically give us some credit yo, NC Mattherson is vastly improved with the shift to in-game comms and emergence of seriously great pubbie herding outfits like VCO and BL/GOON (depending on who is leading)
  13. Epic High Five

    NC's premier pubbie whisperer speaks the truth!
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  14. Posse

    Well, yeah, we didn't have the chance to wreck them since they turned tail and fled from Community Clash :D

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  15. Kanya

    Yet to be at a fight on waterson where I don't kill more than any ZAPS member there at the time. I'm sure they like seeing that DA1 tag above theirs though...
  16. Dead soldier

    Why is this DA vs ZAPS?
  17. Negator

    People seem to think comparing an active outfit to an inactive farmfit makes for good convo? dunno.
  18. DQCraze

    Heavy weights are always the most fun to watch.
  19. Negator

    in this case its a heavy weight vs a challenger who cant kick his alcohol habit to even enter the ring.
  20. Dead soldier

    but...but.. how did this thread go from "opinions about Waterson and Matherson merge to" "Matherson scrub server" or "ZAPS can suck my...." thread. When did it go so wrong?
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