On a scale of 1 to 10, one being the worst, ten being the best, rate the helpfulness of each class.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luminiouscow, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. stalkish

    Why do you keep talking about k/d?
    An infil is an infil, you cant split it into sniper and infil anyways, you have to look at the class as a whole.
    F**k it im done aswel, no sense here.
  2. Mustarde

    Good players: 8-10
    Bad players: 0-5

    Snipers: 11
    • Up x 3
  3. MadMelon

    Core classes:

    Medic: 10 most important class? Can keep the whole group alive)
    Engi: 9 (resupplying, repairing maxes/vehicles)
    Heavy assault:6 (main combat class, can fight vehicles)

    Side classes:

    Light assault: 4 (can be very helpful when it comes to flanking but most use them to farm)
    Infiltrator: 5 (nice to have but u usually need only 1 or 2 and radar on vehicles can detect enemies as well)

    Over the top classes:

  4. \m/SLAYER\m/

    engineers who doesn't drops ammo packs
  5. Hosp

    If you know how to play your class and you're playing with a team... 10/10

    If you know how to play your class and are solo... 6/10

    The effectiveness of this poll on the grand scheme of things... 0/10
    • Up x 1
  6. Yaesu

    It isn't any particular class per say. It's the person playing it. Are "they" being helpful..etc.
  7. Yaesu

    Disagree. I jump on my heavy when armor shows up at the sundie. I also go out hunting armor which are attacking infantry moving to other bases. And I'm not alone. I usually see a good handful of other heavies doing the same. If that isn't helpful, I don't know what is.
  8. K2k4

    There's a bit of a logical flaw in this.. The title implies that there is a 'most helpful class' when in fact different classes do different things. Therefor an infiltrator will not be very helpful in taking out a tank, whereas a heavy assault or AV MAX would be very helpful in this regards. This makes any and every response subjective (I think I used that word right). I'm going to make my list based on how OP each class is.
    Infiltrators: 10. They're OP because they have a variety of weapons which work great from low ranges (smg's, xbow), to mid ranges (scout rifles, semi auto snipes) to long ranges (sniper rifles). They get OP hacking which allows them to flip enemy terminals, creating a bastion for attackers, who can now reconfigure their needs in the event they didn't bring a medic or engineer, and have new fresh maxes spawn. They get ESP darts and sensors, which allow everybody on their side to see where the enemies are, where they're facing (sensor) and respond accordingly. No other class has long range options like the infiltrator, and an open field battle is one of the best places for an infiltrator to hunt. He only needs a rock to hide behind.

    Light Assault: 8. They're OP because they can fly. They can get to places better than other players, and even some places where other players cannot. They're great for squad leading because they can hide beacons in hard to reach places. They're great on Hossin because they can get into the trees without using a drop pod. Also they can put entire squads in the tree by putting a beacon up there. They used to be the de-facto vehicle killers but c-4 keeps getting nerfed. They used to be the best shotgun users until semi auto and auto shotguns got a longer ttk than SMG's at close ranges. They still have their uses, but as players get more used to their shenanigans, their attack angles are becoming less effective.

    Combat Medic 10. They're OP because one surviving medic will bring an entire squad back to full fighting capability in a matter of seconds. They have the best short-mid range weapons (assault rifles). They have options available to them for varied squad support, so multiple medics, or even all medic squads are a valid option. They also have access to c-4, so even an all-medic squad is not completely useless against vehicles.

    Engineer: 10. They're OP because they give and grant infinite ammo. They have turrets which can be used as cover, and AV turrets which operate like artillary. They are also the only class capable of repairing vehicles and MAX units. They are important in squadplay because of their repair and ammo abilities, but are still very capable in solo play because of their turrets and ammo abilities.

    Heavy Assault: 10. They're the only class that automatically has an AV weapon at all times. Their shield makes them the best class for 1v1 encounters in the game. They have LMG's which have the highest ammo capacity of any weapons in the game. The NC heavy starter weapon has the highest per hit damage of any automatic weapon in the game and starts with 100 rounds per magazine, which is OP in its own right. Heavy assaults are great in numbers, as their rocket launchers hit tanks like a wet sock, but get a few heavies working in tandem and the wet socks start to pile up.

    Max: 10. This is actually just a vehicle, but they put it on the class load-out screen. This vehicle allows a single player vastly overwhelming firepower and hitpoints compared to your average infantryman. If played improperly, the solo max can actually struggle, but paired with 1 or more engineer the max becomes 100x more powerful. A single engineer and a single max can literally hold off an entire squad for a while if positioned properly. Maxes also get a variety of weapons available including AV, AI, and AA options, which makes them versatile. Fun fact, you can use a terminal while in your max suit to change loadouts or reload mid-play without having to pay for the max again from your resources.
  9. Akashar

    I hate smg infiltrators, all they do a HA can do better, while being less annoying and easy win. But nobody can make a max feel utterly alone when all his engies get bullets to the head from afar, like a good sniper. Sniping can totally change a battle if done right, like every other class. While sniping I always cover allies, soften targets, flank, spam recon darts, why all the hate? Infiltrators are more useful being snipers than smg noobs. Sniping requires skill, smg not.
  10. doombro

    Medic: 10. Most useful class by a wide margin. Absolutely necessary for long-term survival to have at least two on you in the majority of situations.
    MAX: 7. It's pretty nice to have them around, however, they're just extra muscle at the end of the day. Good for overcoming limited numbers and breaking choke point stalemates.
    Engineer: 9. Repairs, ammo, turrets. That stuff is very nice to have.
    Heavy Assault: 8. Good to have for rockets and conc grenades.
    Infiltrators: 6. Good for dart spam, though you can use a recon crossbow on any other class to substitute that in most cases. Sometimes it's nice to have one sitting around in deep cloak ready to drop a beacon after you get wiped. Very limited combat usefulness, unless in the hands of an extremely skilled player.
    Light Assault: 3. No useful equipment except the jetpack. If you're actually going for base captures, that won't help you out very much.
  11. Tyrant103

    These people usually stop people from getting to points on the region Helping you.
  12. NinjaTurtle

    CQC sniping requires skill such as what Elusive shows in his videos.

    Sitting on a hill 200+ meters away does not require skill. There is no risk involved and lining up head shots is not a difficult thing to do. When I snipe I find it is the easiest thing in the game

    Sniping at best helps suppress a small area, it has a minimal effect on the base cap compared to people actually on the front line pushing the point.

    The flaw in you argument in how SMG infiltrators are outperformed by HA. Maybe, but a sniper is about suppression mainly and tank spam or Lib/Galaxy bulldog spam does that job better
  13. Akashar

    I do some CQC infiltrator, with the vandal, it is a challenge. With smg it would just be the easiest game ever, I don't wanna try it. Clearly intended for noobs. Sniping requires skill to take down moving people, and a skilled sniper can suppress a small area without having to lean on galaxy/bulldog spam, which is way more expensive and hard to pull when not in a platoon than a few bullets.
  14. Champagon

    Infiltrator: 6

    Light Assault: 3

    Combat Medic: 8

    Engineer: 7

    Heavy Assault: 7

    MAX: 7

    LA's are one of the most useless class, only good for C4 fairy and farming zergs with C4. I still have no idea why SOE created this class. Aside from having epic base jumps
  15. ShortRovnd

    Only the HA isn't necessary. But you need them when you can't pull MAXes.

    If they're all doing their jobs correctly the other classes are 10/10.
  16. uhlan

    Every class helps out a great deal, but if you're gonna have to pin me down...

    Medics: 10

    No decent fight can be helped along without a medic. Add a talented individual well certed and they're worth their weight in gold.

    Reality: Most medics are played because of the ability to heal themselves constantly, run around with an assault rifle AND drop c4. Rarely do you find good medics in the game.

    Engineers: 9

    The ability to repair and drop ammo is an invaluable asset to have on a battlefield. The ability to lay mines and operate turrets is simply icing.

    Reality: A lot like the Medic, it's rare to find a good repair engi. It's a thankless job, but does provide decent xp. An engi that uses his deployables well can turn the tide of many battles. Because those things are situational, they are rarely considered when analyzing the class.

    Light Assault: 8 or 2

    The greatest tool in the game is the jet-pack. The ability to get to and attack from places no one expects is huge. No one in the game looks up and this is where the LA lives. The additional ability to take out the enemies force multipliers from that direction cannot be minimized.

    Reality: a "skill" class. There are a lot of "wanna-be's" out there, but because of the jetpack they can still do damage due to the "no one looks up rule". Skilled individuals in this class can really take it to the enemy. The problem is that you rarely encounter decent LA's. Taking out a sundy with c4 doesn't belong to this class alone so attacking from above is their class highlight. The most "selfish" class, it tends to draw individuals that NEVER adjust to a given situation and exist purely for self-gratification.

    Max: 7 or 5

    The ability to swap from AA, anti-tank or anti-infantry makes the MAX the super-HA of the battlefield. A well cared for max of any of these types can offer tremendous area denial possibilities.

    Reality: MAX's can be drawn by ANYONE so the quality varies. Due to resource cost and the possibilty of zero support makes these guys really fragile. The key to a MAX suits success is a good engineer. Rarely do you find the two in the same battle, unfortunately.

    Infiltrator: 7 or 1

    The ability to hack, drop sensors and strike from the "shadows" can really cause havoc amongst the enemy. Anyone that thinks sniping isn't one of the great force multipliers in a battle is kidding themselves. How can 10 snipers sniping actively from a secure vantage point NOT add to the team!?!?

    Reality: The default class of the "lone wolf". Again, it's a quality issue. Knowing where and when to drop sensors is key... and if you can't hit the broadside of a barn... you're useless as a sniper.

    Heavy Assault: 6

    How can you underate a class that can offer good high volume weapon spam? From the LMG to rockets both guided and unguided AND the ability to drop c4, the HA is hard to beat... in numbers. Not to mention, they are the "meatbags" of the game drawing fire from the specialists.

    Reality: The usual default class of the noob, the quality of the avg HA varies considerably.
  17. LordTankT9

    Infiltrator: 1 out of 10 munch terror, but not munch effort to take the place, vehicle and class console hacks are most useful.

    Light Assault: 2 out of 10 outdoors, 8 out of 10 for indoors, actually it can raze 10 times the havoc compare to Infiltrator - planting C4s of peoples faces and saturating skulls with iron from the best place possible - above.

    Heavy Assault: 7 out of 10 - it' your main charge in and take the place guy for any situation.

    Medic: 8 out 10 - the people that can make the difference if push will succeed or not.

    Engineer: 8 out of 10 - there is no push if people have nothing to shoot with or their vehicles are wreaked.

    MAX: 4 out of 10 - good for pushing or scaring off ESF crows as AA, but I rather see 10 HA guys then 1 MAX, truth is 10 LMG\Rocket to the face guys are better then MAXes.
  18. Gammit

    That last part is the catch, because that seems to vary with each class. So here are both assuming they are doing their job correctly, and reality:

    Infiltrator: 7, 3

    Light Assault: 8, 8

    Combat Medic: 9, 8

    Engineer: 8, 7

    Heavy Assault: 9, 9

    MAX: 10, 10
  19. Huxer

    Infiltrator: 6

    Light Assault: 3

    Combat Medic: 10

    Engineer: 9

    Heavy Assault: 5

    MAX: 9

    Other than lock on rocket launchers what can a heavy do to help that a MAX cannot do better?

    The only real advantage to LA is speed, no one can match a LA for getting from point A to point B

    Infiltrators are unsung in most fights but they give overwatch protection sensor sweeping, and control of all terminals and in place weapons and shields

    Medics, medics cant do much about anything other than infantry, if the entire fight is all infantry then the medic stands alone as the best class and everyone should probably be pulling one.

    Engineers bring sustain to the team, they are also highly adaptable with a wide range of consumables at their disposal

    MAX Don't bother trying to 1v1 a max, the max always wins This is a killing machine with a high health pool that can be constantly repaired by an engineer and can also be revived by a medeic if killed.

    TLDR; There's a reason why every good platoon leader repeats this mantra to their team when they get into a biolab. "Maxes, Medics and Engineers everyone!"
  20. Taemien

    Nope. If an outfit like Recursion or HavOc drop on your base, there won't be a sundy for you to hunt.

    A coordinated group doesn't need a sundy to respawn in.