On a scale of 1 to 10, one being the worst, ten being the best, rate the helpfulness of each class.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luminiouscow, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. andy_m

    No surprises on which class is getting the most battering here then...
  2. NC_agent00kevin

    All classes are equally important outside of dedicated snipers. They do have their uses but simply arent as productive most of the time.

    The best assets are medics who revive and heal, Infiltrators who hack and put down darts and motion spotters. Engies with ammo a close runner up. Medic is probably the single most useful because of the healing and revives on a hotly contested point. In fact, a team of Engies, medics and an Infiltrator or two would be far more effective than twice as many HAs in their place trying to hold the same point long term with no reinforcements.
  3. Kunavi

    Infiltrator : 4

    Light Assault : 6

    Combat Medic : 8

    Engineer : 6

    Heavy Assault : 8

    MAX : 10

    For me, being near 5(And 5 being MEH!) is already bad. Below it, or just 1 point above, is complete crap or too situational or completely tramped by other Classes but potentially OK.
  4. Person7man

    Infiltrator : Sniping to farm-2. Sniping a choke point-6. SMG Cloak/Harass with motion darts-10. An SMG infil with motion darts is probably the best class in the game for an experienced player. "invisibility" with a motion sensor and a deadly CQC weapon both helps the allies and annoys the hell out of the opponents.

    Light Assault : 2. Hooray. He can fly. Just makes him a more obvious target to shoot down.

    Combat Medic : 10. I don't care if there are a whole platoon of medics. They never freaking die. They have potentially infinite health and rez people instantly with a fully certed tool.

    Engineer : 7. Bad choice of weapons, carbines don't exactly suit his role. I usually run a shotgun or SMG. Helpful to repair, drive sundy's, and drop ammo.

    Heavy Assault : 9- Most new players play heavy because he has more health and they aren't used to recoil compensating so they need lots of ammo. Other than the shield and the rocket launcher, his choice of weapons is probably the most diverse. Limited at close range but his shield protects him. His role doesn't exactly help the team unless exclusively tank-hunting, so against armor columns or skilled infiltrators they're pretty useless.

    MAX : 9- AI maxes are ***usually*** bad players and you can dispatch them with a C4, proxy mine, or a few shots with a rocket launcher. The ones that can both AA and AI are 10's. They never die and spam so many projectiles they force you to move from cover. If an engi is not paying attention I have seen around 6 AA maxes take out a whole column of tanks and a Gal to boot.
  5. stalkish

    The classes i play and like : 10
    The classes i dont play / like : 0

    O sory, i thought thats wat we were doing here...
    Or is it

    The class i want buffed : 0
    The class i want nerfed : 10

  6. trichome

    First to those of you that actually assigned a number to a class: FACEPALM!

    All classes are useful, it's the players that are useless and looking at the responses here that's kinda obvious that most don't have a clue what there at even though they think they do.
  7. Bhudda V1

    wow most people are pretty 1 dimensional in here infils seriously do a lot of good work it just takes a good player to do it, I am sure a lot of people see bad infil doing a terrible job and base their opinion off that or when they get sniped themselves thing is you don't see a good infil most of the time, popping medics on the enemy's front line, dropping heavy assaults and putting a bolt action round in a guys chest to help the friendly ha coming around the corner "wow i am so great i killed all these guys" thinks the Heavy Assault taking all the credit and kills.

    was hoping a few more people realize that the heavy assault/max is the "most useless" class's really while they are somewhat the back bone of the fight being the only 2 with worthwhile av (disregarding the engy turret) past that their slightly tougher to very tough meat shield which *can* break stalemates useless in every other way.
  8. Fraper

    No we dont.
    For me personaly 40% of my gameplay is on CQC infitlator as i love the stealth/intel/hacking/harrasing//backstabing/sniping gameplay (played as sniper only throu like first week after noticed i dont do a **** in the battle except putting few heads down that were to stupid to move and do not contribute to nothing else than my own K/D witch was also low as sniping is very situationaly dependant, not to mention that alteas on EU servers you will become the prey after the first shot you make and will spend more time changing sniping posytions than actualy shooting/engaging battle) rest is equaly medic and enginer.
  9. koopa

    -if playing with mainly recon tools and SMG:8
    -if playing with hunter cloak and recon: 7
    -if playing with only hunter cloak:5
    -if only sniping:2
    -if sniping badly:0(go back to aim school, scrub)

    Light Assault:
    -if playing vertically(on top of buildings and using them for cover,ect):6
    -if only focusing enemy sundies:10
    -if only focusing enemy tanks:6
    -if just focusing cert balloons called vehicles: 7
    -if playing on ground with rest of grunts:2(plz no...)

    Combat Medic:
    -if assisting with combat while prioritizing healing and resing:10
    -if healing and resing allies:8
    -if only resing allies:7
    -if only healing self and fighting:4
    -if only fighting:3(heal plz...)

    -if giving ammo, reping maxes and using turret in choke points:10
    -if only giving repairs and turreting: 6
    -if only dropping ammo and turreting:5
    -if only turreting:3(i need ammo! wheres the ammo! my gun needs bullets!)

    Heavy Assault:
    -if focusing vehicles but shooting infantry too:9
    -if focusing infantry but shooting vehicles too:9
    -if only killing vehicles:8
    -if only killing infantry:8
    -if only farming: 5
    -if playing rocket primary:1(uninstall now)

    -if AA with many air targets:10
    -if AV with many vehicle targets:10
    -if AI with many infantry targets:10
    -if AA with few air targets:5-9
    -if AV with few vehicle targets:8-10
    -if AI with few infantry targets:8-9
    -if AA with no air targets:3(you need.... the aim of the GODS)
    -if AV with no vehicle targets: 5-8
    -if AI with no infantry targets:1(does max punch actually hurt vehicles anymore?)
    • Up x 1
  10. stalkish

    Dont what?
    Not sure why you've told me all that tbh.
  11. lawn gnome

    i am going to split mine into two ratings, the rating for how most play the class and the rating for it's potential

    • IRL: 2 (hill humpers)
    • potential: 8 (up close assassin providing radar support and hacking terminals)

    Light Assault:
    • IRL: 6 (a little too much lone wolfing, but overall pretty good)
    • potential: 7 (ambushing and flanking to help the front line advance, destroying spawn beacons, eliminating enemies in hard to reach places and single shot anti vehicle assassin [so you hit the vehicles that are really hard / impossible to get from the ground])
    Combat Medic:
    • IRL: 8 (revives and heals are sometimes a bit slow)
    • potential: 9 (revives, healing, and additional firepower when needed)
    • IRL: 6 (repairs and ammo supply could use some work)
    • potential: 8 (repairing MAXs and vehicles as needed, supplying ammo at any reasonable opportunity, defending areas with turrets, and finally additional firepower when not performing their many other jobs)
    Heavy Assault:
    • IRL: 4 (mostly used as a blunt instrument and thrown directly into the meat grinder)
    • potential: 8 (killing anything that isn't standard infantry with many different flavors of explosions [WE are the ones that need to be the first in to break an enemy vehicle push, destroying sunderers is our job also] and kicking in doors with the shield and weapon of your choice [heavy assault should be charging in right alongside any MAX suits])
    • IRL: 8 (not too complicated although being a little bit more aggressive would be nice)
    • potential: 9 (taking hits and dispensing pain! MAX units will and should be shot at the most it is your job to take hits and it is the job of all of the infantry around you to support you and keep you alive)
  12. Fraper

    Oh sorry i might be more precise

    No we dont score classes according to what we like or dont like to play, and what annoys us or not, or who want we buffed and who nerfed, atleast i did not scored in that way but in way of usefulness on the field as the thread tittle asks about and some of other opinions are very similiar to mine i concluded that W DO NOT MAKE AN HATE RATING HERE but exactly as what the tittle asks for
  13. DeusExForever

    Engineer gets a 10.

    It's the only support class in PS2 that can be used almost permanently (worth specializing in).

    Infiltrator gets an 8 (all those things he can hack, makes the role at least busy).

    Medics get a 6 (it feels every bit like a glorified med kit).

    Here I am a player who plays healers, and doesn't want to play a Medic in PS2 saying that. :(

    Heavy Assault 6 (feels like Ghostcrawler joined SOE and treated the class like a Ret paladin).

    Light Assault 0 (because all the damn times dying you come back as that class!).

    MAX 4 (only viable class if you specialize, and specializing in it means you're a Guardian MT, and totally dependent on support roles to even stay alive).
  14. stalkish

    accept you did just that, take a look at your post again:
    The capitals reveal your feeling towards that particular style of play, you dont like it, hence the low score.
    I dont believe you or even 95% of anyone on this forum (or any, yes reddit included) is genuine, no1 cares about actual game balance no no, just how to make their own stat padding easier.

    Not a team member huh, i was fighting at quartze ridge yesterday, in a tank. We were being surrounded and enemy AV maxs and tanks were poking into our vehicle area to shoot my van, i could hit them but not the engis repping them, so my squad memeber - a sniper at the time, took out the engineers repping the vehicles and maxs. Me and the other 2 tanks were then able to hold off the mags attacking and push back out of our area, this would not have been possible if it wernt for my m8 sniping.
    But i guess youll just say 'situational' or 'that never happens' when in truth you dont know how often it happens and have no idea how many times you actualy been helped or even saved outright by a sniper.

    Like i said, your biased opinion skewes your perception of usefulness, im guessing you get head shotted alot?

    Also id like you to think about the whole reason for this thread for second. If everyone voted the max as 0 wed be asking for a buff no? or the HA gets 10 and everyone else gets 1, nerf yes? Open your eyes.
  15. DeusExForever

    If you played BF3 and saw what snipers were allowed to do, the hate for them is at a level of DOOM!

    No different than those who dislike explosives, and shunned and lambasted the Metro map (which support players congregated as there's something to support -- Assault are the heal bots and ressers, too).
  16. Bankrotas

    Can't a lonewolf sundy hunter be useful?
  17. DramaticExit

    These people are saying things that others should listen to (even if I don't entirely agree on the lonewolf comment. I have seen lonewolves do wonderful things).
  18. stalkish

    Never played battlefield, no idea what your referring to :confused:.
    Ive no problem with people disliking something, its the 'you shoudnt like it either' attitude of players around here that annoys me.
    Threads like this that are disguised nerf threads.
  19. Jack_Frost

    A high K/D lone wolf combat medic who's always fighting where he's most needed: 20
    Like me.

    Infiltrators: 0 if sniping, 2 if using motion spotter, 5 if spamming darts
    LA: if he knows how to use the class properly, 8-9
    HA: if he knows how to use the class properly, 8-9
    Engineer: always nice to have a couple around for ammo, 6-10 depending on his skill to defend himself and time repairs
    CM that's not like me: always nice to have a couple around for heals/revives, 6-10 depending on his skill to defend himself and time heals/revives (not just spamming res nades when all the people will just get instantly taken out again)
    MAX: meh MAXes; remove them from the game for better infantry combat.
  20. Fraper

    Let me make this clear from mine point of view for you once and for all.

    1.If i get head shoted by a sniper and tha happens at best once in a day then i was lazy or standing still for more than 1 min at open battlefield.

    2. I do not hate them i started to play as an sniper infitlator if you readed my post and stoped giving the reason why.

    3. I personaly do not want any buff or nerf to any of the classes as they all have theyr place and strenghts + weeknes to go with it

    4. But i will take 1 Medic over 5 hill huggers anyday, i will take 1 CQC infitlator over 5 hill hugers anyday. Why becaus snipers that are 100 away are useles during objectives. Maybe its because i havent seen a sniper that was helping the team in other way than headshoting 7 out of 10 shots (if hes good enough) every 2 min make it every 5s if hes Sundy camping Brain Dead Motionless Bots that wont kill him after the first shot he makes (but then i had few times such sytuation where ppls were standing and looking into the far sky dreaming of better places when i sniped them down one by one without an reaction)

    Snipers do not need an nerf or buff snipers need an occasions/objective to be helpfull to the team and objective progresion, as right now any other class makes a loot more usefull things on the field than Snipers and theyr K/D ratio and its not about the class as a class actualy its more about ppls and how they play it and 99% of snipers are simply hill hugers and are useless asset to the team in taking basses, guarding objectives.

    So my score is about ppls not the game class it self.

    Im done with this ****, and explaining my self to anyone and specialy to you.