Official Striker Feedback Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

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  1. centurionvi

    That basically mirrors my feelings also. I've shelved the Striker and gone back to the G2G launcher. I can use the lock when I need it and dumbfire when I don't. You get the best of both worlds and the TTK is basically identical to a Striker. The Striker simply takes way too long to put out its damage in comparison and more often than not ends up getting you killed unless you have a large range or elevation advantage. The last half dozen times I've tried to use it I've been Phoenix'd before I could get 2 shots off.
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  2. TheJan

    Dude, do yourself and do us a favor. Make a TR toon, buy the Striker, play with it. Realize the painful reality that in game battle performance is far from the idealistic theoric an VR training tests performance.

    On paper it takes 3.75 secs to acquire a lock an 3 secs to shots the full clip. In real battle conditions these 3.75 secs are almost doubled because of multiple factors, it takes more time to acquire a lock on moving and nearer targets, targets equipped with stealth add extra time, also any idiot or small terrain element such a tree or rock that happens to pass between you and your target will break the lock, sometimes the lock on mechanics are bugged (ex: the other day there was a parked enemy sunderer and for some buggd reason there was no way I could lock on it, I could do nothing because I was not able to dumbfire) , etc. When you finally acquire a lock it takes 1 sec to fire a rocket and await for the inevitable flare or smoke popping, which adds another 5 secs before you can start once again the eternal procedure to acquire a lock again. If by the time that happens, the targeted player still didn't flee, then finally you got the lock and start firing the full clip with a grin of satisfaction in the face. Then happens one of the next situations: in the case of a normal pilots, while you see the aircraft struggling to dodge the rockets, 1 hit, 2 hit, 3 hit ... sometimes if you're lucky you get a 4th hit. You only get 4th and 5th hits against dumb, sleeping or greedy players. After that, the aircraft flew away in the horizon. In the case of a good pilot, they will exploit the rocket lead mechanics and cause your rockets to hit the ground, letting you with a trolled face. Also good tankers will look for cover and try make crash most of your rockets with terrain. Yet you want to add more lock on time... that woul make the weapon useless.

    So in the end the striker, and any lock on weapon, is highly dependable on your target's skills an equippemnt loadlout. Unlike other weapons, there's nothing a good player can do to prevent this. As you can guess VR dummies are not very skilled. Also, despite a triker clip has he potential to inflict 2500 damage, in the end the most usual thing is only half a clip hits, therefore reducing the real damage output.

    To sum up. Striker's most notable ability is that is a powerful deterrent for bad players because of the psicological factor. Good players will simply exploit its weaknesses and make fun of it. Other than that their user's shouldn't expect to get a lot of kills, that's far from it. It's a weapon to get assistances while supporting your mates and from time to time get a lucky kill.
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  3. Revel

    I think they should add dumbfire, but make it do little damage to infantry.
  4. Lewinsky

    It's lame.
  5. rickampf

    #TheJan, don't bother with this guy... he is just a troll involving in some kind of crusade of whine to get us a nerf... lol.
  6. ObsidianSoul

    So your solution is we have 2 people with annihilators coordinating such that they fire at the same time, to your single supersoldier? What happens if you have 2? Then we'd need 4. 4? We'd need 8.

    Good pilots know how to deal with AA maxes, AA turrets, and Skyguards (strafing runs). Standard G2A can be dealt with flares and evasion. People still fly even with them around because they are dangerous, but not ridiculously so.

    But the Striker is the only weapon that can reliably down an ESF effortlessly, and it's faction specific to boot. Vehicle stealth and flares again merely temporarily put off the inevitable. Most pilots know that they can tank a single hit with a lockon weapon, so the time after firing the flares is used to hunt the dude with the launcher. Problem is, if you do that with Strikers you will die with the second volley (protip to non-pilots: when your HP is red and you're burning, you might as well say goodbye to the aircraft, especially if you're in the middle of a large fight).

    And ESFs providing air support isn't exactly going to be flying close to the ground or hiding behind hills. It's not being careless, it's being useful. An ESF flying low all the time isn't helping the ground forces. And it's not like every base has a convenient mountain to fly behind to isn't it?

    Your only option when someone is using Strikers in a given region really is to avoid it or run away every time you get locked (and that's only if one person is using it). And the only way to know that someone is using Strikers is if it has already killed you. That IS a huge advantage.

    I've noticed that the posters who are saying it's no big deal or how easy it is to avoid it aren't pilots themselves, and yet they seem to know everything about "good piloting". :rolleyes:

    That said I give up.
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  7. ObsidianSoul

  8. CDN_Wolvie

    What a load of bollocks, what risk is that exactly - the Striker lock on time is shorter, the reload time is shorter - ooo, so riskay! And you don't have to stand in the open after the shortest lock on time, for less "Huh, there was a sniper out there that our tanks, mossies, and Liberators didn't get" risk, the striker shots will curve around immediate objects towards its target after leaving the launcher for one or two less shots. All that "risk" for damage that is the same or higher. Was the Annihilator pointless before the Striker came along? Get real.

    This thing is a machine in clearing an area of opposing vehicles and you know it - we did it already with launchers with no where near as nice stats. And exclusive to one side, what could possibly go wrong in the 3 way fight between factions ...
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  9. PS2Freak

    firstly, taste of your own medicine taste good, does it ? o_O secondly it is really like people say about striker. no need for pointless crusade, there are reasons.
  10. Steel Soldier

    Exactly, and unlike the striker where you have to wait for weapon lock to fire off one or two rounds for the kill shot, a lancer can just aim and fire. Hell it does not even have to aim, granted you can still miss firing from the hip but you can still charge up and fire.

  11. Haya jii san

    I think you don't think enough
  12. Haya jii san

    Tried firing moving targets with it ? No ? Who could imagine ...

    On the other hands, the all so mighty BR1 TRs can lock and spam enemy to eternity.
  13. Haya jii san

    Both you and Higby should play the game more and talk less for the sake of the community ...
  14. VanuSovereignty

    I think the striker is probably the most balanced ESL, by a lot. Powerful by one's self, powerful in a group, has a good counter that is fairly easy access, can't kill infantry instantly. The devs did a good job with this one.
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  15. Revel

    I give your trolling efforts a 1/10.
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  16. centurionvi

    And this is different from every other lock on... how exactly?
  17. SebDollar

    As i Pilot, it is currently the most aggravating thing in the game. Myself, and many other pilots have completely stopped fighting the TR all together because of this weapon.
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  18. Mxiter

    I agree.

    The stiker is slightly overperforming (even with its drawback) but Isn't OP. There is some effective counter and technics to dodge its rockets.

    AV turret DPS>Striker DPS, it fires around 1.5 times then the striker shoot just once an deals 2000dmge against sundys (sure) and or 1700 or 2000 against everything else. (looks like 50% damage reduction against aircrafts, not sure too)

    In the other hand, a platoon of lancers at Esamir could doing the same kind of things, A platoon of phoenix at indar or amerish too, in more time but with much less risks.
  19. Frigidus

    The fact that this got three thumbs up is kind of funny. It is 100%, hands down, balls out PROPAGANDA!

    The lock on time for the annihilator is a MASSIVE half a second longer. After the annihilator fires you can switch weapons or reload, there's no need to maintain lock. Watch the first 7 seconds of this video for an example.

    The one video I've seen in which the Striker curves around obstacles was fired at a stationary ground target, and his lock broke immediately after firing the fourth shot. If this was used in the heavy, heavy majority of situations that broken lock would guarantee the fourth rocket (and possibly the other rockets depending on distance) to fly off and hit nothing. Even in this one situation, you might as well just use a decimator to do the exact same amount of damage since the vehicle is apparently abandoned. Meanwhile, in actual combat and not cherry picked situations designed to spin a particular narrative, you have to continue aiming at your target until you've hit them. Depending on how far away that is, you might be aiming down your scopes for 8+ seconds. During this whole time you have to maintain a clear line of sight between you and your target, something that can only reliably be done away from cover.

    And what is the upside for this extra time? If you hit with everything you fired, then you do 2500 damage, as opposed to the 1150 of the annihilator. Oh, but wait, the annihilator is going to be able to fire off one rocket and immediately start reloading, whereas the striker has to fire five rockets and wait until they all hit before reloading. We have to factor that in. I don't really want to spend all day testing the effects of various conditions on DPS, so I'm borrowing some math someone did earlier in the thread.

    Thanks for taking the time to do that for us Mxiter.

    Let's just round it out to 200 DPS and call that the damage you'll be dealing from the range you'll normally be fighting at. So if we're assuming that everything goes perfectly, that all of the strikers rockets hit and the extra time exposed doesn't get him killed, then 3 people with strikers will do about the same amount of damage as 4 people with annihilators. Note: these are PERFECT conditions in which everything goes right. Now, are we seriously saying that a relatively small increase in maximum DPS isn't justified by the doubled amount of risk and extra limitations involved in firing these rockets? Especially when that maximum DPS is often not realized?

    A few disclaimers: I don't own the Striker. I don't think I'll be buying the Striker, at least not in its current form. I would be just as opposed to a Striker nerf if another faction had it.
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  20. Mxiter

    This is the difference between FIRE AND FORGET and CONTINUS LOCKING (the lock continues just 3 sec after stopped to aim)
    That's how it supposed to be. I can't confirm it because i always kept aiming until my rockets hit (or miss)
    And i still get many kills lby still get them locked: locked people often ignore the warnings.

    You're welcome :D

    I own all TR rockets launcher (i just didn't bought the 2 NS one).
    I just had better to buy AV turret than striker, but i'ld try it.
    It's nice, funny to shoot 5 rockets, but specific AA and AV lancer are more effective (especially AA) because they have fire and forget mode and much better rockets trajectory that can hit effectively aircrafts until 920m
    Striker arn't effective anymor against dodging tESF (for example) over 500m
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