Official Phoenix Launcher Thread

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RadarX, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. NightmareP69

    I triald the phoenix on my NC and it's the most OP weapon i have ever used in Planetside 2
    You can farm 24/7 and almost never die at all. Who ever considers the phoenix to be UP is eather trolling or he's special in the head.
    Nerf the infantry damage on the Phoenix
    Keep the Striker as it is, it's the only ESRL which is nicely balanced.
    Buff the damage OR increase the range and travel speed of the Lancer and allow players to hold down the charge after it gets fully charged
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  2. Fenrisk

    You expect the Phoniex to 1 shot tanks? That's what people in this thread seem to be hinting at. Two shots is too much so obviously you want it to be a 1 shot tank killer.

    Get your outfit to run with 2 Phoniex heavys and 1 Engineer to supple ammo and use way points to point out tanks/sunderers. Pick a good location and wreck havoc from complete cover or if you prefer just grief infantry with it from now till xmas. Either way its a win win with High rewards and low risks.
  3. Andy79

    maybe turn the rocketcam to be magnetic vision, so you can only see tanks, aircraft, turrets and engi turrets ? maybe increase the range a bit to compensate
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  4. Markus.D

    Yep, you right! :) But, phoenix is not OP, it just a good weapon in good hands.
    I was tried it too, but snipers are always hunting me and my kill streak is not so long as yours.
    Phoenix is good, but too universal. I think, it needs some profiling of ammo. I think, it will be good to make different ammo types for all launchers:
    • AP - Armor Piercing - this missile has a shell inside it. And only this shell filled with explosive material. This missile has no splash damage but deadly for any armored target. Useless against infantry. It has small travel time because of heavy weight. (I think, it must be the actual travel time of current phoenix missile)
    • HE - High Explosive - this missile has no shell, but filled with small bullets and explosive material. This missile has ridiculous effect against armored targets. But it has a huge splash damage against soft targets. It has slight extended travel time.
    • AA - Anti Air - useless against ground because of very high velocity and none splash damage. This missile is a lightweight variant of AP missile, but shell is smaller and explode only inside of aircraft. This missile can not pierce tank armor at all, has no splash damage against ground, but deadly against aircrafts. It has very high velocity (more then ESF top speed), good turn angle and very long travel time (30-40 sec).
    I never use aircrafts. I'm a perfect helicopter pilot, but i can't use any aircraft in PS2 -__-'
    And spite of this i will be glad to see the same video guided missiles for Liberator. As ES alternative for second pilot.
  5. Naturaliensammler

    Sure. NC just BADLY NEEDS a freaking launcher that is TV guided and can be fired from cover or the spawnroom with HE HUGE SPLASH RADIUS rockets.

    Srsly. What went so wrong with you NC guys? Do you even think about what you demand?
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  6. PS2Freak

    I would prefer Vehicle+Infantry XP, then only Infantry like it is now. i am all for AV phoenix. but if it dont 1hit kill like now, in current state, it would have no use for anything at all. besides that, i already got 1shot killed by Striker.
  7. PS2Freak

    no, it isnt.
  8. Tact

    Very well ballanced weapon, would request its travel distance be increased by 100m or so, otherwise leave it as is.
  9. Revanmug

    You are not going to fire the Pheonix from a spawn room. If you can, it probably mean the target is reachable with lock on or simple dumbfire.

    As for what he is asking, it is pretty stupid. The Phoenix really doesn't need much. It need default launcher damage to aircraft and slightly longer distance. Nerf infantry damage if need be.
  10. Naturaliensammler

    Yeah sure. Mhm. You cannot steer a Phoenix over hills or over rocks or around corners at all... Phoenix is just Line of Sight. A Sniperrifle is soooo much better,
  11. Revanmug

    You don't get it. most spawn room have a very horrific sight of the area and leave very little possibility. If you are camping in your spawn, it mostly mean the base is under attack. If the base is under attack, most target are around you, not 250m away which is the best distance for the Phoenic mobility.

    Wake up ffs.
  12. Markus.D

    So angry... Do you afraid? :) Oh, come on! Go and try it out with us. Let snipers learn headshoting on your dummy while you guide your missile. :)

    And one crucial thing is missed from you... I just ask some ammo profiling for all rocket launchers. More profiling means less missile spam, whats wrong with it?
  13. Naturaliensammler

    NC players in the forums just seem to have gotten the short end of the common sense. No I am not really afraid of that.

    Have you ever thought what will happen as soon as HE rockets are around? HE spamm will get SO MUCH WORSE. You will NEVER be able to leave your spawnroom again. Jebzuz. SOE tones down splash weapons because it was getting ridiculous and you guys sit around here and want new splash weapons taht everyone can carry around. And worse fire from behind cover...
  14. Markus.D

    Please, again, don't be so angry. It's just a game :)

    Did you forget about flak armor, magriders and ESF? Also using ESF you can actually farm your certs.
    And one more thing. This missile has small travel time and soldier stands like a dummy while guiding.
    I saw today that one cloaker with knife kill 6 HAs at one time. What you say about it?
  15. Beartornado

    I'll trade a loss of infantry damage on a Phoenix for better turning, maybe better range too. Not sure if I want more damage against armor, it seems like its in a good place right now where it can be rather devastating if a squad uses them in sync.
  16. Naturaliensammler

    1. I do not. Before GU4 I wore Flak exclusively. Yay for choices!
    2. Judging by your comments you do not fly ESF.
    3. They had to be standing around like jerks. You cannot knife 6 HAs in the flight time of a Phoenix. So I call bullsh1t or they were just bloody noobs.
    And cloakers can also kill several Mana turret users without any trouble. Doesn't make the Mana turrent any less powerful.
  17. drNovikov

    It is a guerilla weapon, it should be powerful enough for 1-3 man units to kill tanks.
  18. UnrealGaz

    it needs a nerf agaist infantry and it needs it now before people quit.its immensly stupidly good for what its intended too do which is blow up tanks not snipe infantry half of the rockets don't render so you cant even "attempt" too shoot the missle downi see more engine and medics on the frontline because all the HA's are in the base lolling at how they can get kills without even being under threat
  19. Chrattac

    One thing I have noticed is that it is quite impossible to save sunderers now due to phoenixes. Not that it is alone or two of them overpowered but the problem is how much damage C4 does to sundies. One light assault to c4 sundy followed by quick phoenix from far away is making them very vulnerable. Especially that there ar not many good places to hide them in several bases (*cough* Crossroads).
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  20. Ades

    make phoenix to be controllable from the keyboard and mouse at the same time, no mouse pad is enough if you have to turn much in one side